His nessus is in conjunction with his true node in geminis (in opposition to my uranus and my vesta). Does nessus still be working as a tendency to abuse? And how would his Saturn conjunct her dejanira play out? Is this you? I was sexually abused in my home by a family member. so, quick question, where do I post it? , Not a sag actually, but a virgo with tons of leo in her chart, lol. Would the aspects to the venus offset the negativity that the Dejanira implies? Does the man walk up to you and tell you that he wants to abuse you because you seem like the perfect victim? Sorry for the late reply. Lilith and Ceres conjunct in the synastry chart Your rebellious free spirit and nurturing sides are enmeshed. I was wondering how abuse would play itself out if the Nessus-Deja synastry conjunction is in Cancer. My jupiter conjunct his sun and venus. They are deceiving themselves, would be a better way to say it. Posts: 83From: 8th houseRegistered: Jan 2014, Posts: 50409From: Saturn next to CharmaineRegistered: Apr 2009, Copyright 2000-2015 Well, I have been thinking about the situation. The flip side is that when it ends( and it usually does) you could go to jail for homicide. Eros and Venus in a synastry chart! At the end of the day, that is all this god and goddess really ask for.". But I did find out that her Amor conjuncts their Dejanira-Nessus conjunction, so her Dejanira is conjunct her Amor. A Lilith conjunct Mars synastry creates an intense hot affair that can lead to abuse of power and hostility, and this couple must learn to take care of each other before passion consumes their lives. Telling people that something will happen to them because of an aspect is what you in particular FEEL is going to happen, but that is not the truth. Lilith cops the craziest projections - that she could cause miscarriages or tried to wreck men's marriages via 'erotic nightmares' and so on. You lose about 25% but still have about 75%. When you say one which you contemplate, do you mean that the person is aware of the abuse tendency and tries to deal with it? DO they have Moon trine Moon or Moon conjunct Moon. It is desire, it is passion and love. It is real to be neutral. Lots of good aspects so thats why the Nessus Dejanira confuses me. As such, Nessus seems out to be the abuser and Deja the victim. In our synastry chart we have moon trine pluto and mars square pluto. Thats why its so weird bc it is a very good longterm relationship. Its completely okay to stand by what you wrote. What would that mean? Lilith person helps Ceres person find their power and authenticity. Good afternoon, thank you for this article In my studies and usage of them, they play out to be the abuser and the victim. I think most people of the same time period would have it though, so it is not that big of a deal, I think. Have you tried? I dont want people to get the wrong idea and then get scared over a small aspect. . You truly made my day! You have such a sweet spirit. I could not agree more with this. If that does not float your boat, feel free not to read. Having a planet you have on your 7th house falling on their 1st house and a planet in your 1st house falling on their 7th house and vice-versa which would create an opposite between the two planets in the synastry chart. the reason this is the case is that Mars is sexual drive( all drives actually). The Nessus is usually the abuser but in this case, it was the son. As far as the form of abuse, one must look at the sign and the quadriplicity( cardinal, fixed or mutable) One must look at the chart to see how the abuse will play out but I think that abuse will occur in your situation with Nessus conjunct Dejanira. Planets and asteroids will be modified when they aspect each other, this the possibilities are endless. With mercury and Uranus in Scorpio. This is a general rule, my Friend. That is why it is so powerful. I write the truth not to placate people but because the truth is the only thing that heals. Eros/Pluto/Lilith together makes for one powerful combination. I've never experienced it myself, but have read that Lilith/Pluto contacts are also intensely sexual and even violent (particularly the opposition). I am so thankful to have such a resource like this for guidance. It seems like sexual abuse is an emotional theme that I am working with in this life. Can this aspect be calmed down by a Mars conjunct Saturn contact? Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. However, this person would have to play it out before he overcame it. Your passions are overwhelming, spontaneous, and you develop your attractions without even thinking about it. That is why I, affectionately, call them too hot not to cool down. There are certain aspects I see in these dark,nuclear passion relationships. I am Sag with rising capricorn and he is Capricorn w/rising Sag. The Sun person naturally understands who the Moon person is and vice versa. There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. If a mans Nessus conjuncts, your Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars or North Node, he will abuse you, in my opinion. Ascendant opposite ascendant (1st house on the 7th house overlay). Thank you for your response, I appreciate it very much. I have Dejanira in Pisces in the 4H. Do you have their synastry you could post on my Forum? This brings out their dark side. woman s Dejanira and Juno, ( 445 and 432 Scorp ) both conjunct mans Eros and Chiron, (510 Scorp, 530 Scorp ) and both OPPOSITE mans Nessus (6 Taurus) To be honest, few people overcome Nessus. Your posts are starting to scare me now Ami. Sorry if this came off mean, I just dont want people to get scared over having one aspect when astrological interpretations are not set in stone. Knowing more. Yes very passionate.50shades of grey is just childplay. I appreciate your thoughts on these aspects but I am concerned when any astrologer singles out specific aspects and makes sweeping judgements about charts and how the energies in that chart will be made manifest. My nessus is separated from my true node by 7 in cncer and in exact opposition to my venus. his moon is in cancer so depending on what time hes born, there are 2 scenarios :1) my Saturn squares his moon but my sun and north node would conjunct it 2) my Pluto would square his moon but our moons would be in trine. Drawing that authoritarian feminine energy into the already present power themes must have been really overwhelming, just flooding in from every corner. His dejanira is in opposition to his vertex. You, as the Pluto in the trine with his Sun and venus could kind of see through him lol, Thank you Amy for your reply We are both passionate, but luckily, by nature, not violent people thank God . The chart is complex and one has to look at the entire chart to draw very global conclusions. What use is reams of esoteric info for real life applications. If you see any intense conjunctions between the Sun, the Moon, Juno, the South Node, Saturn, Venus, Mars, Lilith, etc. Not sure which one id prefer. Pluto trine Venus, Venus quincunx Pluto YOU are the most important person to me. I agree with Sydney. Please, keep giving your opinion. There is no superficial way to get to know Lilith through the experience of the erotic. Does that fit and I applaud your willingness to face yourself. Lilith Conjunct Ascendant Synastry Sun Conjunct Lilith Synastry This connection will burn as hot as the sun! It is very, very powerful. tell me your story, if you care to, Juice dear. That would seem to be the case but sometimes, the strength of these aspects get the better of us, so it is hard for me to answer. I found your site a short time ago and learned a lot, very descriptive in the analysis, I love it! This would take a whole chart reading. It exposes our weaknesses and provides us a chance to deal with them constructively. What I wanted to know first was what past lives we had together. However, it's recommended to do an individual birthchart analysis before analyzing the Synastry to see the personal needs and potential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Partners switch roles? I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Hi Amiann, how do you think nessus square neptune would play out in synastry, lets say if its almost exact. A Sun conjunct Lilith transit highlights the power traits like charisma, magnetism, emotional force and leadership qualities of the Sun. Lilith, both Black Moon and Asteroid 1181, brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger, rejection and rage. Also, there is no abuse either way. This only works with a synastry chart, and (as always) is simply my own opinion! And posting my charf sounds like fun, I just might . Who is whom? The Lilith person might have trouble with issues surrounding desirability. That is most certainly not the truth. As you know, or can find from my directory, Eros and Psyche are my favorite asteroids. There is so few information on these aspects so I really appreciate reading more about it here and in the forum. Eros in a synastry chart. Just from reading this, I think it looks very good but I really need to see the wheel as it is easier. It "wakes up those areas inside of us and causes us to express them sexually, free from the restrictions of reality. Since Aries is ruled by Mars, there's a . Which probably held it together for SO long. Nessus and Dejanira do most certainly not mean abuse. Yet despite this fearsome reputation she was often dismissed as " a minor Babylonian wind deity " or similar. I am not asking you to do mine either. What about a mars 8th house overlay also trining pluto? Is there a positive aspect to this connection? When someone's planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid's arrow. I have my DEJA conjuncion JUNO in my house 6 Ive only been studying astrology casually for 5 years, so even though I know the basic interpretation of those planets in contact, Id still love to hear it from a pro love your blog! I am one person with one persons experience, of course. Is there anything I can do to help her? Does the man walk up to you and tell you that he wants to abuse you because you seem like the perfect victim? We enter the month of February, with lust, love and passion. I am prone to being attacked in this way. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As one of the four largest asteroids (along with Vesta, Pallas, and Juno), Ceres is usually analyzed in the birth chart. Eros is also prominent in their synastry. I do Astrology the way that I would want to learn it. He may have little sympathy for her weakness. This is not a dark aspect, either. 9. But, I will take sides with Sydney on this issue. I wasnt abused as a child in any way. Eros is looking for his equal to explore the realm of creative intimacy. The issue is that me disagreeing with you being fatalistic (because what you say is not what always happens, not even 60% of the time because I have nessus/dejanira aspects with most people that are close to me, and I have never been abused or attacked in any of those relationships) does not mean that Im not accepting the truth. This ascendant descendant conjunction alone does a very interesting thing in the chart. What if a man has Dejanira conjunct a womans Sun? I meant in synastry her saturn conjuct his deja 1 degree, Thats ok. Aww She may ride his case for being a victim like say, get over it etc etc, Pingback: Dark sexual relationship synastry top 5 | Signing. What do you think? How does that play out? This really highlights this magnetic quality to this conjunction and creates a situation where each individual holds the . I just got into astrology a month ago and find it fascinating. Well, maybe, but dont most abusers have a history of childhood abuse themselves? DRACO CHARTS (DRACO-NATAL/ DRACO-SYNASTRY) Originally posted by kellyaroman What is a draco chart in astrology ? Unlike Juno/Saturn aspects, Juno in aspect with the South Node does not necessarily indicate that marriage in this life will be a force. Sometimes I nurture sometimes he does. If it feels too, too good to be true, it often is. in case his vertex in my moon and ascendant *. About YOU being the Nessus with your b/f. Most karmic astrology synastry reports dont take Chiron into account nearly enough. Playing with someones emotions when these aspects are involved could lead to bad things such as violence. If you know, let me know! Chiron conjunct sun. 3. What about mars, Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo? You can gather the tone of the marriage based on the planets involved and the sign that theyre in. There is attraction based on dark forces like rage, pain and abuse. Eros represents our passionate and erotic energy and how we use it. Do we exile her from consciousness or build her a sanctuary for potent, creative expression? Things dont come out until marriage, sometimes. That mars/nessus of his is also square his moon/pluto. These parts of you would flow well i.e may not play out in actual asbuse but would still be issues you both would deal with i.e abuse/victimhood imo I have not seen the trine in actual charts, dean. Does it matter if he doesnt have pluto in aspect to my venus (mine is 19 Libra)? First of all Lilith is for . Dejanira (female) conjunct Saturn (male) Do you think the way it plays out ties into whatever our attitudes toward Eros/Lilith themes (erotic transformation, primal urges, etc) were to begin with? Nessus conj the NN in synastry would make me RUN and fast lol. Her NN on his 7th makes me think its a past life hold. Could it be a past life meaning? It can ruin possible healthy relationships. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 Ceres person appreciates this, as they typically focus more on caregiving than on their own inner desires. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. Can it be dangerous amiann? Uranus is kink, so you do the math. To me, you may really struggle with falling into the victim role and would have to keep pulling yourself up over and over until you get real traction which could take some time, oh im sorry. We have moons in conjunction in gemini; His venus and mars are in conjunction with my venus in Aquarius. Would appreciate some insight!! Chiron conj the Sun is not sexy. YES, your Deja conj his NN will make you his victim, to put it really directly. Sorry if its too much info xx, Ps, sorry! You find them sexually attractive. We also have mars opposite pluto (Im pluto) in synastry. Moon conjunct pluto Im composite and moon in 12th house composite (our feelings were a secret for a long time as we didnt know how we felt and were not able to be together for a long time). Yes, it would. Why dont you come and put the chart up on my Forum? Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. If you see Moon oppose or square Pluto, dont play with the person. Thank you Ivs. Theyre both devoted and kind people and Ive known her since we were teens. I am for the stark, bare truth cuz that is what heals. We all have Liliths plutonic quality in us, the unconscious energy that brings up harsh boundaries between life and death, ecstasy and suffering, passion and revulsion, enslavement and freedom. The issue is telling people that are in healthy relationships or people that are around a couple in a healthy relationship, that those aspects will certainly play out no matter what. What I've read about Lilith makes it seem to me that she's sort of like the Feminine's Pluto with lots of primal sexual urges thrown in, so I'm sure she rooted herself comfortably into your already heavily Plutonic relationships. The year started with powerful and forward thinking energy that will assist in elevating us both spiritually and subconsciously. . They have lots of soulmate connections in the charts and both make really strong NN conjunctions and squares in synastry. The Five Darkest, Sexual Aspects in Synastry There is attraction based on dark forces like rage, pain and abuse. Thats not the truth. I know this came off a bit more forward, but only because I want to make it clear that one persons feelings are not fact. I have moon opposition pluto. Once awakened, no matter how untamed the experience becomes, we are given a rare opportunity to integrate, redeem and restore Eros and Lilith to a place of honor through shared, transcendental sexual activity. Lovely and very filled with passion! His sun/jupiter/neptune/venus are on my venus/saturn trouble spot in scorp. Squares and oppositions between Saturn and Juno can speak to a difficult relationship in the past, and theres some potential for this difficulty to be repeated unless both people are committed to working through their issues and working on the relationship. what would result from this? Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. We are mesmerized, enchanted, and even obsessed with this person. or you consider just the closer orbit? Moon conjunct Lilith EXACT Moon conjunct Destinn EXACT Venus square Mars EXACT When these relationships end, it is not pretty. 3) Angles in the houses & aspects. Because of where my Moon is at 2 56 Scorpio conjunct Pluto at 4 36 Scorpio in the 8th house the men around my age (Im 35);tend to have their Pluto conjunct my Moon/Pluto In my current relationship my boyfriend has Mars/Pluto conjunct my Moon/Pluto. In the rare instance where these two do meet, the results are truly awe inspiring, changing our lives in intense and lasting ways. The Moon person feels comforted by the Sun person's energy and the Sun person feels like they can be vulnerable with the Moon person. Thank you =). I feel like it helps me. Free Horoscopes charts, calculations Birth Natal Chart Online Calculator Ascendant, Rising Sign Calculator Astro Portrait: Sun, Moon, ASC Personal Daily Horoscope Transit Chart Calculator Secondary Progressions Solar Arc, Solar Return, Prognoses Synastry, Composite, Davison Chart Traditional Astrology Calculator Sidereal Astrology Calculator Draconic Astrology Calculator Various astrology . There is NO way this will work out well, in my opinion. Aww Fluffy He has pholus conjunct dejanira, all on my BML exact. I have very wide-orbed Eros-Lilith contacts (not conjunctions) in my two last relationships (they are Eros, I'm Lilith), but both relationships were so 8th house-oriented and Plutonian that it's hard to tell where Lilith comes in. Mars/Pluto is more primal in a pure sexual way than Moon/Pluto which is more emotional and much more emotionally bonded. I read some things. It is not as intense as the conjunction but very intense, nonetheless. I dont want to assume that having Nessus conj BML means Im going to be abusive in sexual relationships. However, if you have Nessus/Dejanira and Mars/Uranus, particularly in hard aspect( opposition and square), it may make for dark spice, shall we say. Those interpretations CAN happen, but they are not destined to. Another asteroid that is dark is Dejanira. Lol just noticed what you wrote at the end about Mars/Uranus, sorry! I was thinking that maybe one of the lesser factors could be moon/mars contacts? Yes, these asteroids have to be in a very close conjunction with other planets ( or a very close square) to be dangerous. To me, this is always a fundamental place to start. In my opinion, it will play out. 1) What does it mean to have dejanira 13 in conjuction with my ascendant 12? My eros was conjunct someone's mars and I did feel like whenever he was sexual, it was very erotic. What does Nessus and Dejanira mean when conjuncting each other? It is a true soul mate aspect, to me. Im curious about that conjunction to my crushs NN, though..do you really think it could mean something? The conjunction is, in my opinion, the only aspect that clearly dictates a marriage between these specific people. Required fields are marked *. The first would be Nessus. Do these asteroids have to be conjunct planets or square each other to be dangerous? Always leaving them in a fog of confusion, along with lies, victim playing and guilt trips. Any comments will help. Before I leave this subject, I will add my theory. I'm really only just starting to get to know Eros well, and Lilith is still somewhat elusive. I was wondering.. Are Sun/Mars (double whammy) and Venus/Mars (double whammy) dark aspects in synastry? It is just the North Node, after all, not a personal planet. Ami is an insightful astrology. The Nessus person brings abuse to the ASC/DSC person. I think theres a trine or sextile to other asteroids but nothing major. Lilith brings up deep and primal sexual energy sometimes accompanied by feelings of anger and rage. Thank you, Kay <3 When she contacts Eros in another, the answer to that question is found in the heart of a powerfully erotic relationship. And thank you for this article, I should have said that before. Sorry, lol. 10. 5. Eros Conjunct the Midheaven: This synastry aspect will be quite powerful for both parties since it will impact the way that the world views them. 1) Planetary house overlays (1, 5, 7, 8, 9 = most important) 2) Planetary aspects. It would have ruined my relationship with my mother because I would have feared her even though she showed no signs of abuse. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. thank you again for being so welcoming, Thank you so much, Sovietlana! on Dejanira and Nessus. Deja conj ASC may make for victimization as you fo through life, I am not able to do more. Juno aspecting the South Node simply means that the pair was married (in some way) in a past life, or had a longterm marriage-like relationship. I would have to consider the scenarios more. They may not be able to see what you are up to and you could use this for your gain. Your analysis is lovely. and DW : womans Nessus (13 Gemini) opposite mans Juno ( 12 Sag). I only didnt like that its being portrayed as complete truth that will always occur, when its definitely not the case. PS I checked the synastry of a man I know for sure was abused by his own father physically and emotionally, throughout his childhood, and this mans Nessus is conjunct his fathers Sun. It needs to be 3 degrees, tops, so no worries there! My guess is that it would be an obsessive relationship where both would try to hurt each other? My first husband was abusive His Nessus conjunct my Descendant If you want to ask about 2 aspects, I will try to answer but an answer on the whole relationship needs an entire chart reading. They often indicate a desire to sexually conquer/arouse one another. Maybe you felt this way sometimes given your Lilith-Eros contacts, but I was certainly the one more outwardly angry when the mess finally hit the fan. Thanks for the push in this direction, my Friend. It is disrespect to Astrology which I love and respect. 3 degrees is wide but this is one of the hardest aspects in the whole chart, so please be vigilant, as I know you will be! If you do not have either of these in the natal but have them in synastry, it will play out the same way. There are many past life synastry charts that dont show marriage through these 5 obvious aspects, but its clear from reading the whole chart that the pair had a significant relationship in a past life. There are millions of possible outcomes, and none should be claimed as the truth. That is my commitment to my readers. . Lilith Synastry Sun and Lilith conjunct in the synastry chart When Sun person's Sun and Lilith person's Lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. Im pluto and he is the moon. Positive aspects speak to a generally happy marriage, but there is still karma to be worked out now. 4. Conjunction, Opposition, Square, and Trine! That is why it feels so life and death. I wouldnt think my mars/Pluto semisextile is as strong though it can do damage. "I want to welcome you to my website. I am not surprised this happened to you. Hi, anyone can tell me more about a double whammy Pluto-Venus? I cant really relate to Nessus at all, though I sometimes think I can feel BML itching under my skin. Nessus conj the NN in the natal would be a person who would likely be abusive. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. I read all these comments and yes they are interesting. He has a strong nessus (conjunct with his sun + true node in cancer ). Their chemistry is obvious even after all these years but she did recently reveal that some light BDSM play is involved.