], The participation of any Hong Konger in the international legion was first officially documented in a thank-you video posted on Twitter on 18 December 2022 by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence. [81], Minister of Defence Kajsa Ollongren advised Dutch nationals not to travel to Ukraine saying "The country's travel advice is red. Norwegian citizens can legally enlist in the International Legion under Norwegian law. [93], On 11 March 2022, Ukraine's ambassador to South Africa, Liubov Abravitova, announced she is waiting on a legal ruling from the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on whether or not Ukraine may actively recruit South Africans to join the International Legion. It is illegal for Montenegrin citizens to enlist in the International Legion under Montenegrin law. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. [26], The criteria listed for joining included having prior military or medical experience and submitting documents as proof of military service to the Ministry of Defense official at the Ukrainian embassy. [27] Most of the volunteers who reached Lviv and applied were accepted. [219], Polish citizens may join the army of foreign countries only after approval of a written application by the Polish Ministry of National Defense. [122], As of July 6, three Brazilian volunteers were killed fighting in Ukraine. [173], The first photo of International Legion distributed by Ukraine reportedly showed an Indian volunteer. The ministry is highly limited in its ability to assist Finns in the war zone," ministry representatives told Yle in an email. Write an application for enlistment. It is illegal for Swiss citizens to enlist in the International Legion under Swiss law. Turkey has refused to comment on its citizens enlisting in the International Legion. [165], The Ukrainian embassy in Athens, in early March 2022, received dozens of requests from Greek citizens and Ukrainian diaspora asking for information on how they could join the International Legion. [89], It was reported that 36 Senegalese nationals attempted to volunteer at the Ukrainian embassy in Dakar. [227], The Republic of Korea Marine Corps reported on 22 March 2022 that a Marine from the 1st Marine Division deserted from his unit and traveled to Ukraine to fight with the Legion. [54], On May 2, 2022, there were reports of Afghan refugees with combat experience in the now disbanded Afghan special forces volunteering to fight with assistance from fellow Afghans who can speak Ukrainian and have settled in Ukraine permanently. These persons also would not face criminal prosecution. [104], On 28 February 2022, when asked about Australians volunteering for Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison told reporters "I would counsel against that purely for the safety of Australians that they would not travel to Ukraine," and "I would say at this time the legality of such actions are uncertain under Australian law. [248] He is fluent in Ukrainian and Russian[247] aside from English, Japanese and Mandarin. It is extremely dangerous." 02. About 50 people managed to enter Ukraine by crossing the Sarpi customs point. Several soldiers of the International Legion in Ukraine have been killed at the hands of the invaders and some have been captured but the Russian Federation exaggerates the number of dead, spreading fake news. "[80], By April 2022 dozens of Moldovan citizens were fighting in Ukraine against the Russian occupiers, most of them enlisted in the Ukrainian army in the first few days of the war. It is not illegal for a foreign country to recruit people in Israel. These two examples closely parallel the situation in Ukraine. [150], On 7 April, an anonymous Danish volunteer soldier claimed to have killed 100 Russian soldiers during various operations. [131] Due to a high number of Canadian volunteers, a separate Canadian battalion within the Legion, the Canadian Ukrainian Brigade, was established to avoid language barriers and logistics issues. [82] As of 7 March 2022, it is estimated around 200 Dutchmen have attempted to join the legion at the Ukrainian embassy in The Hague. Undated video published by 3rd Assault showed AFU tanks moving to attack and RF-held buildings under heavy autocannon fire from infantry combat vehicles. [242], Some members of groups opposing Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian Civil War have attempted to travel to Ukraine, motivated by Russia's support of the Assad regime. Most were veterans of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and were primarily of Ukrainian, Russian, or other former USSR roots, but not exclusively so, with recruits of Druze Israeli and American-Israeli backgrounds also noted. Zgin w obronie Ukrainy", " ", "Wsparcie dzieci i rodzin polegych polskich ochotnikw na Ukrainie | zrzutka.pl", "Muri el primer colombiano en el frente de guerra en Ucrania, quin era? The instructor (standing center left) is U.S. Army veteran John Roberts from Newport Beach, California, who has been teaching through the International Legion of Defense of Ukraine since May 2022. man killed defending Ukrainian city from Russian forces, family says", "Guerre en Ukraine. The contemporary French Foreign Legion requires a 5-year commitment. [59] The first contingent of seven volunteers left Belgium for Ukraine on 4 March and included two Belgian Turks and a Belgian veteran of the Afghanistan War as well as Eastern European immigrants. Additionally, Dutch military code bars active Dutch soldiers from joining a foreign army and Dutch law bars civilians from enlisting in an enemy army in a war in which the Netherlands participates. Earlier, about 70 volunteers were going to Ukraine, of which about 50 were former servicemen of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. fightforua.org", "Exclusive: So many Canadian fighters in Ukraine, they have their own battalion, source says", "Twee Belgische militairen zijn naar Oekrane getrokken om mee te vechten tegen Rusland", "Small number of New Zealand personnel fighting in Ukraine - former defence minister", "Kiwis 'could join Ukraine revenge mission', "Dy shqiptar po luftojn n Ukrain, thot komandanti i Legjionit t Vullnetarve t Huaj", "Incompetence or the realities of war? Organizations who enlist for foreign armies are illegal, but there are no provisions for citizens who take part. [267], The first photo distributed by Ukraine of the International Legion reportedly showed volunteers from the United Kingdom. The Turkish authorities have not commented on Turkish citizens joining the war in Ukraine. 7 min read. VALENTYNA ROMANENKO MONDAY, 11 JULY 2022, 16:17. Nu-mi nchipui cum ar fi s nu ai niciun ajutor", "Russia-Ukraine war: Kyiv invites Algerian fighters to Ukraine to 'protect world security', "Portparol Meunarodne legije u Ukrajini: Ovde Hrvati i Srbi ratuju rame uz rame", "S'pore citizens' duty is to S'pore: Vivian Balakrishnan on whether S'poreans can fight in Ukraine for Ukrainians", "Embassy: Some 100 S. Koreans Have Volunteered to Fight in Ukraine", "Navy SEAL-turned-YouTuber claims he left for Ukraine to participate in war as volunteer", "Rhee Keun-led team goes to Ukraine to fight against invader", "(LEAD) S. Korean volunteers deployed to front-line units in Ukraine: official", "Koreans in Ukraine end up on front lines", Ken Rhee gives an update of his whereabouts in Ukraine through Instagram, "Injured Ken Rhee expected back in Korea soon", "Injured South Korean fighter back from Ukraine faces investigation", ", ' ' 625 " "()", "S. Korea verifying Russia's data on deaths of 4 volunteer fighters in Ukraine", "678 frivilliga svenskar strider i Ukraina", "Indigenous Taiwanese man volunteers for Ukrainian Foreign Legion", "Taiwanese man denied entry into Ukrainian Foreign Legion - Focus Taiwan", "Taiwanese man takes up arms to defend adopted homeland Ukraine - Focus Taiwan", "2nd Taiwanese enlists in Ukrainian foreign legion", "Taiwanese man now fighting for Ukraine's foreign legion", "Wary of China threat, Taiwanese join Ukraine's fight against Russia", "Death of Taiwanese soldier exposes Kyiv's China dilemma", "Hualien man becomes 1st Taiwanese combatant to die in Ukraine war", "No Thai military volunteers in Ukraine, says charge d'affaires", "Savan iindeki ailesini kurtarmak iin Ukrayna ordusuna gnll yazlan Trk: Silahm alarak ordudan karttlar, 'Trkiye hkmeti, Trk milis almayn talebi iletti' dediler", "UK's Liz Truss: I support Brits who take up arms against Putin", "No 10 distances itself from Truss comments on UK volunteers for Ukraine", "Liz Truss criticised for backing Britons who wish to fight in Ukraine", "British volunteers who travel to fight in Ukraine could violate terror laws", "Zelensky's call for volunteers to defend Ukraine heeded by thousands from abroad", "Britons heed Zelensky's call to arms and head to Ukraine", "Don't fight in Ukraine military boss tells Britons", "Serving Coldstream Guard leaves Windsor barracks to fight Russian forces", "British soldier arrested after unauthorized trip to join Ukraine's foreign legion", "Ukraine war: Britons held by rebels in Ukraine plead not guilty", "Britons held by Russian forces in Ukraine released", "Ukraine conflict: British man Scott Sibley killed by mortar fire - inquest", "Ukraine war: Former British soldier Jordan Gatley killed in fighting", "Ukraine war: Briton killed while volunteering in Ukraine, says sister", "Ukraine war: Briton Simon Lingard killed in conflict", "Two British aid workers were killed during Ukraine evacuation", "Americans discouraged from going to Ukraine to fight Russia", "Ukraine says 3,000 Americans have volunteered to fight Russian invaders", "Ukrainian embassy draws US citizens seeking to fight in war", "Un venezolano se uni a la resistencia ucraniana para defender Kiev", "Jos David Chaparro, es el 'comandante' venezolano de una pequea divisin de voluntarios en Ucrania (Fotos y Video)", "Un diputado y 3 exmilitares se unen a la defensa de Ucrania: "No me puedo sentar en casa", "Ukraine's foreign legion joins the battle against Russia", Rhee Ken remains in Ukraine after team passed into Poland, "RFK grandson Conor Kennedy reveals he secretly fought on frontline in Ukraine", "A Georgian commander fighting Russian forces in Ukraine says more international support will help defeat Putin", "MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance reveals he joined fight in Ukraine", "Former Gazprombank executive Igor Volobuev joins the Freedom to Russia Legion within the Ukrainian Armed Forces", "The Venezuelan 'comandante' in Ukraine - la Prensa Latina Media", " ", "Russia targets Ukrainian military base near Polish border in escalation: US national security adviser says any fire on neighbour of Ukraine would trigger full-force Nato response", "The base attacked in western Ukraine has been a hub for foreign militaries", "Enthllt auch sterreicher kmpfen im Ukraine-Krieg", "Deutscher Sldner in der Ukraine: 'Da kommt keiner lebend raus', "3 Georgian volunteer fighters killed in Ukraine, says Georgia's parliament head", " ", "Georgian volunteer dies in war in Ukraine", " ", " ", "Yesterday, October 3, during the assault operation, the Kalinoski Regiment suffered losses. "[99][243], Due to the lack of formal diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Taiwan, no diplomatic missions were established in either side. [119] One of the two was a 27-year old Belgian Ukrainian called Artem Dymyd from Charleroi who had enlisted in the Ukrainian Army in 2014 and who was killed by rocket fire in Donetsk. Latvia allows its citizens to enlist in the International Legion. [147] The Ministry of Defence has already reported its first applicants. 04 March 2022. The announcement was made on Twitter by his acquaintance. . [116][117] Concerns were raised about the personal backgrounds and political profile of some of the Belgian volunteers. [146], Citizens of the Czech Republic are allowed to join other countries' armed forces as foreign volunteers if they get an approval by the President of the Czech Republic. [257], Turkey does not have a law that bars foreign fighters, but frequently prosecutes them upon return to Turkey for violating criminal or anti-terror laws. Iron Navy has been active in Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022 . [203] [91], Some Slovakian citizens have indicated they want to go fight in the International Legion, according to Minister of Defense Jaroslav Na. Algeria discourages its citizens from enlisting. Finland's Ministry for Foreign Affairs has said that it has no information regarding how many people from Finland have left to join the fight in Ukraine. [44], In early March 2022, the Algerian government called on Ukraine to not enlist fighters from their country. for foreign nationals to join the International Legion. Become a hero.Use your military experience to fight against evil. [131] A second formation of Canadian and British volunteers was formed under the name Norman Brigade. Already many veterans are asking how to join the effort and what steps to take. Rspunsul premierului", "Montenegro Urged to Prevent Volunteer Fighters Going to Ukraine", "Nederlanders willen vechten in Oekrane: 'Ik ben fit en sterk, nietsdoen is geen optie', "There is little to stop New Zealanders leaving to fight in Ukraine but few legal protections if they do", "Frivillige melder seg til Ukraina - lovleg for nordmenn krige i ukrainsk uniform", "Foreigners Fighting for Ukraine Elicit Scorn, Ambivalence, Support From Governments", "Czy Polak moe walczy za Ukrain w legionie cudzoziemskim? [115], It was subsequently reported that two Belgians had been immediately despatched to the front-line while the remainder had been concentrated at Yavoriv military base at the time of its bombing on 13 March. However, it is legal for New Zealanders to enlist in the International Legion under New Zealand law. [280], Under Article 425 of the Vietnamese Criminal Code, it states that anyone who fights as a mercenary to fight against another country will be imprisoned from 5 to 15 years. Yedioth Ahronoth reported that an unidentified Israeli official stated that the Israeli defense establishment was "looking the other way", in part because of the increasingly pro-Ukrainian sentiments and growing suspicion toward Russia, the official himself noting his own solidarity toward Ukraine in the face of "the worst kind of Russian aggression". [269], As of January 2023, seven British volunteer fighters and aid workers were known to be killed in Ukraine. [202], The first photo distributed by Ukraine of the International Legion reportedly showed Mexican volunteers. "Based on Estonian laws, nobody can be punished as soon as they go to serve a foreign country," Lauri said. [220], The Government of Ukraine stated on 4 March 2022 that "some Portuguese" were already fighting in the International Legion of Territorial Defence. [129], In early March 2022, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen urged Cambodians not to travel to Ukraine and fight with Ukrainians in the legion. 'Ukraine will pay its soldiers 100 thousand hryvnias per month, - the Cabinet . Contact the Embassy of Ukraine in your country with the intention to join the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (reach out to a military attache or consul: contact details are available on the website of our embassies): You can apply in three ways: 1) come to the embassy in person; 2) call the embassy; 3) send an e . The black flag is actually not the official flag of Hong Kong but a modified version that was widely used by pro-democracy protesters during the 20192020 Hong Kong protests. I had to come & do what I can do best, do what I can do to protect Ukrainian people" Freedom is a choice. [54], Very shortly after the appeal for volunteers several hundreds of Swedish military volunteers enlisted in the International Legion for Ukraine, according to the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Here's what to do. However, there is no way to determine the exact number of casualties due to the fog of war. In a tweet, the minister said: 'Foreigners willing to defend Ukraine and world order as part of the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine, I invite you to contract foreign . The government of the Republic of China discourages its citizens from enlisting. [24][25], Elizabeth Grasmeder of Duke University has compared Ukraine's foreign legion to Finland's efforts to recruit legionnaires and other foreign volunteers during the Winter War (1939-1940). [74], Over 500 Indians from across the country, including some veterans have submitted applications volunteering to join the International Legion created to fight Russian forces in Ukraine. Ukraine has already established a battalion of Georgian fighters called the Georgian Legion since the War in Donbass, but new volunteers would be stationed in the newly formed International Legion of Territorial Defence of Ukraine. [112] At least two members of the Belgian Land Component disobeyed orders to enlist with the International Legion.