Recall that Jacob was born in the land of Canaan, the land God promised to Abraham, and where Jacob's father Isaac was born and lived his entire life. Through the 12 sons of Jacob, that promise became a reality. Just Who Were the 12 Tribes of Israel and What Happened to Them? Israel. The Sons of Jacob are the conspiratorial group that devised the philosophy and social structure for a totalitarian patriarchal theocracy and orchestrated the rise of Gilead. When the land was divided, their tribe did not receive any land; 48 cities scattered around Israel and located within the territories of the other tribes were allotted to them. This is what the collection of their names says: BEHOLD, A SON IS BORN UNTO US, ONE WHO HEARS US AND BECAME ATTACHED UNTO US. Jacob's 12 sons (order of birth) Leah Rachel Zilpah Leah's maid Bilhah Rachel's maid 1. Laban gave Jacob Rachel as a wife also, but Jacob had to work another seven years for her. The Hebrew word for "doe" comes from a root word, meaning "leader, mighty man, noble man", a word that express strength and prominence. Jacob's 12 sons in order of birth are: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin. 3) Levi was the third of Jacob and Leahs children. 4) Judah was the next. Twin Flames because one individual is the male and the other female, they come together to make one soul. (Mother)Name Means Both sons were set apart because of their faithful and righteous acts before the Lord. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). She became pregnant, and gave birth to twins (Gen 38:27-30). Dan 2. with blessing from the breasts and the womb. Since this is a rare chapter that deals with all 12 tribes concisely, I thought we would take advantage and have a quick study of the 12 . Isaac is depicted in Scripture as a man of great faithfulness to the Lord. This article is part of our Bible resource for understanding the significance and meaning of biblical phrases and ideas. Simeon Northern Euphrates (now eastern Turkey or northern Syria). The idea of twelve tribes has been described as late Judahite (i.e. Can a point of use water heater be used for a shower? At the end of Jacobs life, when the time came to bless all his children and prophesy about their futures, Reubens portion was an indictment of his sin. "These are the names of Ishmael's sons in order of their birth", records the Torah in this week's portion, Chayei Sarah, and it goes on to list them in three groups and in three separate . Jacob offered to serve Laban seven years in exchange for Rachels hand in marriage. Levi was important because it was from him that the priestly line of the Levites descended. 7. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the Church being tramped over by God's enemies, but triumphing in the end. To be a mighty man of God you have to be faithful and strong in your obedience, and this is what this blessing alludes to. This is also evidenced in later Scripture during Davids struggle against Saul (1 Chronicles 12:32). 22 Then God remembered Rachel. Since ancient times, philosophers and religions have tried to solve this apparently complicated and unsolvable mystery, but failed. Jacob fell in love with Laban's younger daughter, Rachel, Laban had him work for seven years, but then tricked him into marrying him to his older daughter, Leah. After bearing Judah, Leah stopped bearing children. To Joseph, Jacob said that he would always be spiritually fruitful. 3. Why Were the Sons of Jacob Chosen to Be the 12 Tribes of Israel? For New Testament believers, this is picture of the patient and hard-working believer who labors daily to conform to Jesus and walk in His righteousness. As mentioned in Genesis 29:35, upon giving birth to Judah, Leah sang praises to the Lord for having been blessed with a son. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the Church that perseveres and is able to bear fruit despite the struggles they encounter when they are hated by the world because they do not conform to it, but conform to Jesus. It starts with the 12 tribes and ends with the 12 gates with 12 pearls representing the tribes and the 12 kinds of fruit. That order would later be significant in God's design for the breastplate of judgment for the high priests of Israel. Each blessing reveals significant meaning in the time they were given, as well as for us today. 6. Taking matters into her own hands, Rachel gave her servant Bilhah to Jacob for the purpose of surrogacy, as was the custom of that day (Genesis 30:4-8). Many lessons can be gleaned from the sons of Jacob, including: Actions equal consequencesReuben defiled his fathers bed and forfeited his rights as the eldest son. Reuben lost his rights as firstborn, as he had defiled his father's bed (Gen. 35:22 - 49:3-4), thus, his inheritance was divided between the two sons of Joseph. The Bible tells us that as the patriarch Jacob lay dying, he bestowed blessings on . Jacob had 12 sons. In addition to these, Jacob had a daughter, Dinah, by his wife Leah. Bilhah bore Jacob his next two sons, Dan and Nephtali. The whole worlds hope for redemption can be found in Gods plan executed through wayward Israel. 12 Later, Leahs servant Zilpah bore a second son for Jacob. Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, and this made Leah sad. is a million dollar question to which everybody would like to receive an answer. Worksheets are The sons of jacob, The 12 sons of jacob, The twelve sons of jacob, Jacob s 12 sons order of birth, Leah and rachels children work 1, Leah rachel, The patriarchal age abraham isaac and jacob, Joseph sold by his brothers. When the brothers heard the father begging Jacob to give her to Shechem for a wife, they were very angry, and came up with a plan. 12 princes (Genesis 17:20), 12 sons of Jacob (Genesis 35:22), 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 49:28), 12 springs of water at Elim (Exodus 15:27), 12 pillars erected by Moses, according to the 12 tribes of Israel (Exodus 24:4), 12 jewels in the high priests breastplate (Exodus 28:21), 12 bulls (Numbers 7:84, 12 silver plates (Numbers 7:87), 12 apostles (Matthew 10:2), 12 gates (Revelation 21:21). Reuben: Jacobs firstborn son came through his wife Leah, who was given to Jacob through trickery. Benjamin 8. Yet, the birthright that should have passed on to Reuben did not due to Reuben's sin against his father (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). Naphtali 3. See Genesis 34:1-31. While Simeon and Levi were justified in wanting to defend Dinahs honor, their fury led them to extreme and sinful measures of revenge. %PDF-1.5 10. Then, all of the brothers returned and plundered the city, taking everything of value with them. For New Testament believers, this is picture of the Church defeating its enemies and the humble inheriting the earth. 10.Zebulun - Honour. Clarence L. Haynes Jr. explains, The tribe of Levi, or the Levites, became the tribe that carried the priestly line. Jacob had a total of twelve sons born to him, in a definite order. Nowhere in Scripture is 12 called a perfect number, although some try to associate the numbers with numerology (the belief in a divine or supernatural relationship between a number and coordinating events), yet this is seen nowhere in the Bible. Never had God bestowed such a blessing of honor upon man. Day Three - Part 31. Zebulun, Zilpah (Leah's maid), mother of: Gad, Asher, Bilhah (Rachel's maid), mother of: Dan, Naphtali. (Zilpah)good fortune The sons of Jacob in order of birth (and to whom) are as follows: Leah gives birth to (1) Reuben, (2) Simeon, (3) Levi, and (4) Judah. 4 So Rachel gave Jacob her woman servant Bilhah to be his wife, and Jacob had sex with her. These were the 12 sons of Jacob, a.k.a. (Rachel)may God add Jacob is said to have had twelve sons by four women, his wives, Leah and Rachel, and his concubines, Bilhah and Zilpah, who were, in order of their birth, Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin, all of whom became the heads of their own family groups, later known Levi: the name means attached - Whose mother was Leah. 10 The sons of Simeon were Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a . 4 But youre as undisciplined as a roaring river, defiled it, and then approached my couch., I will separate them throughout Jacobs territory. Like Sarah, she was barren and later conceived, becoming pregnant with twins. 4) Judah was the next. 6 Then Rachel said, God has vindicated me! Jacob had only eleven sons born to him before he left Laban in Paddan Aram e.g. The king's son repented of his sin and the men of Shechem agreed to follow the God of Jacob and to be circumcised. Simeon and Levi:Still trying to win her husbands favor, Leah thanked God for the birth of her next son Simeon and then shortly thereafter, Levi. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Levi became the priest tribe, not one of the twelve, while Joseph split into two tribes named after the sons of . When Jacob (Israel) was about to die, he called his 12 sons to his side to tell them what would happen in days to come (Genesis 49:1). She and her husband have five childrenthree who have already flown the coop and two adopted teens still roosting at homeplus two adorable grands who add immeasurable joy and laughter to the whole flock. As a result of Simeon and Levis actions, Jacob and his clan became a target of ridicule. 22 But while Israel lived in that land, Reuben went inside his fathers tent and had sexual relations with his fathers concubine Bilhah, and Israel heard about it. A great and mighty people as God had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 1 0 obj Stories of Prophets: Jacob & 12 Children - Shady Al-Suleiman Genesis 30:1-24, 35:16 Later, they set out from Beth-el. 11.Joseph - Add to my family. Gad and Asher:On the heels of Rachels entry into the battle of the babies, Leah decided to give her maid, Zilpah to Jacob (Genesis 30:9-12). Simeon 12. To Issachar, Jacob said that he was strong and resolute in his laboring, and he blessed his hard-working nature. 12. 12 sons of Jacob -- pdf. 10 The scepter will never depart from Judah. Jacob had twelve sons, the firstborn of whom was Reuben. Unstable as water, you shall not have preeminence, because you went up to your fathers bed; then you defiled ithe went up to my couch!(The account of Reuben laying with his fathers concubine, Bilhah, is in Genesis 35:2.2. Genesis 35:21-27 gives a list of Jacob's sons and the various woman he had them with. Hebrews 12:22-24 - "You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the gathering and Church of the Firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel.". The chiefs of Issachar are who came to Davids aid were described as faithful warriors who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.. I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed (Genesis 26:3-4). 2. Bible Notes. Even though he was heavily hated and persecuted by his brothers, he never gave in, his obedience remained unaffected and he continued to trust God even during the darkest days of his life, when his brothers plotted to murder him and then sold him into slavery.