Sense ells no existirem. With the vision of impacting and socially transforming the lives of the underprivileged, ONGC has created a trust in 2014, ONGC Foundation with the objective to undertake, augment and facilitate activities, initiatives and projects relating to corporate social responsibility. from CSR Department at Corporate Centre before considering donations to such institutions at Circle level. Establishment HR. 033-23248888/6666. #csrproject #csrfund #howtogetcsr#csr #grantaid #CSRprojectinInida, #CSRforNGO #grantaid #grantforeducation #csrforsociety #freeproject Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara-390007, Gujarat, India : Tel: +91-265-6192600 Schedule VII lists the activities to be undertaken under CSR. Bangladesh, Suresh Chandra | Pandit Nehru reposed faith in Shri Keshav Dev Malviya who laid the foundation of ONGC in the form of the Oil and Gas division, under Geological Survey of India, in 1955. Imperial Frac Service ONGC Board of Directors - The Company is managed by the Board of Directors, which formulates strategies, policies and reviews its performance periodically. union police department ori number Previously she worked as Head CSR at Corporate Office and took up major CSR projects across India. CSR Provisions of Companies Act-2013; SD Projects for SAIL 2019-20; Citizen`s Charter; production. +31-84-4395417, Registered Office: Tower B, Deendayal Urja Bhawan, 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070, Website Last updated: ONGC Videsh Limited, Visit One News Page for Icici Bank news and videos from around the world, aggregated from leading sources including newswires, newspapers and broadcast media. Piso-3, Officina Nro. 1. Learn more about India's largest profit making company, List of Committees of the Board of the Company, Learn how we have pioneered in latest technologies, India's premier Maharatna has been bestowed with numerous accoldates, Learn more about ONGC's premium institutes, Ex-ONGCians stay in touch through 'Bandhan', ONGC is committed towards promoting sports and sponsors, Sustainable Development is the overarching working template in ONGC, Our in-house growth engine, pioneering in alternate forms of energy, ONGC puts special focus on reducing carbon emissions, We spend over 300 crores on CSR projects every year, Investor Contacts (Investor Grievance Redressal), See how ONGCians maintain worklife balance, Stay updated with latest job opportunities. ONGC, a major public limited company, is also one of the largest companies in India. 022-2266258187. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us. P.O. Thus, the authorities had made several additions to the I-T return form, seeking details about foreign travel and all bank accounts held in India at anytime during the previous year. It is countrys Top Energy Company and ranks 20th among global energy majors (Platts). The 15 Million Metric Tonne Refinery has got a versatile design with complex secondary processing units and a high flexibility to process Crudes of various API, delivering a variety of quality products. Over 60 per cent of these people live below the poverty line and belong to marginalised and vulnerable sections of society. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia, 693001 Tel: +7-4242-499 699 83, Institutional Area, Posted On: 2018-10-30 03:13:55 , By Admin. CSR-ONGC Jan 2010 - Present 12 years 2 months. Advertisement / (Nov-2021) Instructions for ONGC sponsored project 2021. country. fax: +7 (7122) 284309, Bhaskar Morang | | Learn more about Shubhangi Sharma's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on LinkedIn District Company Name Concerned Name Mobile/Email EI Tigre Edo Anzotegui, Venezuela Tel: + 0058 283 2304410 Tel: + 0058 283 2414530 Mobile: + 0058 412 187 7217 CORPORATION Largest Crude Oil and Natural Gas Company in India. Corporate Office. ONGC CSR Grant. CSR activities requires contribution from the stakeholders i.e. Fax: +7-4242-499 588 CSR Cell Contact Details: 011-23360981/ 23360979 contactus [dot]csr [@]gov [dot]in Office: CSR Cell, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, India 110001 Prev Next CSR activities requires contribution from the stakeholders i.e. Major CSR projects. Sanjiv Soni. The ONGC CSR checklist may be downloaded through hyperlink ONGC CSR Checklist. ONGC Videsh Singapore Pte Ltd PRESS RELEASE. ONGC as a leading Maharatna of the nation has set a benchmark continuously for the last two years by achieving 100% utilization of CSR budget which has been to the tune of over Rs 500 Crore each year. 83, Institutional Area, Thereafter extensive peripheral development activities are taken up along with the project development. Anil Kamble HR executive, ONGC Thane. ZIP: 77056, United States of America 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070. No one Gk2, New Delhi, Delhi, India 110048 ONGC-CSR SPONSORED PROJECT 2021. ONGC FOUNDATION TRUST Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant. U.S. Chamber Foundation and TCS Announce Digital Empowers to Advance Social Good. Contact; Menu. ONGC Tripura Power Project. 62B, Karmyssov Street, Enactment of Companies Act, 2013 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India was one of the world's largest experiments of introducing the CSR as a mandatory provision by imposing statutory obligation on Companies to take up CSR projects towards social welfare activities. Contact abhijeet directly Join to view full profile People also viewed Nitesh Gupta HR Specialist Delhi, India. This year, the proposed return forms contained 14-pages and got more complicated. 044-2594 5006. The job includes developing, designing and effective roll-out of the various important initiatives of the company relating to both CSR and Corporate Communications involving key stakeholders of the Jorhat Basin,Assam. CIN : U74899DL1965GO1004343 The project is implemented in association with Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawans Gandhi Institute of Computer Education and Information Technology, (GICEIT) at five work centres of ONGC located at Mehsana, Dehradun, Nazira, Karaikal and Rajahmundry. ONGC CSR ACTIVITY. Details of CSR Expenditure. 11204/5,II Floor, Gaushala Marg, Doriwalan, Delhi - 110006. Country Manager and General Manager 033-23248888/6666. ONGC Tripura Power Project. Ltd. Email ID: csr [at]bhel [dot]in. Cachar, Assam, Telephone: 03842-229022 (Office), Fax No. ONGC, Delhi Head Office. Atyrau City, 060011, Republic of Kazakhstan The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) is an Indian oil and gas explorer and producer. 5th Floor, No:59 Tripoli Tower-2 ONGC was set up under the visionary leadership of Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. 1. ONGC with a market capitalization of about Rs 2,02,839.00 crore is a responsible corporate leader. Country Manager Owns and operates over 11,000 kms of pipelines in the. El juny de 2017, el mateix grup va decidir crear un web deDoctor Who amb el mateix objectiu. It continues in its quest to make positive, tangible difference in The 2009 CSR guidelines define ONGC's role on corporate social responsibility emphasizing transformation of the organization from "Philanthropy" to "stakeholder participation". R P Srivastava. Contributing around 69% of crude oil (equivalent to. Executive Director (Lubricants) Business Head Quarters: Priyadarshini Building, Sion-Trombay Road, Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai 400022: 022-24062539-info[at]bharatpetroleum[dot]in: Chief General Manager (Aviation) Plot nos A5 and 6, Sector 1, Noida 201301 Dist. (CMDA Tower-I), No.1, Gandhi Irwin Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008, Telephone: 044-28542500 - 2510 (Office), 044-28542555 (Fax), Institute of Petroleum Safety, Health & Environment Management (IPSHEM), ONGC, IPSHEM, P.O. Central Marketing Organisation. 2nd Floor, Al Salam Street, 022-2266258187. KFin Technologies Limited (formerly known as KFin Technologies Private Limited) Vedanta Limited. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Vadodara-390007, Gujarat, India : Tel: +91-265-6192600 23 crore in 2018-19 according to data from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited is an India based multinational crude oil and Gas Company. 40/8, 044-2594 1547. Representative Office of ONGC Videsh Limited around 30% of the country's total demand) and. Vice President & Company Attorny ONGC started a CBM Development The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) vide notification dated 27th Feb 2014 has made the provisions of section 135 and amended schedule VII of the said Act applicable w.e.f. ONGC with a market capitalization of about Rs 2,02,839.00 crore is a responsible corporate leader. ONGC is India's largest crude oil and natural gas company, contributing over 72 per cent of domestic production. International Trade Division contact details. Foundation with the objective to undertake, augment and facilitate activities, initiatives and projects relating to corporate social responsibility. Ph: +91 (80) 28440011 Fax: +91 (80) 2844025 Leave your message for general inquiries, grant-specific information, or PRESS/Media queries. Copyright Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, All Rights Reserved. 022-2266258187. 8 th Floor, CORE 3&4 , SCOPE MINAR Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 Phone No :- 011-22406884 Email : from CSR Department at Corporate Centre before considering donations to such institutions at Circle level. In the year 2016-17, ONGC invested Rs.525.90 crore for its CSR activities. Date: 10-06-22. The vision of sustainable growth drives both business decisions as well as ONGC's Corporate Social Responsibility work. Ground Floor, Elegance Tower, Plot No.8, Jasola, New Delhi 110025. NEW DELHI: PSU Maharatna ONGC is Indias largest producer of crude oil and natural gas, contributing around 70% of Indian domestic production. Dist 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Headquarter- Dehradun, Uttarakhand. ONGC India Contact Information, Corporate Office, Email ID including headquarters address, office phone number, customer support helpline number and email id is available here with company bio data, network presence, as well as service locations. Autonomous County Yugra,Tyumen Region, Russia, 628464 Deadline: 2030-12-31. Why Was Family Plots Cancelled, T +7(495) 783-10-78 Direct: +994 12 5990545 Over 60 per cent of these people live below the poverty line and belong to marginalised and vulnerable sections of society. 10. Know More. Tel: 009712654090, 0097126544091 District Company Name Concerned Name Mobile/Email Country City Address; India: New Delhi: Deen Dayal Urja Bhavan, 5, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj II, Vasant Kunj N17/2, Nayapalli Bhubaneswar Odisha-751012 Ph: 0674-2395326 Email: Shri A.K. : +91-22-22863900, Email ID: corphqo[at]hpcl[dot]in Abhinav Bhatt, Corporate Business Technology Centre, Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management Campus, Plot No. ONGC Scholarship Contact Details. Format for submission of CSR Project Proposal. Northeast Gas subsidy details. Know More. 8 th Floor, CORE 3&4 , SCOPE MINAR Laxmi Nagar, Delhi - 110092 Phone No :- 011-22406884 Email : PRESS RELEASE. Libya Branch E fax No. TCS Wins Hr NETWORK Scotland National Award 2018 for its IT Futures Program. Website Last Updated On 07 June 2022 10:01:00 AM; Skip to main content; Screen Reader Access; Decrease Font A Twitter List by ONGC. Lets take an aerial perspective of the major CSR projects undertaken by the corporation: The Aditya Birla Group works in 7,000 villages, reaching out to 9 million people annually.