| 19.04 KB, JSON | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Do you speak a second language and would like to help translate the Monero GUI? Copy The Pastebin at here. 9 hours ago Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Catalog Heaven is constantly updated to include all of the new items that are released into the ROBLOX Catalog. Monero is a 100% community-sponsored endeavor. Nowadays, the game is less popular, normally averaging 30-50 people playing at once. As of July 16, 2022, there is currently a fan group for the game, which has over 13,000 members. Both Monero and Bitcoin donations can be made to donate.getmonero.org if using a client that supports the OpenAlias standard. paste . !notificationSourceTypeMapping[notificationBand.NotificationSourceType]&&receiverDestinationType.areSourcesShown" class="notification-settings-checkbox-container ng-scope">