Director, Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility (DON CAF). A character witness is a person who can testify that you are a good military member and thus unlikely to have committed the charged offense, or, if you did commit the offense, that you can be rehabilitated. Copyright 2022 Bright Hub PM. In the blank write the Reporting directly to NCIS and adjudicating information from personnel security investigations to determine classified access eligibility is the responsibility of what agency? Deter Most electrical deaths could be prevented by taking which of the following actions? Few incidents like these warrant the time and effort that goes into a full on court martial, and there is a strong incentive on the part of the officers and senior enlisted personnel in a particular command to take care of discipline in house. The witnesses all concurred that, yes, the victim of the beating had indeed referred to the accused as a "dumb n****r." The Captain pondered for a moment and said, "You exercised positive leadership." Next case. Mast: Common abbreviated form of "Captain's Mast" or "Admiral's Mast." Which of the following rates requires a light blue rating insignia? What is the primary goal of the physical readiness program? article that will correctly complete each of the following sentences. At Captain's Mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded? You may have heard about Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice ("UCMJ"). Mast is a procedure where the CO may (1) inquire into the facts surrounding minor offenses allegedly committed by a member of their command; (2) afford the accused a hearing as to the offense (s); and (3) dispose of such charges by dismissing the charges, imposing punishment, or referring the case to a court-martial. You should take which of the following actions? 3. before deciding whether to accept or turn down Article 15. Far below decks, near the bow of the warship, about 60 . What automated date processing (ADP) level of security covers classified data that requires special protection, such as FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY? A sexual harassment report must be made within what specific number of days of the incident? Attorney Crisp presented multiple witnesses to contradict the allegations of the AR 15-6 officer and successfully demonstrate the good military character and excellent leadership skills of this Platoon Leader. Correctional custody of not more than 30 consecutive days. The Captain's Mast appears to have come about as a result of the need to maintain discipline and to address the majority of the crew at once. Such training usually resulted in the recruit hitting the rack with several aches and pains he would not normally have had. Congratulations! Confinement on "diminished rations" or a substantially limited amount of food may be imposed as punishment. Variable overhead is applied at the rate of$12 per direct labor hour. There's a judge and jury, and the standard for proof is much higher, set at "beyond a reasonable doubt." Underline each common noun once and each proper noun twice in the sentences below: He wrote a popular play, which provided only a little income. What approximate percent of Navy's deaths are contributed to nonhostile active-duty suicides? Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) is known by different terms among the services, such as "Article 15," "Office Hours," or "Captain's Mast." The purpose of NJP is to discipline service members for . When operating electrical equipment, the term "one-hand rule" is best defined by which of the following phases? Organizations that espouses supremacist causes. As in any organization dependent on members obedience to certain rules and other governing principles, maritime agencies and the navies of the world generally have a partially informal process of enforcing discipline among the ranks that does not resort to official legal channels. While she is wearing a jumper uniform, a woman's hair may extend below the top of the collar what maximum length? Antiterrorism (AT) programs employ overt security measures to establish a physical presence that creates the perception of impenetrability to do what to a threat ? Suppose the yen moves from JPY85.66 = USD1 to JPY82.00 = USD1. When wearing a black jacket in uniform, the zipper should be closed up to what maximum position? Depending on your branch of service, the non-judicial punishment procedure may be referred to as "Article 15" (Army), "Captain's Mast" (Navy), or "Office Hours" (Air Force). The informal resolutio system includes all of the following means of interpersonal conflict resolutions, EXCEPT which one? Mast procedure. A Marine Corps captain weats what collar device? Allowing the victim to disclose sexual assault to specified individuals without triggering a command notification or an official investigation is what type of reporting option? Jail time At captain's mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded? Maximum authorized sideburm length is defined by what point relative to the eat. Service members should perform strength training excercises what minimum amount of time per week? Use the exponential smoothing method to make in-sample forecasts with =0.2\alpha=0.2=0.2. The use of unlawful force or violence with the intent of inflicting bodily harm is best described by what term? What follows is effectively a ritual shaming of offending sailors accompanied by a final determination as to the disciplinary measures to be taken, often involving extra, rather unpleasant duty and a temporary loss of rank. 4. You want to wear a uniform that requires a leather name tag. On the service dress blue uniform, a Hospitalman Recruit should wear what color group rate mark? . A Sailor must complete a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire at what minimum interval? What is the primary goal of the physical readiness program? For work on a Navy installation, Navy Safety and Occupational Health (NAVOSH) directives authorize joining what maximum number of 25-foot extension cords? Entering an unduly familiar relationship with another service member that does not respect differences in rank, and is prejudicial to good order and discipline is defined by what term? Markings on CLASSIFIED documents should be placed in what position on the page? Which, if any, of the following methods should you use to discuss classified information over nonsecure telephones? Maximum authorized sideburn length is defined by what point relative to the ear? You should report an informal sexual harassment on what document? A relationship that results in perceived preferential treatment. Noonan Division has total assets (net of accumulated depreciation) of $3,300,000 at the beginning of year 1. For example, the commander has to be able to promote a service member to E-8 if he wants to reduce an E-8 to E-7. C. Deck and Summary Courts-Martial 19C1. To ensure individuals are attaining a common goal. Establishing policy and ensuring the Family Advocacy Program meets command, Sailor, and family member needs is the responsibility of what entity? Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice authorizes commanders to discipline service members without having to convene, or put together, a court-martial. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of potential violence by a work place employee? Nevertheless, the Navy approved Sampson's detachment for cause, or DFC, based only on an internal command investigation. An article of clothing purchased at the owner's expense and authorized for wear with the uniform is known as what part of a uniform? When you wear a jumper uniform, what is the correct position of your neckerchief knot? A relationship that results in perceived preferential treatment. Fire at sea, a killer storm, and a collision at high speed are hut three ' peacetime catastrophes that demand instantaneous, disciplined action hy seamen. When you wear the new Navy working uniform (NWU), what type of boot is authorized? Article 15, also known as NJP or nonjudicial punishment can be awarded for several different violations. M.A.S.H. We are a worldwide firm and will travel to any military installation, home or abroad. When obtaining a temporary TOP SECRET clearance, which of the following is NOT a requirement ? The Chief Master-at-Arms works directly for what person? Any Sailor who commits fraudulent activity should be charged under what article of the Uniform Code of Military Justice? Forfeiture of Pay (no more than half of basic pay for 2 months), Because punishments for Article 15 infractions can range from minor to severe, it is important that you, consult with an experienced military law attorney. He has the credentials and the experience to win your case and has made himself Dayton's choice for drunk driving defense. Early intervention and investigation are key to any successful outcome. The Navy neckerchief should be worn in what manner? Lyles sexual-harassment claim is based on the hostile working environment created by the writers sexually offensive Prepare the factory overhead budget for the second quarter. Extra Military Instruction (EMI) should NOT be assigned during which of the following time periods? Confinement on bread and water or diminished rations for not more than 3 consecutive days if service member is attached to or embarked on a vessel. Markings on CLASSIFIED documents should be placed in what position on the page? Ensuring that proper measures are taken to keep machinery, spaces, and equipment operational, clean, and in satisfactory state of preservation is accomplished by which of the following checks conducted by a command representative? The Environmental Protection Agency describes tobacco smoke as which of the following terms? Constellation rides it calm night sea 35 miles off the California coast from San Diego. hobbs nm kooper davis Female sailors are authorized to wear what maximum number of barrettes, combs, or clips? Which of the following conditions is the most likely cause of suicide or attempted suicide? Reduction to the lowest enlisted grade (E-4 and below). maintenance of good discipline, as well as for fiscal reasons, the Mast cannot be delayed until the ship reaches the next port. A mustache may exceed beyond the corners of the mouth up to what maximum length? When you wear te new Navy working unifom, what type of boot is authorized? Repeated unwanted or uninvited requests for dates could be considered which of the following behaviors? What is the probability that the person is female given that they are over 60? Development and administration of the command's Information Security Program and Personnel Security Program is the responsibility of what person? Captain's Mast is NOT a trial, it is an administrative proceeding authorized under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. When awarded, extra duty is NOT to exceed what total number of hours daily? In the Navy and Coast Guard, nonjudicial punishment proceedings are referred to as "captain's mast" or simply "mast." Submitting a special request chit to request captain's mast. Images from Wiki Commons, Image of Brigantine Mast by Stan Shebs, Image of USS Constitution by the US Navy. jail time. U.S. Navy (Daphne White) When legitimate issues arise between leaders, they should be handled with tact so as not to damage either the leaders' or the overall team's cohesion. When obtaining a temporary TOP SECRET clearence, which of the following is not a requirement? Submitting a special request chit to request Captain's Mast. To punish the subordinate for poor performance. Use the following ticker to answer. NJP Procedures Step 3: Executive Officer's Inquiry (XOI) XO holds a pre-mast hearing Makes recommendation to CO dismissal of case award punishment at NJP send to court-martial NJP Procedures Step 4: Captain's Mast CO stands behind podium Division officer and chief are present Accused is summoned CO reads his/her rights Accused has right to . A service dress uniform is dress whites with what decorations? The use of unlawful force or violence with the intent of infecting bodily harm is best described by what term? Prepare the second-quarter direct materials (aluminum alloy) budget; include the dollar cost of purchases. When your command believes that you are guilty of violating some Punitive Article under the UCMJ, they will sometimes offer you an Article 15. Forfeiture of months pay per month for not more than 2 months. 1. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, if you are facing nonjudicial punishment call someone who knows. The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. When you wear large medals as part of your full dress uniform, where should you place your unit award ribbon? do so for all remaining personnel. at captain's mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded. Management wants to end the second quarter with 6,000 finished bats and 12,000 pounds of aluminum alloy in inventory. Directly to the wearer's left of the sliver star. Which of the following circumstances is NOT an example of a relationship that is contrary to good order and discipline? The best chance to save your military career if you are facing non-judicial punishment is to contactan experienced military defense lawyerat Crisp and Associates Military Law. Under Article 15 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a Captain's Mast is a nonjudicial but formal administrative process for reprimand, rank reduction as well as loss and correction of. A light blue colored E-3 insignia identifies what occupational group ? It can be harsh, but is generally preferred by all parties to a court martial proceeding, which can levy harsher sentences. Finally, there's the Captain's Mast (Article 15 proceedings). Correctional custody: Correctional custody may include extra duties, fatigue duties, or hard labor. When questionable or unfavorable information arises for a command member with access to classified information, what program should commands utilize to report the incident(s) to DON CAF? rodrigo's nutritional menu; coco montrese illness; smudging prayer to remove negative energy from home; Online Forms. A Marine Corps Captain wears what collar device? In regards to equal opportunity, Commanding Officers are responsible for which of the following actions? The minimum monthly requirement of command personnel that must submit for drug testing is what %? Which of the following items should you use for planning how to spend or manage your money? Which of the following actions should you NOT take? The accompanying data file contains 20 observations for ttt and yty_tyt. Our attorneys have helped numerousmilitary members obtain acquittals at non-judicial proceedings. Ostracizing a service member who has reported a criminal offense is an example of what term? An ACFL should be assigned what ratio of students? The United States Navy is no different. Noonans cost of capital is 12 percent. The Cheif Master-at-Arms works directly for what person? a. A slight variation, substantively the same, can be A sailor must complete a periodic health assessment at what minimum interval? at captain's mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded Anyone who cannot accept them as a self-imposed discipline in the fight to restore the Founders' Republic should find something else to do and cease calling themselves a "Three Percenter." On a dress blue uniform, a single service stripe should be placed in what position? Army 1LT acquitted at Article 15 proceeding at Camp Shelby Mississippi. 2. It is no surprise then that they came to be a focal point of naval culture and a convenient meeting place for the crew when one was needed. To be eligible to wear four service stripes, an individual must complete what number of years of service? A member who self refer themselves to a treatment facility after completion of a prior treatment. 1. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and . For work on a Navy Instillation, Navy Safety and Occupational Health (NAVOSH) directives authorize joining what maximum number or 25 foot extension cords? Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. Face colors or music and salute by placing hand over his heart. Non-Judicial Punishment is also known by what term? A gold oak leaf is worn on the uniform of which of the following officers? Navy unit reporting for fraternization incidents must be reported using what method? Your rank, a warfare designation if any, and name in silver letters. Under what situation should a command NOT process a Sailor for ADSEP following a treatment failure? A Sailor must complete a Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) at what minimum interval ? d. Use the appropriate value of \alpha to make a forecast for period 21 . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It could be argued that this is an example of the system working; the opportunity to plead their case to various levels in the chain of command gives sailors the chance to showcase innocence or guilt. Here are eight punishments that wouldn't fly in the civilian world. Breathlessly\underline{\text{Breathlessly}}Breathlessly everyone watched the stunt parachutist. A member who self refers themselves to a treatment facility after completion of a prior treatment Which of the following reasons is NOT a qualifier for treatment failure? Forfeiture of months pay per month for not more than 2 months. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Expected divisional income in year 1 is $495,000 including$42,000 in income generated by the machine (after depreciation). So why the colorful name as opposed to something dry like the US Armys Article 15, which generally has the same function and simply refers to the UCMJ section that authorizes military nonjudicial punishments? Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP) is known by different terms among the services, such as "Article 15," "Office Hours," or "Captain's Mast." The purpose of NJP is to discipline service members for minor offenses such as reporting late for duty, petty theft, destroying government property, sleeping on watch, providing false When a Sailor fails the Body Compositionh Assessment, he should immediately enroll in what program? What are "Captain's Mast," "NJP," and "Office Hours"? Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic warm-up activites. (definite, definite). Authorized sideburns are best described by which of the following phrases? 5 A booklet used to record checking account transactions is known by what term? In the event punishment is imposed at captain's mast, and appendix A-1-d, figure 6-6, is used, or the accused is represented by a lawyer at the hearing, you will need to document the Booker rights advice on a page 13 of the member's service record book. On a uniform, ribbons should be worn a) what specified distance and b) above what pocket? How much will his investment be worth after nnn months? If you need assistance after hours, call the 24/7 DUI Hotline at (937) 776-2671. Which of the following is a crucial factor in preventing suicide? apn advocacy articles; who is voxy twitch Case 1: BM2 was found to be in possession of a handgun. Which of the following items should you use for planning how to spend or manage your money? Organizations that espouses supremacist causes. To contribute to a favorable military image. This means that only an officer on actual orders designating him or her as a commander can impose a NJP. A. Nonjudicial Punishment (NJP), also referred to as "Captain's Mast" (Navy & Coast Guard), "Office Hours" (USMC) and "Article 15" (Army and Air Force), is a relatively informal and low-level forum for handling minor misconduct. What is the Longley-Rice Propagation Model? In todays military, anyone who is found guilty at an Article 15 proceeding will very likely face immediate discharge from the service because of zero tolerance policies, military drawdowns, QMPs and selective re-enlistment. The general authority as a Petty Officer comes from which of the following articles? Military Justice Attorneys. Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes people and systems or from external events but is better viewed as the risk arising from the execution of an Organizations business functions Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2004. When giving an order, which of the following factors is most important? conduct at meetings that she was required to attend. UCMJ Article 110 Improper Hazarding of Vessel or Aircraft, UCMJ Article 111 Leaving Scene of Vehicle Accident, UCMJ Article 112 Drunkenness and Other Incapacitation Offenses, UCMJ Article 112a Wrongful Use, Possession of Controlled Substances, UCMJ Article 113 Drunken or Reckless Operation of a Vehicle, Aircraft, or Vessel, UCMJ Article 116 Riot or Breach of Peace, UCMJ Article 117 Provoking Speeches or Gestures, UCMJ Article 119a Death or Injury of an Unborn Child, UCMJ Article 120 Rape and Sexual Assault Generally, UCMJ Article 120a Mails: Deposit of Obscene Matter, UCMJ Article 120b Rape and Sexual Assault of a Child, UCMJ Article 120c Other Sexual Misconduct, UCMJ Article 121 Larceny and Wrongful Appropriation, UCMJ Article 121a Fraudulent Use of Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and Other Access Devices, UCMJ Article 121b False Pretenses to Obtain Services, UCMJ Article 122a Receiving Stolen Property, UCMJ Article 123 Offenses Concerning Government Computers, UCMJ Article 123a Making, Drawing, or Uttering Check, Draft, or Order Without Sufficient Funds, UCMJ Article 124 Fraud Against the United States, UCMJ Article 126 Arson; Burning with Intent to Defraud, UCMJ Article 129 Burglary; Unlawful Entry, UCMJ Article 131a Subornation of Perjury, UCMJ Article 131c Misprision of Serious Offense, UCMJ Article 131d Wrongful Refusal to Testify, UCMJ Article 131e Prevention of Authorized Seizure of Property, UCMJ Article 131f Noncompliance with Procedural Rules, UCMJ Article 131g Wrongful Interference with Adverse Administrative Proceeding, UCMJ Article 133 Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentlemen, UCMJ Article 134 Adultery (General Article), UCMJ Article 134 Check, Worthless Making and Uttering by Dishonorably Failing to Maintain Funds, UCMJ Article 134 Debt, Dishonorably Failing to Pay, UCMJ Article 134 Disorderly Conduct, Drunkenness, UCMJ Article 134 Firearm, Discharging Through Negligence, UCMJ Article 134 Gambling with Subordinate, UCMJ Article 134 Pandering and Prostitution, UCMJ Article 134 Self Injury, Without Intent to Avoid Service. Measures and procedures to restore units to a desired level of combat efectiveness communsurate with mission requirements, and returning infrastructure to full operational status is the definition of what Antiterrorsm Concept? The Sailor has demonstrated a pattern of misconduct and now your command wants to have him administratively separated for his actions. Of the following awards, which one is senior? At Captain's mast, what discipline measure cannot be awarded? Attorney Gordons discovery of exculpatory evidence and knowledge of urinalysis program and drug testing procedures enabled him to demonstrate clients innocence. Contact Charles Rowland by phone at (937) 318-1384 or toll-free at 1-888-ROWLAND (888-769-5263). Submitting a special request chit to request Captain's Mast. Prior to an actual Physical Readiness Test, a member's official Body Composition Assessment is required to be conducted within what maximum and minimum time periods? The maximum allowable body fat percentage is a) what specific number for men and b) what specific number for women? A mustache may extend beyond the corners of the mouth up to what maximum length ? It may also include confinement in a confinement facility (of not more than 30 consecutive days). Which of the following programs is designed to protect service members, civilian employees, facilities, and equipment against terrorism? The five goals of Antiterrorism (AT) Force Protection are defending against, deterring, mitigating, recovering, and what other action? What is the maximum amount of bulk hair authorized for a) male and b) female hairstyles?