No Christian has to seek permission to pray in a private house with others. From a message of Our Blessed Lady to Christina Gallagher on February 28, 2019; "The knowledge My priest-son . function MM_initInteractions(){}
-- 'stigmatic mystic', some prophecies proved fake, the fruits of her visions were 'disordered', she was eventually condemned by the Church. Not authentic prophecy. Not so long ago an Irish bishop of our time, Pat, came from the depths of purgatory to beg her to offer a week of her sufferings for his soul. Christina Gallagher, Achill Ireland (1988 to present day), !? St. Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109 AD), !? Condemned by the Church, contains heresies / errors, also fake sacramentals taking away focus from the Rosary, etcfirst to come up with the 'Blessed Grapes' chastisement remedy, which is obviously is a demonic distraction tactic to keep people from authentic preparations as it is claimed after all the prep-work in getting the grapes, you may not be among the chosen to be 'spared' in the end, even if you eat them. In 2011, several members of the board of the House of Prayer abruptly resigned but were prevented from disclosing the reason why by a confidentiality agreement. Please check your inbox to verify your details, Now download the free app for all the latest Sunday World News, Crime, Irish Showbiz and Sport. function WA_SAW_topNavToggle(NavCount,IsOver) {
Real vision, just not the right King. var tRHandle = navR.className.replace(/_Hover/i, "");
Terry Quinn
"She has put all her energy and faith into this belief system that Christina has set up. Fr. Also, know who you are praying to. Gallagher's website describes "the chip" as "the mark of the beast" which will lead to "a godless society of suppression and dictatorial control.". Investigation and interviews with the locals in the near by towns say that Gallagher has been frequenting late night bars with numerous men, not her husband. Today, September 1st, 1998, Phil Kronzer left again for England. little healing center. Chris and Elle. In 1997, acting on foot of a report from the commission, I issued a lengthy public statement to the effect, in essence, that no evidence of supernatural phenomena had been observed but that the persons involved gave every evidence of good faith. She also said that since she raised her concerns with the Church seven years ago Christina's Church is just getting bigger with franchises opening in the US. because of their desperation. Obviously not real. Angel Names not in Scripture / Naming Your Guardian Angel, !? Brother John of the Cleft Rock (b. I spoke to the local parish priest, I spoke to Archbishop Neary in Tuam, I even wrote to the Pope. location.href = mail_str;
(Click her name for more details.). You
She would travel from the east coast to the west coast every Saturday. Since then she claims to have received several messages from Jesus in which he warns of a coming apocalypse and attacks vaccines. Also, attempts to 'correctly explain' other passages in the Bible as if it 'has not been done correctly' by the Church for centuries therefore contradicts the doctrine that the Catholic Church is the only God-given authority that has the right and can properly interpret the Bible and teach doctrine and morals. Joao is an unconscious medium, she explains,
Jesus healed with
--Astrologer. Refused to obey the chain of authority in the Church regarding apparition investigations and tried to go over the bishop's head, which is a red flag for the Church that a vision is fake. Various remedies here. (*) APPARITIONS of MEDJUGORJE, former Yugoslavia (1981 to present day): (*) 'CARDINAL SIRI THESIS - 'POPE IN RED' THEORY (Late 1980s to present day): (*) The 'TWO PATRICKS' - 'INVITATION to LOVE JESUS MESSAGES' (1986 to present day): (*) PEDRO REGIS,. [3] (*) LITERAL INTERPRETATIONS of the 1000 YEARS RIGN in the Book of the APOCALYPSE: literal interpretations of the number 1000 have been declared heretical, and this includes any attempt to interpret the Age of Peace as lasting a literal 1,000 years. HOW I DISCERN WHAT TO INCLUDE HERE: the Dr. Gerard McGinnity, her former spiritual director, continues to support her, although we dont know if he still has contact with her. Maria said her mother takes risks, such as not getting the Covid vaccine, because she believes buying pictures from the House of Prayer and following Christina's messages will protect her. "She was very vulnerable at the time. its problematic aspects. (*) FRANCINE BRIAULT - "AMOUR POUR TOUS LES MEINS, JESUS" (LOVE FOR ALL MY CHILDREN; JESUS) - (2001- c. 2004) -- claims to have inner locutions, but they contradict St. Paul in the Scriptures, the Church Fathers, the Church and the saints regarding the timing and reign of the Antichrist. var tRHandle = navR.className.replace(/_Hover/i, "");
A rosary or chaplet?) (*) MARIA-LAACH 'PROPHECY' (c. mid. var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount + "_Left");
healers? Later I found out that doctor was one of the travel group
-18th Century English Protestant hoax, possibly an 'April Fool's' forgery published as a 'sequel prank' in response to another April Fool's hoax. recent book on Medjugorje is by Donal Foley, and published
Constant Louis Marie Pel (1878-1966), ?? You can also spot fake mystics if their messages are illogical, lack intelligent or theological reason, or blatantly contradict themselves, contain 'New Age Babble' or non-Catholic terminology, or attempt to invent fake sacramentals that promise to give more than the most important graces the sacraments or the sacramentals give, for example, if they make their 'newly revealed' sacramentals give out more graces that seem more important than Baptism, Confirmation, Confession, the Mass, the Rosary, the Brown Scapular, etc. is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church . a business opportunity and feign belief. Close to a million tourists have poured through the door of this house of prayer. Could be the demons speaking through the fake mystics and giving out their names, etc. And, the text was condemned by the Orthodox as a fake in 1912. to get healed, I go to the downstairs to the lower church portion of my parish every Saturday at
I have visited her House of Prayer on Achill Island on the West Coast of Ireland
were urging her to go to Brazil, but she said she would only go if her
This is where I get truly spiritually
from our parish who attended one of his events. Obviously fake. Not authentic. is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church. The Matrix Medal introduced by Christina Gallagher (also from Dublin) is also unapproved and invalid for devotional use or veneration. Talk to a healer
from every person who goes there via these travel leaders. simple words. So, how can they be made into 'new mysteries' of the Rosary? from our parish who attended one of his events. identify a fake mystic? We must love everyone, and even if others cannot recognize Christ in those who are the weakest of His little ones, we must do so. People still fall for this one. navR.className = tRHandle;
(*) RUDOLPH GEKNER / RODOLPHO GAULTIER / GELTHIER (1675 ?) Mike. and healing. Statement Regarding the Work of Mrs. Christina Gallagher at the House of Prayer at Achill, Most Rev. I went to Brazil some years ago as a journalist. Below is a list synopsis-- click on the BOLD TITLE HEADINGS to see more information for each one. Also, contradicts St. Paul and Church teaching regarding the Antichrist, and, his end-time predictions regarding the Age of Peace is according to the Millenarian Heresy. What is forbidden is making pilgrimages: that is, going there on the
Originally by Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa and Dionsius Rycke. Fre Antoine (Brother Anthony), Aix-la-Chapelle (1871), !?
readers are not as devout or informed as others. in union with the Holy See. Gallagher claims various items which can be bought from the House of Prayer will protect people from harm. (The Church teaches we are not required to believe private revelations, so God certainly won't abandon you if you don't believe these.) I was chastised several times for not closing my
The Archbishop has recognised his approval was null and void and made a statement in May 2016 declaring his former approval null and void and has disbanded any further investigation into the apparitions. That's enough for us. The text was further chopped and adapted to the times. Mrs. you might have been favorably disposed to, but I hope this helps! The relationship deteriorated to the extent that Mrs. Gallagher, in July, 1998, closed the House of Prayer at Achill, expressing to the media at the time a sense of having been harshly treated by the Archdiocese. Fake mystics can be spotted when they attempt literal interpretations of the 1,000 years and apply it to the Age of Peace, or even the New Heaven and the New Earth. Ida Peerdeman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS (1945 -1959), !? We we warned fake mystics would flood the earth like a swarm of flies during this time to keep people distracted and from believing or following the authentic mystics. warfare and the tricks of the Liar. Proof (real proof) has made its way to England that will show that all the claims of Medjugorje are false. Scottsdale is all but finished. Also, the list below has mystics or apparitions that have not been ruled on yet, but show they are promoting HERESIES or contain SERIOUS DOCTRINAL ERRORS that contradict the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, and therefore cannot be supernatural and are not included in the Timeline. St. Padre Pio 'Three Days of Darkness Letter' (1950) and "12 Messages of Jesus", !? but she proceeded to open it anyway. We're walking on eggshells watching what we say. There are plenty of frantic worried people, lamenting the state of the world, who are good Catholics but the Blessed Virgin from Heaven does not talk like them, in such a human, earthly, fretful fashion. Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the House of Prayer are not permitted. Regarding Christina Gallagher, she has a prayer house established
NOTE: there are also many other fake mystics and unapproved apparitions out there, I have just listed a few of the major ones here that seem to be spreading around the internet more than others and are distracting people from the true messages. Her visions therefore condemned by the Church as 'not supernatural'. Why then did she close the House of Prayer down so suddenly July 9th of this year? var navC = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount);
Rigord (Rigordus) of St. Denis (c. 1150-c.1209), Abbot 'Werdin' d'Otranto (b.? -Claims to have supernatural visions, but his revelations contradict end time events taught by St. Paul and by the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, indications towards a Millenarian heresy slant. 18. Give me a break, they need to start tackling this head on. old astronomy prophecy foretelling the invasion of the Mongolian invaders chopped and changed over the centuries to make it relevant to the times and therefore not a real prophecy. July 3, 1998 - Statement of Most Rev. by his small company Theotokos Books, which is in Britain. priest said it was OK. 12 Days of Christmas Carol Symbols (1979), !? She continues to run her prayer houses without Church authority or approval. mistaken to be a Great Catholic Monarch prophecy of 'Henry', the king named in Marie-Julie's prophecies, when in fact this is a vision she had of the medieval Holy Roman Emperor Henry II of Germany. !? The Church doesn't believe in channeling or trafficking in spirits. Contains failed prophecy due to a misreading of the St. Malachy prophecies, also, apparently gave the first recorded mention of an 'Illumination of Conscience' event - sign of a suspect prophecy. !? navL.className = tLHandle;
I asked if they could train their priests and give them help. Because of Him,
), only those who believe these visions will be protected during the chastisements and see the renewal' = demanding 'exclusive belief' to the visions and the mystic, sign of a fake. Doctors and saints of the Church have taught for centuries. Specific
The Medjugorje Marian Centers throughout the world picked up on her story and wed her to the rest of the hundreds of seers in their portfolios. He said a bishop in the Indian Ocean would set the record straight. could find from around the world. Our Lady has continued to give her direction, such as for the erection of Houses of Prayer, the first being established in a former convent building in 1993 in Achill, Ireland. Bl. (*) VERONICA LUEKEN - 'BAYSIDE APPARITIONS, NY' - (1970s - 1990s): --- condemned by the Church. For those who have never heard of her, Christina Gallagher was a housewife and devout Catholic from County Mago, Ireland in 1985 when she visited a grotto at Cairns where she had a profoundly moving vision of the suffering Christ. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama.
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