Most formal-sector workers (70 percent) received between one and three times the minimum wage. There were repeated reports of excessive use of force by police officials when detaining people or policing protests and by members of the National Migration Institute (INM) and the National Guard against migrants. According to National Security Secretariat statistics, between January and June, state-level prosecutors and attorneys general opened 495 femicide investigations throughout the country, exceeding the 477 state-level femicide investigations opened in the first half of 2020 (statistics from state-level reports often conflated femicides with all killings of women). The Puebla state government sued the news outlet E-Consulta seven times due to its reporting. As of August 16, authorities had not arrested any suspects. Authorities were attempting to extradite Roemer from Israel. When authorities fail to accept a recommendation, the CNDH makes that known publicly. It was created in 2019 to bring together national and international forensic experts to help identify 37,000 unidentified remains held in government facilities, coordinate implementation of the general law on forced disappearances, and allocate resources to state search commissions. The CNDH headquarters are located in Mexico City. Note: The safety and security equipment and services sector encompasses several different segments, including some defense products. The Mexico 2017 Crime and Safety Report for Mexico City by the US Department of State's Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) indicates that crimes such as armed robberies, kidnappings, car thefts, credit card fraud and residential theft are "daily concerns" (US 24 Feb. 2017). Before a strike may take place, a union must file a notice to strike with the appropriate CAB, or the appropriate labor court once they are operational. It may exercise its power to call before the Senate government authorities who refuse to accept or enforce its recommendations. In July the Prosecutor Generals Office arrested seven members, including the leader, of the Tamayo human smuggling organization. The National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women is responsible for leading government programs to combat domestic violence. Journalists in Iguala, Guerrero, received anonymous messages through social networks, such as Facebook and WhatsApp, threatening them and their families, according to civil society. Journalists reported altering their coverage due to a lack of protection from the government, attacks against members of media and newsrooms, and threats or retributions against their families, among other reasons. Indigenous persons generally had limited access to health care and education services. The COVID-19 pandemic generated additional risks and exacerbated vulnerabilities for IDPs, including overcrowding in shelters and difficulty accessing food, basic health care, and education. Defendants may not be compelled to testify or confess guilt. July 2022. Citizens generally registered the births of newborns with local authorities. Penalties for violations of the law were commensurate with those for other similar laws. The law prohibits children younger than age 15 from working and allows those ages 15 to 17 to work no more than six daytime hours in nonhazardous conditions daily, and only with parental permission and permission from the labor authority. These included low wages, contentious labor management, long work hours, unjustified dismissals, a lack of social security benefits, unsafe workplaces, and no freedom of association. The NGO also reported the existence of multiple unregistered private institutions without licenses operating as orphanages. The government generally exempted accompanying adults from detention to preserve family unity. with disabilities attended school at a lower rate than those without disabilities. Although the constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary, court decisions were susceptible to improper influence by both private and public entities, particularly at the state and local level, as well as by transnational criminal organizations. Physical Conditions: According to the Federal Prison System, as of June there were 220,393 inmates in 288 state and federal facilities with a designed capacity for 217,064. President Lopez Obrador condemned the threats, and the Interior Secretariat confirmed that authorities would grant Uresti protection measures. Some civil society groups, however, asserted that state commissions were subservient to the state executive branch. In 2019 a Mexico City court ordered academic Sergio Aguayo, a columnist of the daily newspaper Reforma, to pay a fine of 10 million pesos ($530,000) in moral damages to former Coahuila governor Humberto Moreira. Between January and August the CNDH recorded 123 complaints of arbitrary detention. The law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, and the government took steps to increase its legal authority to pursue these crimes. Ecuador 2019 Crime & Safety Report: Guayaquil The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report's publication assesses Ecuador at Level 1, indicating travelers should exercise normal precautions. The midterms marked a large increase in female candidates. The web site offers its visitors the latest in safety and security-related information, public announcements, warden messages, travel advisories, significant anniversary dates, terrorist groups profiles, country crime and safety reports, special topic reports, foreign press reports, and much more. In July the Supreme Court ruled that authorities at all levels must investigate enforced disappearances, search for disappeared persons, and inform victims of the process. The CNDH reported indigenous women were among the most vulnerable groups in society. Reproductive Rights: There were no confirmed reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. Their abduction followed the killings of two Yaqui activists and leaders: Thomas Rojo in May and Luis Urbano in June. The Monterrey Country Council is active, meeting quarterly. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. This announcement was also reshared on the local news outlet, MyParisTexas. A report from the Black Alliance for Just Immigration found black migrants faced widespread racial discrimination from individuals and authorities, particularly in accessing employment and services. Write by: . Women tended to earn substantially less than men did for the same work. Following the introduction of the accusatorial justice system, however, there was a significant reduction in the number of persons detained in this manner, falling from more than 1,900 in 2011 to 21 in 2018. The minimum age for hazardous work is 18, including all work in the agricultural sector. He fled to Israel, and the government requested that the Israeli government issue an arrest warrant and extradite him. Many companies evaded taxes and social security payments by employing workers through subcontracting regimes or by submitting falsified payroll records to the Mexican Social Security Institute. Media monopolies, especially in small markets, at times constrained freedom of expression. This represented an increase of 11 percent of children from the 2017 INEGI survey. As published in The Yucatan Times, OSAC . Any corporate, non-profit, academic, faith-based or other U.S.-incorporated organization of any size with operations outside the United States may apply to join. Libel/Slander Laws: There are no federal criminal laws against defamation, libel, or slander; however, eight states have criminal laws on these acts. Under the accusatorial system, judges conduct all hearings and trials and follow the principles of public access and cross-examination. The law states that the principle of gender parity should be observed in the designation of cabinet members, selection of candidates for public office by every political party, and designation of members of the judiciary. As of August, 25 of 32 states had specialized prosecutors offices for investigating torture, or specialized investigative units within the state attorney generals office as called for by law. There were reports of journalists practicing self-censorship due to threats from criminal groups and government officials. Google received more removal requests from government agents in 2020 than in any other year except 2014. For example, Felipe Orozco, hospitalized multiple times for mental disabilities, reported that mental health professionals from a psychiatric hospital in Puebla shackled him naked with a padlock during the nights for two and one-half weeks. The federal government created a National System for the Search of Missing Persons as required by law, but as of August it had not established the required National Forensic Data Bank. A Mexico City municipal law provides increased penalties for hate crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. The Catholic Multimedia Center reported that criminal groups harassed priests and other religious leaders in some parts of the country and subjected them to extortion, death threats, and intimidation. Failure to register births could result in the denial of public services such as education or health care. In March authorities in Mexico City opened an investigation based on allegations of rape against Andres Roemer, a prominent writer, producer, consular officer, and former UNESCO goodwill ambassador. Freedom to Participate in the Political Process, Section 4. The STPS certification of the new election set November 3 as the date for termination of the existing agreement, thus establishing that representation rights would be determined under the new labor reform rules and institutions. Arbitrary Arrest: Allegations of arbitrary detentions persisted throughout the year. On June 19, a dispute between factions of the Gulf cartel killed 15 persons in the state of Tamaulipas. From January to June, the CNDH received nine complaints accusing government agents of forced disappearances, including five against the army and four against the National Guard. Call this number to report violent crime, arrest, or grave . Forced internal displacement disproportionally affected indigenous communities. Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology, Office of the U.S. There were credible reports of sexual assaults against migrants, particularly women, while migrating in and through the country. OSAC Council. The NGO Disability Rights International reported various instances of abuse, including the use of prolonged restraints and isolation rooms for children with disabilities in both public and private institutions. The pension was 2,550 pesos ($125) every two months. The OSAC app offers many of these tools and reports that are provided on the website. Federal law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights. The government increased the CNB budget 8 percent over the 2020 budget. The CABs were widely alleged to administer these elections with a bias against new, independent unions. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings, c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees, f. Arbitrary or Unlawful Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence, a. Criminal cases related to such violations were rarely carried out. Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. In most cases the law requires detainees to appear before a judge for a custody hearing within 48 hours of arrest, during which authorities must produce sufficient evidence to justify continued detention. The reforms prevent the registration of collective bargaining agreements known as protection contracts, which nonrepresentative unions often negotiated and signed without the knowledge of workers and undermined genuine collective bargaining. According to civil society, libel and defamation proceedings tripled from 11 cases in 2019 to 33 cases in 2020. While on average informal workers earned less than the minimum wage, in some areas, such as near the northern border, informal employment could pay more than formal employment in the manufacturing sector. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report. 1964 to over 97,000 by the end of the year. That means the homicide crime rate was 29 per 100,000 in 2020. On August 30, the Extraordinary Mechanism for Forensic Identification became fully operational. For example, journalists in Nogales, Sonora, said they were aware of unspoken red lines in covering organized crime and that crossing lines, such as mentioning the name of an alleged assailant, could result in personal harm. State and federal prosecutors are independent of the executive branch and have the final authority to investigate and prosecute security force abuses. U.S. Department of State - United States Department of State In response to a 2020 civil society organization lawsuit, a Mexico City court ruled authorities must implement COVID-19 detection and preventive health protocols for detainees and their families in prisons in Mexico City and psychiatric wards nationwide. 21 Feb. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report. Black migrants reported migration authorities detained Black migrants for longer periods than other migrants. Underage children in urban areas earned money by begging, washing windshields, selling small items, or performing in public places. As of October the special unit had reissued arrest warrants for 11 of the 78 released detainees, including municipal police officers, but made no arrests. 10/22/21- (written by rramos)- Justice in Mexico has released the third edition of Organized Crime and Violence in Mexico, coordinated by Laura Y. Caldern, Kimberly Heinle, Rita E. Kuckertz, Octavio Rodrguez Ferreira, and David A. Shirk.Previously titled Drug Violence in Mexico, the release marks the third consecutive year in which the report has been issued under its current name, in . Twelve states have laws restricting public demonstrations. In addition to the outstanding Zeron arrest warrant, the Special Unit for the Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa case issued 12 warrants and made 10 arrests for investigative irregularities, such as torture and obstruction of justice. February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . Several indigenous communities brought legal actions to oppose the construction, many of which were dismissed or denied. Enrollment of children with disabilities decreased by 40 percent during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Yo Tambien. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) issued a news release on November 5, 2021 announcing the 14 laboratories in its Crime Laboratory Division have been recognized as implementers of the standards on the OSAC Registry. As of August 27, there were no updates in this investigation. Although the law requires entities recruiting for overseas employment to register with the STPS, there is no enforcement mechanism, and only a handful of recruiters complied. Reforms to the Prosecutor Generals Office split the Office for Combating Violence Against Women and the Trafficking in Persons offices in an effort to elevate these issues by giving each its own special prosecutor general. Impunity for torture was prevalent among the security forces. The OSAC Program Office is headquartered in Washington, DC and is overseen by a 34-member public-private Council. Several outbreaks of COVID-19 resulted in multiple deaths. In October 2020 authorities announced they would release Brenda Quevedo Cruz, who had been in prison without trial since 2007. The most common aggressions were intimidation and harassment, followed by threats and physical attacks, according to civil society groups. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the MORENA party coalition won the presidential election in generally free and fair multiparty elections in 2018. The government did not enforce the law effectively. Federal and state labor inspectorates conducted nearly 30,000 labor inspections in formally registered businesses in 2020 but did not conduct inspections in the informal sector. VFelbabBrown. Between January 1 and August 4, it received 4,119 reports of missing persons and located 3,805 alive and 277 deceased. Citizens hoping to obtain temporary, legal employment in the United States and other countries frequently paid recruiters hundreds or thousands of dollars in prohibitive fees to secure jobs, and many prospective workers were promised jobs that did not exist. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The legal minimum marriage age is 18. The UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented cases in the states of Mexico and Chiapas in which detainees remained in pretrial detention for more than 12 years. There were some complaints of illegal searches or illegal destruction of private property. The same tribunal rejected registration challenges from four other parties, including former president Felipe Calderons Free Mexico Party, which the INE argued did not produce sufficient evidence of the origin of some funding it received. Gomez had advocated against illegal logging and the destruction of the Michoacan monarch butterfly habitat. Reports JASON Study 2021 [7 MB] DSS 2020 Accomplishments [6 MB] Antiterrorism Assistance Retrospective 2018-2019 [9 MB] Brochures & Text The Diplomatic Security Service: U.S. Diplomacy's Global Force (PDF) [7 MB] The Diplomatic Security Service: U.S. Diplomacy's Global Force (Text) Diplomatic Security Regional Security Office (PDF) [4 MB] Diplomatic Security Regional Security Office [] During the first six months of 2021 the INEGI reported a total 16,972 (provisional) and the SESNSP reported 16,950 murders. OSAC membership includes 5,400+ member organizations and 18,000+ individual members from corporate, non-profit, academic, and faith-based groups of every size, all with overseas operations and personnel who are exposed to ever-evolving security issues. Some public officials blocked critical journalists and media from following their social media accounts. The reforms provide workers with the right to freely elect union representatives and approve or reject collective bargaining agreements through a secret ballot process before they are registered. By law the government collected biometric data from migrants. In 2016, the most recent data available, INEGI reported that 44 percent of persons working in agriculture were day laborers. The group reported 16 acts of aggression against female journalists between January and July and called on the Puebla governor to guarantee the adoption of public policies to respect, protect, and guarantee the exercise of journalism. The Secretariat of National Defense and Secretariat of the Navy also play a role in domestic security, particularly in combating organized criminal groups. Women, children, indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, and migrants (including men, women, and children) were the most vulnerable to forced labor (see section 7.c.). The law criminalizes sharing, distributing, and publishing intimate sexual content (including photographs, audio, and videos) featuring individuals who have not explicitly given their consent, with penalties of up to six years in prison. For example, manufacturers commonly hired workers on one- to three-month contracts and then waited a period of days before rehiring them on new short-term contracts to avoid paying severance and to prevent workers from accruing seniority. The order directed the Attorney General's Office to reopen the investigation into the 2014 killings of 22 civilians by members of the military in Tlatlaya, Mexico State. Workers, the employer, or an interested third party may request the CAB or court rule on the legality of the strike, which may find the strike is nonexistent and therefore illegal. Access to justice was limited. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at According to The Yucatan Times, OSAC officials said U.S. citizens heading south of the border should be aware of the rampant crime in Mexico, including the risk of robbery, sexual assault and illegal drug use, even in popular tourist destinations. The National Migration Institute, under the authority of the Interior Secretariat, is responsible for enforcing migration law. Penalties for law violations regarding hours and minimum wage were commensurate with those for other similar laws but were rarely enforced. Job announcements specifying desired gender, age, marital status, and parental status were common. Federal law prohibits discrimination against LGBTQI+ individuals. Defendants have the right to an attorney of their choice at all stages of criminal proceedings. On January 11, the government ended migratory detention for children. The CNDH did not report on the merits of the complaints. Some NGOs alleged individuals who organized campaigns to discredit human rights defenders at times acted with tacit support from government officials. Censorship or Content Restrictions: Human rights groups reported that some state and local governments censored media. According to the victims mother, police detained and interrogated him without reasonable suspicion or probable cause. See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at The CNB reported that during that period, of the 3,025 bodies exhumed, authorities identified 1,153 and returned 822 to their families. Standards moving through the development process at standards developing organizations (SDOs). The government did not effectively enforce the law. Human rights and environmental activists, many from indigenous communities, continued to be targets of violence. In 2019 the federal government introduced pensions for persons with disabilities in a state of poverty. Sometimes family members arranged marriages for girls younger than 18. Nevertheless, only 2 percent of schoolteachers in the country were trained to teach children with disabilities, according to the civil society organization Yo Tambien. Federal authorities supported access to contraceptive methods, but states efforts varied widely.
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