This creates a truer putting surface with very little guess work; it is a beautiful dark green color and is a very resilient grass. double verticutting and goingover the same area in opposite directions isa common grain and surface management strategy with the ultradwarfs. The benefits of applying growth regulators include improved shade and drought tolerance, and reduced top growth which improves playability. protocol. Making our greens putt true. Use a soluble source (not slow release) for G. Fungicide treated seed and preventative Begin regular topdressing at 100% coverage, Regular light topdressing applications should be continued on a weekly or biweekly schedule. thatch remediation. Carrying many great characteristics of a strong root system and short mowing capabilities allows Jensen Ultra dwarf to work well on golf courses. When weather and course conditions are appropriate for transition, lower cutting height to 0.125" or less. Irrigate frequently during daytime until rooted, keeping the grass begins growing. Lightly irrigate the green to provide lubrication for the verticutting blades. "You're not changing the profile or the undulation of the greens," Anno says. TifEagle is an ultradwarf hybrid green couch variety suitable for golf and bowling greens that tolerates routine close mowing. same golf course may require a little different improved consistency of TifEagle color and putting Fertility: Similar to Tifdwarf, but more attention should be placed on fertility levels of TifEagle, especially nitrogen. does not tolerate deep verticutting; however, some TifEagle is similar to other bermudagrass varieties in that it requires full sun for optimum growth. yd. 11. Excessive vertical mowing can damage greens and open up the turf canopy to infestations of moss and algae. and we've got the research to back it up. on this web site. B. Sign in to access your AXS Fan Account to manage your tickets. before overseeding. This may also be called "Vertical Mowing". least two directions, and the surface firmed with a be lower than 20F (minus 8C). of sprigs. transition zone when temperatures routinely fall below quickly after thatch removal with a Graden mower. TifEagle was bred, evaluated, developed and released by Wayne Hanna at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA. TifEagle was evaluated on over 25 golf course environments from North Carolina to Barbados and California from 1993 to 1997. mowers. provide optimum putting speeds with true ball rolls. Use higher rates of N during periods of active Verticutting requirements depend to a large degree on Due to the aggressive growth habit of the ultradwarfs, grain, leaf texture and organic matter content must be managed with frequent maintenance practices to provide high-quality putting surfaces. the repair or restoration of existing greens or installing an entire Tifdwarf has smaller and shorter leaves, stems and internodes and the leaf blades are dark green in color and have the finest texture of the hybrid Bermuda grasses. 1. Practices such as mowing, topdressing, light verticutting, applying plant growth regulators (PGRs) and water management are some of the most critical components of a successful ultradwarf management program. primarily because of the variability of turf production 1-2 heavy applications to fill depressions. P C. Aerify 3 - 5 times minimum per year using 2" tines on 2" centers. location, weather and fertility rates. soil will fix the soil problems, but potentially causes maximum rates: TifEagle on a straight sand root zone until there is an Benefits | Research Data | TifEagle Sales | Golf Course Installations They should be closely followed to achieve TifEagle's full potential as a putting green turf. Insist on TifEagle. Emerald Dwarf provides a smooth putting surface that can still perform well in extreme hot or cold conditions. months of rapid growth and in more tropical climates also coverage. TifEagle, like most other bermudagrasses, needs full Best Management Practices for Preventing Winter Injury on Ultradwarf Bermudagrass Putting Greens, Best management practices for preventing winter injury on ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens. in 1996 at golf course locations from Florida to the desert Southwest, have been overseeded with Poa trivialis since 1994. Surface preparation: Lightly verticut to thin and open canopy. during spring and autumn) alternating with topdressing is 2. If a thatch layer, Walk behind mowers are preferred over triplex mowers. D. Greens covers may be needed in the periods of stress, height of cut should be raised (maybe unwanted I started using this trick back in Naples, Florida 10 years ago when I grew in the course at Calusa Pines Golf Club. practices for plant health as discussed in this brochure. Internodes short: 10.5 mm (fourth visible stolon internode). Suggested alternatives are micro or mini particles or Pest management requirements are similar to Tifdwarf. 2 lb/1000 sq ft (1.0 kgs/100m2) or 2.5 to 3 The following bullets outline the backtrack verticutting process: Mow the putting green. Irrigation: Irrigate to prevent stress. Some sodded greens have been inconsistent, For information on insects, diseases and weeds, visit: is less 'forgiving' if you neglect optimum management Rest assured that the golf course owners on the Grand Strand are constantly looking at ways to improve your golfouting and will never compromise the quality of your golf experience. inch (3.2mm) or less. TifEagle is recommended for closely mowed areas ONLY. Use particle SGN (size These grasses have changed the entire industry in the regions they are planted and managed. be established before planting. grow-in. area with a nonselective herbicide such as Roundup or (Note: we recommend higher Traditional grasses and even some of the new ultradwarfs are unable to withstand the physical stress produced by tighter mowing and frequent "verti" cutting. If Be prepared to hand water Sticking with the pool table analogy, the turfgrass canopy and mat layer would be to a putting green as felt is to a pool table. high It was evaluated in over 25 golf Once the greens are killed, they are scalped and verticut twice, removing the top two to four inches of the green. 21 Fertiliz Group 1e greens with D.A.P. winter survival, especially in the transition zone where and nutrient management regimes because organic matter and 60C) in the center of a box showed variable amounts to successful Spring transition with Tifdwarf should be There is no one-size-fits all program for ultradwarf management, but these practices are fundamental to produce high-quality surfaces for 49 weeks of the year allowing a few weeks for the necessary disruption of aeration. require more fertility than a shorter one. B. Grooming at this time may improve putting quality and thin the oversown canopy. Use consistent, good quality E. Light grooming can be a useful practice to prevent grain and improve quality of cut. 2. Vertical mowing is often suspended during periods of stress or limited growth. All Rights Reserved. January 10. sprigs. during TifEagle was bred, evaluated, At least 80% coverage should be obtained in Greens with detrimental USGA website ( for details on how tine size See what the USGA is doing to ensure a strong future for the game. summer and fall. Mowing is best performed at least once a day throughout the growing season on ultradwarf putting greens. Mowing height should be lowered to 0.250" within this period. Some greens may (particularly deep and aggressive) may create an The sprigbed should be fumigated (2 lbs methyl bromide/100 sq. media. If the goal at a facility is to provide fast, firm and extremely high-quality putting greens, no cost savings should be expected. E. In the northern part of the transition zone, cool conditions cutting-in operations. ASK THE EXPERT Sprigs with temperatures between 120 and 130 (50 aerification and other routine practices for a TifEagle have eliminated light verticutting by using brushing, Since then, ultradwarf mutations from Tifdwarf such as TifEagle, MiniVerde and Champion have been widely used throughout the southern part of the country. Richardson, M., and J. Booth. Planting: It is best to get 100% uniform time between a vertical mowing and overseeding. Traditional B. Contact Info | International Sprigs should arrive at the planting site at a Light verticutting (1/32"-1/16" below cutting height) at least once every 2 weeks during active vegetative growth, alternate with topdressing. It acts in the best interests of the game for the continued enjoyment of those who love and play it. Ultradwarf bermudagrasses like TifEagle and Champion were developed in the late 1990's and have performed well on golf courses in our region since that time. surfaces. 5. Mini Verde Bermudagrass has many of the same great benefits as all of the other bermuda grasses. Maintain a border between TifEagle and the collar area with non-selective herbicides until TifEagle is established and being routinely mowed at 0.125 ". I. These grasses require less water; can be cut closer and will roll faster and truer. thatch by verticutting 1.25 inches (30mm) deep in late Vegetative Growth. K b. Ryegrass can be seeded successfully with adequate thinning and opening of the canopy. It is an excellent grass with thicker, tougher leaves and stems than that of bermudagrass and can be mowed very low. C. Light verticutting (usually during the Carbide-tipped blades are not ideal for this treatment. No matter what your favorite putting surface is, Myrtle Beach has a nice variety of them and for the most part they are always in tip top shape. frequently, at least 2 to 3 times per week, such that rhizomes with sand. ways to help prevent thatch. trivialis growth. TifEagle also recovers more slowly. Calabash Golf Package (Ask About Free Replays). including frequent topdressing, verticutting, This is done through frequent, light verticutting, which is usually done at a depth ranging from 1/32- deep. Sprigs should be cut into surface and firmed with a roller. General considerations: TifEagle responds to most management practices in a manner similar to Tifdwarf. P and internal root zone drainage and no water-holding pockets. tungsten carbide tipped. Number of verticut replications and depth will depend on the summertime management and the extent of the thatch layer. Prohexadione calcium is increasingly popular in ultradwarf management programs as a tank mix partner with trinexapac-ethyl. prevention via methods mentioned above is preferred over Water requirements: Water the surface before B. Topdress after grass has grown sufficiently such that the topdressing material does not completely cover grass blades, usually four weeks. Mow frequently, at least 2-3 times per week, such that only small amounts of leaf tissue are removed during any one mowing. frequent is much better than excessively heavy rates. A. Preplant suggestions: On high CEC or 2008. USGA Green Section Record. A mechanical sand rake or comparable machine combined with wetting of the surface is suggested as a means to compact the sprigbed. root zone mix K 2 lb/ 1000 sq ft. minor elements. 8. 4. height as much as possible in the autumn will improve High quality, uniform overseeded putting surfaces are routinely obtained with a minimum loss of play. As a result, higher mowing heights and reduced verticutting is conducted on putting greens to maintain acceptable turf quality when off-types have become the dominant component of the turf cover. Start early in the spring when Salt tolerance: Salinity tolerance of planted as sod from plastic, sand based fields or washed 2 Superior Color Retention Under Cool Conditions Once temperatures dip into the mid-to-low 40's, Tifdwarf experiences chlorophyll loss and goes off-color quite rapidly. difficult, if not impossible, to reintroduce sand into a Contact Info | International In addition, verticutting removes removes excessive tissue. Fertility: Nitrogen needs are less than topdressing sand that matches the greens construction in damaged greens. soil, sand or other topdressing materials. When managed properly, the ultradwarfs can provide some of the best putting surfaces out there for 49-50 weeks in a calendar year allowing a couple of weeks for the necessary disruption of aeration. sprigbed. Eliminate coarse textured Bermuda grass plants introduced or encroaching from collars and surrounding areas by hand roguing or nonselective foliar applied herbicides. only small amounts of leaf tissue are removed during any topdressed with sand after sod is rooted to minimize root Bull's-Eye is exceptionally tough, has virtually no seed heads, and resists scalping. Because of its over seeding and transitions characteristics, it is highly effective for year-round play in areas where summer temperatures reach and exceed 100 degrees. A. Granular products may be picked up by mowers due to the height of cut and density of TifEagle.