As for the radiant heat, the fact that the hotel used a boiler was of primary importance in King's book. We see on the sill The House of Brede by Rumer Godden, which concerns a professional woman, Philippa, who at the age of 42 leaves secular life and becomes a nun in a contemplative order. (7:28)
WENDY: Wendy, I'm never gonna' touch another drop, and if I do you can leave me. They also happen to secretly be the bandits who have been attacking the money bags stage coach, and don't want the train to end this source of income. At no time until near the film's end do we, from the interior of the Overlook, directly observe characters exiting or entering the lodge, and never from the lobby. Spooks? As his glance meets the woman's, he crosses the spot where Dick will be standing when Jack leaps out from behind the nearby pillar and kills him. Stuart points out how uncomfortable it was to tell Jack about this history, and thus it's Jack's job to tell him it's all right. No way one would find this kind of workmanship in a 70s student/family apartment complex. We have no idea yet where this maze might be, but one assumes the inspiration for the model is somewhere on the grounds, even though our previous aerial view had shown no maze to the front or rear. Danny feels lonely since he has nobody to play with, and he is reluctant about going to the hotel, but he cant oppose the project. NOTE: Jay writes to me: "Speaking of mining, just watched 'Carson City' for the first time, today, and I'd like to respectfully offer a slight correction to what you cite in your analysis, for you indicated that in the scene on the telly in Boulder, Randolph Scott's character is talking to a conspirator, yet it is actually the scene where Jeff has been surveying one bore (the transit tool is visible in the scene) and is now talking to the banker who hired Jeff and is bankrolling the railroad project and is there to complain about the negative press the project has been garnering." Regardless, he was a particularly strange pick for the role of Dick Hallorann because the character is Black in the book. When the reader is introduced to Jack Torrance, they learn about his alcoholic past and the reasons why he decided to quit drinking. WENDY: Anyway, something good did come out of it all because he said, uh
And, of course, we have later Jack crashing through the door of their suite's bathroom with his axe and announcing, "Here's Johnny!" The Nazis eyes, "shining with greed," continued to bring their wrath down upon the thousands . Kubrick was famous for being a particularly detail-oriented director. Wendy uncomfortably laughs. The angle of the reception furniture upon which Jack leans, and its shade, complements the credenza, coffee table and sofas in the Boulder apartment. Jack cockily decides for them. He fears the possibility of divorce more . The fault of this is perhaps Wendy lying. Danny moves the index finger of his left hand as a physical representation of Tony, and what Tony squeekily has to say is
Hallorann finds out that Danny has his own power, the shining, and thus gives him some advice: he explains that bad things happen and leave traces, though implying that these are innocuous (as when someone burns toast); he reassures him that the things he sees through the shining are just like pictures in a book. Hes ashamed of who his father was, that is until he is firmly in the grasp of the hotel and has turned against his own family. THE DOCTOR: Mrs. Torrance, I don't think you have anything to worry about. On the art. The book also displays mirroring/doubling, with the title displayed in the same manner on the back cover as on the front. From my analysis on The Killing: 61 MS Danny's bedroom. Above her is a white bird with a black head ascending, and a raven. Several times in the movie we have evidence that it seems Jack smokes, but he is never shown smoking, though Wendy is. The itch that bess to be scratched? After a moment, we hear a voice. And that was just for the final scene! OTHER KINDS OF TRACES, When Halloran and Danny have their private conversation in the hotel kitchen, we are given the following explanation of what their shared psychic power is, Well, you see Doc, when something happens it can leave a trace of itself behind. Alas, well never knowKubrick never addressed this question before he died. (13:32)
(4:10 crossfade begins, full fade in by 4:12.) 4 is 1/2 of 8. (11:14)
Another thing that people make note of is how Jack's suit appears to be a dark blue or gray and white weave in close-up shots, while in other shots it appears to be brown. It was in Fear and Desire, in which the film begins as it ends with the same view of the valley. OK? The window is as artificial a source of light as the two glaring florescent lamps above.
We should be aware of this at least subconsciously as we have just viewed the lobby's elevator area extends far beyond the office, having even briefly observed the hall that is behind the office, the elder man who will later examine the maze having come from that hall. We hear a horn honk outside. (11:58)
If it's not a female form it may show at the bottom two or three human silhouettes against an unknown background. The rest were made for the film and concentrate on the Cowboy and Indian theme. Though much isn't made of the boilers in Kubrick's film, the boiler was nearly a character in King's book, representing Jack's rage. Notes on Ullman's Desk and Inconsistencies
To Danny's side on the table there is a black object later revealed to be a toy gun in the scene in which he explores the maze with Wendy (the gun is apparently from the Star Trek Phaser II Target Game). It's enough now to note that it has meaning, expanding in some way on the action which will later occur on this spot, action which is already being anticipated. Now, in his mind, his mother deserved it just as Wendy and Danny deserve to be punished. Fig. Danny sounds unconvinced on either count. At the same time, the archetype of the Shadow can be found: it stands for the fury of the evil side, the danger which tacitly lies beneath the surface. 22 - Bill, Stuart and Jack in Ullman's office. Peter Sellers, as a projectionist who is trying to not drink, has to wrestle constantly with the theater's ancient projectors to not only keep them running but to prevent them from destroying the film. A reader, Melkarth, sent me an image which shows it's an alabaster bull. [special thanks to Vince Contreras: . The feel is of stripped branches arranged into what is supposed to be of utilitarian function, but it's rare to be unable to guess how an object may be used. Fig. Fig. The camera now shows another view of the kitchen behind Wendy, Joy and Ivory dishwashing liquids on a shelf above a wall-mounted paper towel holder, dishrag draped over the kitchen sink's faucet, carton of milk on the counter with several other boxes of dry goods. A hotel employee who stands at the counter marking yellow sheets is not the same woman who had been at the counter when Jack arrived, and instead may be the individual who had been descending the rear stairway when Jack was headed into the office. In this case the Threshold Guardian is clearly an objective correlative of an obscure part of Jacks mind. Earlier, when Danny was watching the Roadrunner, Wendy mentioning it was hard to make new friends and Tony protesting he didn't want to go to the hotel, we had heard the sound of a train. 42
Wendy has also a sandwich but it is untouched.
The presence of The Catcher in the Rye at the table may belie Jack's later assertion that Wendy is a great fan of ghost stories and horror. The malevolent force that is the Overlook Hotel is the antagonist. Character Development. We'd no idea during the bathroom scene that he had brushed his teeth, at that point he was playing with a toy in the sink. Danny eats a white bread sandwich, watching a television that is off screen in the yet unseen living room. In more removed shots we see on the right of the desk a medium-size bush in a floor pot, that plant having two pokey branches ascending above the rest and being about the same height as the peculiar object on the left. As they were older, no families or children observed, and were served by youth, the lodge seemed to be a place of rest and relaxation for retirees. No, Kubrick is actually already setting up the scene of Danny's encounter with the eerie girls in the blue flowered hall, as well as Dick's murder, making a vocabulary of motifs that will connect them, which is why I bother with pointing out what seems a petty detail. The Two Types of Photographs in the Hotel
Certainly, if one takes a look around the web at the Ahwahnee, one easily understands why Kubrick would have chosen the striking hotel in Yosemite as an influence for the lodge's interior. THE DOCTOR: Why not?
Yet another theory reads the film as a story about the Holocaust and concentration camps. TONY: I just don't.
(10:30 begin crossfade to Boulder bathroom.). In the first act we have a situation of apparent balance for Jack and his family. In the Boulder apartment she is stretched out, lengthened with the red union suits and her eyes are made conspicuously wide, a common feature of cartoon figures. We see on the end table beside her a book titled The Wish Child, and I will return to that in a moment. 496 votes, 38 comments. The large, bright red book in the foreground possibly complements and takes the place of Wendy's reading of The Catcher in the Rye with its red cover. Not affiliated with Harvard College. JACK: Thank you. as we switch over to Dick looking at Danny in the kitchen, right before Dick asks, "Do you know how I knew your name was Doc?" Join in. Of a person against a red background, it may look Mayan or Aztec influenced if one doesn't know its provenance. The Works of Ina Seidel and the Third Reich. Not affiliated with Harvard College. At the end of the heros journey there is the Return with the Elixir. The way that the camera tracks the pair emerging from Danny's room and continuing to the living room is curious as it skews the relationship of that hall with the remainder of the apartment. A zigzag pattern also can represent lightning, and some believe that the labrys, upon which is based the labyrinth, may symbolize lightning. That's the impression given. The first plot point follows: Danny enters the Colorado Lounge with bruises on his neck after his father wakes up from his nightmare. The camera then gives us a view of a grouping of seats about a television set and a second grouping of seats beside a sign in the background that is difficult to distinguish here but reads "Camera Walk". Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. 39 MCU of Stuart. Fig. THE DOCTOR: Did Danny adjust well to school? 30:16 - Dick asks Danny, as to shining, "How long have you been able to do it" (sound). 21 - Wendy checking the boilers in the basement.
When we later see the boiler room, which is also a kind of ramshackle office with an old desk and refrigerator, Bill, as he is represented by Kubrick, seems he would ill fit in with that setting and its numerous girly pin-ups. When the old theater is about to be closed again, the couple that inherited it settle in to watch the "red-skins' bite the dust one last time. Foreshadowing is when the author gives a hint or warning to something that is going to happen. 47 MCU of Jack. Shot 132. DANNY: My mom saying, wake up, wake up, wake up
Below is the massive stone fireplace in the lobby of the Timberline. In spite of being an enjoyable horror film that evokes myths and fables, The Shining does not present a rigorously canonical dramatic framework. Esau would lose not only his birthright to Jacob, but his father's blessing as well, through Jacob's guile and his deceit of masquerading as Esau in order to procure the blessing. The next scene in The Shining has the doctor examining Danny's eyes with a bright light and saying, "Now, hold your eyes still so I can see." According to David Hughes, one of Kubricks biographers, Stephen King wrote an entire draft of a screenplay for The Shining. Or perhaps Jack's alcoholism--for we are soon to discover he is an alcoholic. For a while I misinterpreted a little sculpture next to salt and pepper shakers as an elephant. DANNY: Yeah, I guess so. According to the set still photographer, It was a huge fire in there one night, massive fire, we never really discovered what caused that fire and it burned down two sound stages and threatened a third at Elstree Studios. WENDY: Yeah:
What could be more frightening than being a solitary child with psychic foresight and an over-active imagination running away from a murderous adult in an endless maze that plays spatial tricks on the mind? (11:13)
Not even now. 92 MS Doctor from Wendy's side. What's the deep infrastructure? Her teasing dialogue also mimics the close proximity with which the camera chases Danny. Before continuing, it should be noted that the exterior window in the office is a physical impossibility, the office being entirely interior the building. First there is the Overlook Hotel, which tries to take advantage of Jack in order to eliminate his family. Flashbacks also reveal that she has seen a marriage dissolve firsthand (her parents) and fears that what happened to them is going to happen to her. STUART: Stacked them neatly in one of the rooms of the west wing, then he uhm well he uh put both barrels of a shotgun in his mouth. JACK: I certainly can and I also understand why your people in Denver left it for you to tell me. Looking at the filing cabinet again, it appears there is a small elephant resting on it before a postal weight scale. DANNY: Okay. Run away. In a foiled plot to stop delivery of the drill that is to be used for boring a tunnel though a mountain for the railroad, Squires kills the driver of the wagon that carries the drill. 1.
Not only do they have a sweets girl but they regulate the environment in the theater. Look! (7:19)
As the guests tend to be older, it seems possible these two are also employees. It's a common psychological device in film, sometimes referred to as foreshadowing, and has been used by suspense masters like Hitchcock. The scene actually made it into The Guinness Book of Records because it took 127 takes, the most for a scene with spoken dialogue. 15 - The crossfade from Ullman's office to the apartment complex in Boulder. The Colorado Lounge section and the halls associated with Room 237 only use forced air heat. The janitor is shown in the boiler room boosting the temperature so that, while the audience is watching films on people near dying of thirst in the parched desert, the viewers are also experiencing extreme heat that provokes thirst, and this boosts refreshment sales dramatically. 79 MS hallway. Another book is Young Jethro by Roy Clews. Throughout the film, when action occurs in this hall, the camera stops short of revealing the area where the photograph is. Perhaps hes laughing because he knows the novel ends with the Overlook Hotel burning down. My take on the use of 42 has been that it is possibly referring to the Tetragrammaton, and it is interesting that the use of 42 coincides here with the music for the Awakening of Jacob. He revives, in it, the past. The exterior of the lodge is, however, the Timberline at Mt. After they have coffee, we see at 5:55 a cigarette in the ashtray and Ullman's white pen pointed toward him (Figure 20); at 6:45 we see the tray is empty when all three men are shown (Figure 22); at 6:58 Ullman's pen is pointed toward him and there is a cigarette in the ashtray; at 7:20 there is no cigarette and the pen is pointed away (Figure 23); at 7:58 the pen is pointed away and there is this time a cigarette (Figure 24); at 8:05 the pen is pointed toward Ullman and there is a cigarette; at 8:26 the pen is pointed away and there is no cigarette; at 9:42 the pen is pointed toward Ullman and there is a cigarette; at 10:07 the pen is pointed away and there is a cigarette. All the views show Mount Hood's south flank.
As Jack makes his way to the office he now glances in the direction of a model of the hotel's maze that is beyond the two groupings of seats. The lavatory scene in which Danny has his first Shining episode features a shower curtain draped over a bath tub with Danny looking into a mirror on the right wall. And, if he does, he would see himself wearing this sweater and shirt, and it's to be questioned then who later chooses this sweater and shirt for him on the day that Dick is killed.
Alex's interview was in preparation for treatment to aid his reform, an opportunity provided by a "new order". I don't think it's as certain that Danny sees himself.
"I was under the pressure of being a family man with a daughter and one day I accepted a job to act in a movie in the daytime and I was writing a movie at night and Im back in my little corner and my beloved wife Sandra walked in on what was, unbeknownst to her, this maniacand I told Stanley about it and we wrote it into the scene., Though Kubrick had a good relationship with Nicholson, the director was notoriously brutal on Shelley Duvall during filming. The blood covers the camera and the scene goes black. The maze will eventually be his downfall. The apartment in which the Torrances will stay does have radiant heat, as do a couple of the older halls. The decoration at the height of the lobby's columns in The Shining is done in a Z shape. There are windows on three sides. -Mr. Ullman jokes that he wouldn't want to enter the hedge maze unless he had an hour to figure out how to escape from it.
The velociraptor kitchen scene has multiple references to "The Shining." The end credits contain a reference to Spielberg's 1977 sci-fi film, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." . (9:41)
9 - Jack crosses the spot where he will later kill Dick, leaping out from behind the pillar on the right. Through Kings skill with language, Jacks descent into madness and violence is almost painful to read. Dannys entrance in room 237 is presented as his first real Crossing of the First Threshold, because he accesses the forbidden place, which really is a Special World. An owl sits above the rainbow and another image of Snoopy. Ceramic tile disappeared completely about this time and where ceramic tile was once essential (such as with nicer bathtubs that had showers) the ceramic was replaced with fiberglass and plastics. CHAPTER SIX In the book, the spooky events are set in Room 217, not Room 237.
Jack has already just entered the lodge as the scene opens, we do not see him come up to the lodge from his car, as another director might have chosen to show. In other words, so primal nature won't take over again, which suggests a constant fight against it. It also worked well with the circa 1920 building we were living in. THE DOCTOR (laughs): I know. Now? Classic 60s design is down at the Salvation Army waiting for a new home, or rotting in a landfill, replaced with cheap 70s ugly lamps and faux wood coffee table and end tables. The allusion is intended to intensify the feeling of isolation that the Torrances have once they are living at the hotel and cut off from the rest of the world. The two ended up spending eleven weeks working on the script. It is through the three consonants of the name spelled out: IVD HH VV. Foreshadowing is a literary device in which a writer gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. If you are an Australian resident, any donations over $2 are tax deductible. 48:36 - When Wendy calls the forest rangers about the downed lines. Not things that anyone can notice, but things that people who shine can see. Dopey is a voiceless character. Each is the same in general style, the front porch, the gliders, the rest of it. There are distinct differences between the Ahwahnee and the Overlook but undoubtedly the Ahwahnee and the Overlook are siblings. JACK: I'm Jack Torrance. One salt and pepper gray-haired man in a plaid jacket and two-toned spectator shoes is prominent, reading near the entrance, smoking what may be a cigar, a drink to his side next a camera. We haven't seen the number 42 on Danny's shirt until just previous his vision, while he was looking in the bathroom mirror. He fears the possibility of divorce more than anything else. It takes us also to the last day of the The Shining, its two episodes simply titled "8" and "4". JACK: Well, that hmmm just happens to be exactly what I'm looking for. 24 - "How about your wife and son? thanks to crosscutting. For all intents and purposes it is yelling at us, "What is wrong with this picture?! 31:11 - Danny describes shining. This is the Crossing of the First Threshold for Jack, since he enters the Special World inside the Overlook Hotel. Give your writing extra polish. When Wendy is sitting there with the Salinger book, its back cover perfectly mirroring the front cover, with the hidden reference to Mather's Comin' Through the Rye, she is reading a book on history repeating itself. Double readings are referred to frequently in the film. It is put to the ultimate test when the family is caught up in the corrupting powers of the Overlook Hotel. Bele states he's a police commissioner and Lokai is a not a refugee but a political traitor. 46 MCU of Stuart. A now-legendary story that King reportedly still tells at some of his book readings goes like this: Stanley Kubrick called him at seven in the morning to say that he believed ghost stories were fundamentally optimistic because the existence of ghosts suggested that humans survived past death. Firmly situated in the working class, Jack begins the film unemployed, and we meet him at a job interview.
In a few minutes we will see a painting in the Boulder apartment of a horse running down a railroad track toward an oncoming train. The radiant heat, powered by a boiler, isn't of so much importance here, yet Kubrick has rigged it so the Overlook has both radiant heat and forced air heat. This is not hidden. -Mr. Ullman tells Jack and Wendy that the hotel is rumored to be built on an ancient Native American burial ground, and that it suffered attacks from some local Native American tribes while it was being built in the early twentieth century. In the following sequence Jack goes to the Gold Room (for the first time in the 119 version, for the second in the 144 one). ), NOTE: Jay writes to me: "Speaking of mining, just watched 'Carson City' for the first time, today, and I'd like to respectfully offer a slight correction to what you cite in your analysis, for you indicated that in the scene on the telly in Boulder, Randolph Scott's character is talking to a conspirator, yet it is actually the scene where Jeff has been surveying one bore (the transit tool is visible in the scene) and is now talking to the banker who hired Jeff and is bankrolling the railroad project and is there to complain about the negative press the project has been garnering. This simple description applies not just to Dannys experience, but also to the actual film structure. 87 MCU Doctor. It's just the sort of thing you do a hundred times with a child y'know in the park or in the street but on this particular occasion my husband just used too much strength and he injured Danny's arm.
Significantly, Jacob was a twin, but not an identical twin. The Shining is a glaring example of a film that has led to countless interpretations, favoured by its complex and enigmatic nature, sometimes leading to interpretive deliriums - as confirmed by the documentary film Room 237 (Rodney Ascher, 2012). STUART: in this job hired a man named Charles Grady as the winter caretaker. I am particularly interested in the train because Kubrick has used trains in his other films. Is the desirable state one of equilibrium, such as had at the equinoxes? 23 MCU of Bill. The "sha" follows the word "skiing" at about 6:12. These angles not only seem to push the eye toward the center of the screen, they also are dynamic enough that they provide a similitude that ties these shots together. Here, the stage of the Resurrection takes place.