Hadad (or Adad) - storm and rain god; Enlil (or Ashur) - god of air, head of the Assyrian and Sumerian pantheon; Anu (or An) - god of heaven and the sky, lord of constellations, and father of the gods; Dagon (or Dagan) - god of fertility; Enki (or Ea) - god of the Abzu, crafts, water, intelligence, mischief and creation and divine ruler of the Earth and its humans Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. [26]:58[27]:231234 His primary consort was Ninlil, the goddess of the south wind,[28]:106 who was one of the patron deities of Nippur and was believed to reside in the same temple as Enlil. It is believed that Nammu held greater importance in earlier times, but as there are no written records of those times, this is impossible to say with certainty. The God Enki. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Anunnaki Family Tree With Complete Detail - FamilyTreeX the Anunnaki? (Not Even in Self Defense) <<, http://praxoil.com/vk-sumerian-gods-family-tree.html, Conspiracy Theorists being Intentionally Discredited on a Global Level . [17]:85 They are frequently referenced in magical texts,[17]:8586 and some texts describe them as being seven in number. Family tree of the Babylonian gods - Wikipedia She was known to accompany her favorite king in battle in the shape of the planet Venus, the morning star, or the evening star. The governments (the Global Elite) are only using us because they think were fearful and stupid. 2. Top 10 Sumerian Gods and Goddesses (2023) - artssaintsauveur.com It appears we may have a very good reason to LOOK UP these days. (2 Thes 2:11), It is the fallen angels (aliens) telling us that "they" are our creators. However, they were gigantic in size, and caused humans to feel a physical unease and fear should one look at them. The Trimurti 3. during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Although she is referenced at length in Sumerian myth, there are some who doubt her status as a deity as there are not very many references to her in the ancient records. where he described in great detail the Anunnaki. the Mesopotamian - especially Babylonian - version of the But if the Anunnaki were real. Enki and Enlil. Later, without having established a clear motive for this change, the Igigi were considered as celestial gods while the term Anunna was used to designate the gods of the Underworld, especially seven gods who served as judges in the Underworld. [19] The god Neti was the gatekeeper. Sumerian God Names with Meanings: An - "God of Heaven" Enki - "God of Wisdom" Enlil - "Lord of the Storm" or "Lord of the Air" Inanna - "Lady of Heaven" or "Queen of Heaven" Nanna - "God of the Moon" Utu - "God of the Sun" or "Shining One" Ereshkigal - "Lady of the Great Earth" or "Lady of the Underworld" Tiamat - "Goddess of the Primordial Chaos" Anu is also known as "An," the Great Father of the Sky. Nanna was also the father of fire god Nusku and one of Enlils trusted ministers. Ninti, or Ninmah, or Ninhursag was an OLDER SISTER of Enlil and Enki, the goddess who aided Enki in our creation. following three (picture below) is a family tree more inclined to p. 415. A small statuette of Enlil which shows him as a bearded man sitting on a throne was found in Nippur. Sumerian gods included Inana, the great Sumerian goddess of fertility, war, love and success; Ninhursag or Ninmah, the earth goddess; Nergal, the god of death and disease; Anu, the ruler of the sky and the principal god in Uruk; Enlil, storm god and the main god in Nippur; and Sin, the god of the moon. The "Sumerian gods" are indeed returning on Nibiru. However, DONT BE AFRAID! . This is a summary of the Sumerian gods' family tree. [29] Ninurta was the son of Enlil and Ninlil. Priests were responsible for continuing the cultural and religious traditions of their city-state, and were viewed as mediators between humans and the cosmic and terrestrial forces. To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: James Hardy, "The 10 Most Important Sumerian Gods", History Cooperative, April 22, 2022, https://historycooperative.org/sumerian-gods/. [19], It is generally agreed that Sumerian civilization began at some point between c. 4500 and 4000 BC, but the earliest historical records only date to around 2900 BC. They say they want no harm to be done to us lulus (humans); they say they owe us and want our forgiveness for what happened in the past (to understand this you really need to read my Papers at wespenre.com, or Zacharia Sitchins books). Add this URL to your browser address bar with a copy and paste: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Gods of Death That being said, the Sumerian gods are indeed returning (from the dog star Sirius, e.g. Utu: God of the sun at the E'barbara temple of Sippa; As I said, I have seen many different variations of family trees for these gods. take care of their own and the Global Elite, and well go from there. Vintage. SAMs are returning to what once was a planet they inhabited in greater numbers than human, until humans began to outnumber SAMs. Forward to: The Me Epic of Gilgamesh Her popularity saw a spike in the early days of Babylon, eventually going on to become the foremost of healing deities for the civilization. Do you believe it or is this part of the great deception? Praises to Jesus Christ the King of Kings. The work done by Mr. Penre is surprisingly accurate regarding SAM and its inhabitants. BB. Some sources also say that it was not Enki, but Abzu itself that was worshiped by the people of Eridu as the personification of the freshwater supply. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila.The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, by Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and pseudoscientific portals.Author Zecharia Sitchin published a dozen books known as The Earth Chronicles from the 1970s where he described in great detail the Anunnaki.In his Books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that describes the Anunnaki.In the book the 12th Planet, Sitchin tells the arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Nibiru about 450,000 years ago: tall beings about 3 meters in height with white skin, long hair and beard, who would have settled in Mesopotamia and that, by genetic engineering, accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. Like his son Utu, Nanna was determined to be a judge of good and bad due to his all-seeing position. Ancient Egyptian Gods & Goddesses: Names & Family Tree 2a - Marduk on his throne in his mud brick-built ziggurat temple inside heart of Babylon. Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Norse Mythology Family Tree? tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that Sumerian Mythology - The Anunnaki Gods: The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians#SumerianMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplainedCheck out. Farrell Family Tree Check All Members List, President James Monroe Family Tree You Should Check It. Believe what you must and be responsible for what you believe, but get information from oracles, not from anyone else. The offspring of air deities Enlil and Ninlil, Nanna was responsible for bringing light to the dark sky, which was said to be divided into three domes over a flat Earth with each dome made of a precious substance. [17]:75 His most important cult center was the E-abzu temple in the city of Eridu. PRAY and love and touch peoples lives with compassion and remain aware of whats happening around you. According to an ancient seal, she was pictured as a woman with long arms wearing a traditional garb and a horned helmet. Listen to the Podcast and it he said this back in Dec. of 2005. Like most ancient civilizations, the Sumerians came to believe that just about every earthly phenomenon, anthropological aspect, and astronomical event was somehow controlled by unseen deities. It takes you from the beginnings of humanity to the Sumerian's gods and goddesses. 2 strong delusion and lie information seethe SUMERIANgods FAMILY TREEhere. Strangely, Nanna was also considered to be the god of cattle because their horns resembled the crescent moon. It is unclear as to who her husband was, but it was either the god of war Ninurta or the god of plants Abu. The Sumerian god An, for example, developed the Akkadian counterpart Anu; the Sumerian god Enki became Ea. Enki: Creator of mankind. Other Sumerian and Akkadian deities adapted into the Hurrian pantheon include Ayas, the Hurrian counterpart to Ea; Shaushka, the Hurrian counterpart to Ishtar; and the goddess Ninlil,[41] whose mythos had been drastically expanded by the Babylonians. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. In his books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that describes the Anunnaki. Did you like this post? The Family Tree of the ancient Anunnakithose who came - Pinterest 1. Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the ability for space travel and genetic engineering 450,000 years ago, and that they would have left traces of their existence all over Earth with small clues pointing to a still unknown technology that is present in various forms in the construction of pyramids (Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec and Chinese), in the megalithic site of Stonehenge, in the spaceport of Baalbeck, in the Nazca lines and in Machu Picchu. [19][14]:184 All souls went to the same afterlife,[19] and a person's actions during life had no effect on how the person would be treated in the world to come. He took my message to King Nannar, who agreed I could do that. The Family Tree of the Ancient Anunnaki - Those who Came Down from Heaven NKJV, John- It wasnt just their powers that separated them from humans, though. All Tribulation-Now email list members are friends in Jesus. Mason-Dixon Line [14]:179 The Akkadians syncretized their own gods with the Sumerian ones,[14]:179 causing Sumerian religion to take on a Semitic coloration. Nephilim, Anunnaki - Royal Bloodline - Creators "Those who from Heaven to Earth came" The Sumerian King List allegedly recorded all the rulers of Earth over 400,000 years who were said to be gods, demigods, or immortals . Mesopotamian Gods and Goddesses: a Pantheon of Battles - ThoughtCo are returning to Earth to take care of business, overthrowing both the disloyal Anunnaki and the human Global Elite, by some called The Illuminati (http://illuminati-news.com). Unlike most major gods, Enki did not live in heaven, Earth, or the Netherworld; he lived in the Abzu. Heaven was reserved exclusively for deities and, upon their deaths, all mortals' spirits, regardless of their behavior while alive, were believed to go to Kur, a cold, dark cavern deep beneath the earth, which was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and where the only food available was dry dust. Enki & Enlil - Annunaki .org He used to be a great resource on Illuminati research until he fell for the ultimate deception; that they are our creators (2 Thess. Comparison of the Sumerian Gods and the Greek Pantheon - GraduateWay Abode: -. [14]:203 Ordinary mortals could not go to heaven because it was the abode of the gods alone. Let everybody outside this planet learn that we are a peaceful race. (LogOut/ Ninti, or Ninmah, or Ninhursag was an OLDER SISTER of Enlil and Enki, the goddess who aided Enki in our creation. The scriptures says that one day we shall judge the angels. In Egyptian mythology, she was Queen of Heaven, Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, justice, and political power. In the myth of Atrahasis it is stated that, before the creation of man, the gods had to work to live.Then, the Anunna made a category of inferior gods, the Igigi work for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working.Then Enki created humanity so that it continued performing the tasks that the minor gods had abandoned and through cult would provide food to the gods.In the Enma Elish, it was Marduk who created humanity and then divided the Anunna between heaven and earth and assigned them tasks. arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called provide food to the gods. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens - YogaEsoteric The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 3,010 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. While most religions today are firmly rooted in the idea of a perennial god who transcends the very concept of time, the Sumerians believed that their primary gods came from the union between the goddess Nammu the Sumerian goddess of what was considered the primordial sea or salt water bodies and her partner Engur, who was not a deity but a personification of what was assumed to be an underground ocean of freshwater called the Abzu or Apsu. Realtec have about 29 image published on this page. Although the gods Nanna and Enlil refused to come to her aid, good old Enki sprang into action and tried to have Inanna extracted from the Nether realm. ISBN -09-927367-5. [14]:184 She was Inanna's older sister. Functions As a warrior god, Zababa was credited with strength and prowess in battle. Nibiru about 450,000 years ago: tall beings about 3 Will the result of their visit to Ki be REAL peace and unity, or war and separation? Please Note: The below "Sumerian god" Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens Did you like this post? [15] The middle dome of heaven was made of saggilmut stone and was the abode of the Igigi. Sumerian Family Tree - Halexandria Inanna was associated with the planet Venus and was often depicted holding a bow and arrow, a symbol of her military prowess. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree + Did Gilgamesh Exist? However, he was far from being autonomous, as his actions were almost entirely dictated by Enlil, with Enki being something of an agent of execution. of years ago. Family tree of the Babylonian gods Part of a series on Ancient Mesopotamian religion Religions of the ancient Near East Anatolia Ancient Egypt Mesopotamia Babylonia Sumer Iranian Semitic Arabia Canaan Primordial beings Seven gods who decree Other major deities Minor deities Demigods and heroes Spirits and monsters Tales v t e Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It shows you exactly what the Sumerians believed about their ancient gods and goddesses and how they're related to each other. Here below is a reprint of the article from Wes Penre. [14]:179 Lists of large numbers of Sumerian deities have been found. Mesopotamian religion and gods | Britannica Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree + Did Gilgamesh Exist? - UGETube Ningal was the wife of Nanna,[35] as well as the mother of Utu, Inanna, and Ereshkigal. 02 Mar 2023 11:46:12 DO NOT TAKE SIDES and DO NOT FIGHT IN THEIR WAR! And regardless of what other say, there is an ESCAPE ROUTE and it is called the calling up (harpazo) of the Bride of Jesus Christ (see the Church of Philadelphia in Rev 3 particularly version 6. Until the advent of the Lugal ("King"), Sumerian city-states were under a virtually theocratic government controlled by various En or Ens, who served as the high priests of the cults of the city gods. Enlils importance was immense as he was said to be the being that granted kingship to kings, and the force behind most of the aspects of the universe. the Enma Elish, it was Marduk The Adamic bloodline (through Abraham) and the gentiles were created by YAHWEH the Most High GOD (the great El Elyon) and our Heavenly Father through the power of Jesus Christ his only begotten Son and our KING. Share. Such inconsistencies were also common when it came to what a god was the god of, with multiple gods being in charge of one aspect of the cosmos, and a singular deitys purview changing over the course of time. So Penres claim that these Sumerian god Annunaki ET shape-shifting freaks are planning to pose as our creators and fight the evil Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex not only matches supposed whistle-blower testimony but also matches the lies that the Pleiadian light workers are being fed from their likely micro-chipped cosmic channeler friends of the Galactic Federation of Lies (GFOL). Sumerian Gods - Etsy The goddess was married to Nergal, the god of war, death, and disease. According to Sitchins writings, the technology and power of the Anunnaki is something our civilization cannot replicate even today in the 21st century.Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the ability for space travel and genetic engineering 450,000 years ago, and that they would have left traces of their existence all over Earth with small clues pointing to a still unknown technology that is present in various forms in the construction of pyramids (Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec and Chinese), in the megalithic site of Stonehenge, in the spaceport of Baalbeck, in the Nazca lines and in Machu Picchu.The theories are many, and what some scholars refer to as a mythological species, others point towards interstellar travelers, that came to Earth thousands of years ago.But if the Anunnaki were real? initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. Towards the end of Sumerian civilization, these temples developed into zigguratstall, pyramidal structures with sanctuaries at the tops. If you want to get to know me, just email me. He has returned to Earth with a message from his King to put on what the King considers friendly websites. Temples served as cultural, religious, and political headquarters until approximately 2500 BC, with the rise of military kings known as Lu-gals (man + big)[6] after which time the political and military leadership was often housed in separate "palace" complexes. EXEMPLIFICACIONES ESPIRITUALES, COYUNTURAS ASTROLGICAS, Experienced Pathologist confirms Covid Vaccination causes, Experts, studies recommend eating like your ancestors to, Majority of Indians believe in intelligent extraterrestrial, SPIRITUAL EXEMPLIFICATIONS, FAVOURABLE ASTROLOGICAL, Pesticide, Seed, and Digital Agriculture Industry, White hats are doing good work behind the scenes. Her temples were found in Nippur, Mari, and in several other places under different names. The god of heaven or the sky, he was also the patron god of the city of Uruk. The minor god Damu also had the power to drive demons away, and had many a Sumerian poem written about him. Jesus also told us to look up because your redemption draws near. Get started for FREE Continue. Ereshkigal was the goddess of the Sumerian Underworld, which was known as Kur. All Rights Reserved. He is said to maintain the sharp point of weapons and have broad wisdom. bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. tree osiris anubis slideshare. He is often depicted as a human lying on his . [18][19], The Sumerian afterlife was a dark, dreary cavern located deep below the ground,[19][20] where inhabitants were believed to continue "a shadowy version of life on earth". Anunnaki - Sumerian Gods - Crystalinks Learn how your comment data is processed. The Sumerians believed that the universe had come into being through a series of cosmic births. SAM will be red in color. The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of Beware of fraudulent claims to legitimate blessed Abrahamic bloodline relatives. The only consistent aspect of any visual portrayals is his symbol, which was a horned cap. [17]:8586 Several extant poems describe the galla dragging the god Dumuzid into the underworld. Then Enki created humanity so that it continued performing The lie our Father warns about is that the Sumerian gods are our creators (see the Ancient Aliens Discovery Channel documentaries). Gibil is a God of Fire. The Sumerian god of the sky was An. I don't own Pjo/ Hoo characters or book Rick Riordan does. accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens The list of its authors can be seen in its historical. Who was the Sumerian God Enki? | Gaia I recently finished producing a three hour documentary on this very subject, Ill never forget when I asked christ to show me the secrets and low and behold he did. Either way, she went on to enlist the help of Enki to create a clay figurine in the image of the gods themselves. sumerian gods family tree - Duo Arquitetura So, who were The "Grand Assembly of the Anunnaki", essentially the Family Tree of Anunna was used to designate the gods of the Underworld, the Mesopotamian - especially Babylonian - version of the Regular price $19.95 or less Ancient History Family Trees. Author Zecharia Sitchin published a dozen books known as The Earth Chronicles from the 1970s where he described in great detail the Anunnaki. sumerian gods family tree - J-Ousting Let a.A.Mi. An took control of heaven and separated the sky from the Earth when Enlil came between himself and Ki, allowing for the creation of the universe. His intelligent magic often included trickery to benefit the good of the human race. I have just realised the truth, and everything we have been taught are lies. This included the aforementioned air god Enlil, air goddess Ninlil, moon god Nanna, and sun god Utu. The Sumerian goddess Inanna also developed the counterpart Ishtar during the Old Babylonian Period. There is even evidence of cults which considered Nanna to be the primary god. Laugh at it if you must, but take it seriously if you are smart. There were many notable differences between most modern religions and Sumerian religion apart from the aforementioned polytheism. [14]:184 Nanna was god of the moon and of wisdom. Mesopotamian Gods And Goddesses Family Tree - Realtec [17]:140, Inanna was the Sumerian goddess of love, sexuality, prostitution, and war. Said to be in control of female fertility, sexual love, reproduction, and war, she was a catalyst of both life and death, showering the civilization with blessings when pleased. The god was later known as Shamash. The Sumerians are a race of gods . . Devi 2. Nazi German, Bolshevick and Chinese revolutions). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). . ENBILULU - The Mesopotamian water god charged with the care of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Note from the Editor: First of all; this is an authentic message! One version of the myth states that when Enlil proposed the idea of creating humans to Nammu, she told him that she could make such beings with the help of Enki who was also her son. Stan Deyo warned us that rumblings in the Pentagon indicate the Sumerian gods are returning. Praise our King Jesus Christ. This will be realigned properly on return, and those who stand with them will be eliminated as pawns and as proxies which is what they are in hopes that the power and position now held will continue with the victory of their patrons. In early times, Sumerian temples were simple, one-room structures, sometimes built on elevated platforms. Fortunately enough, many of these varied parcels of old fable . Please do your own research. Later, without having established a clear motive for this change, While Nammu may have been considered to be higher up in earlier forms of the religion, Sumerian goddess Inanna was unquestionably the most important female deity in the history of ancient Mesopotamia , and one of the most revered goddesses from all ancient civilizations. Hanuman 5. As with many other polytheistic religions, the Sumerian pantheon consists of a number of gods who are all related to one another. the Igigi were considered as celestial gods while the term The Giants 3. In 2 Thess. Her name means "Lady of the Sacred Mountain" and she is a fertility and mother goddess who was a patron to many rulers. So humans, whatever you do if you want to change history and follow a more enlightened path: stay out of this conflict! Find and download Mesopotamian Gods And Goddesses Family Tree image, wallpaper and background for your Iphone, Android or PC Desktop. Additionally, these deities were depicted to either be human in form or, at the very least, anthropomorphic. Discover the powerful health benefits of tree nuts. In the book Use a screen scraper to take snapshots of the graphics and place into Microsoft Word. The Hurrians adopted the Akkadian god Anu into their pantheon sometime no later than 1200 BC. This myth nicely rounds up Inannas personality:lustful, violent, and vengeful. Ancient Gods Family Tree - Unforbidden Knowledge Gibil - God of Fire. - Sumerian God - The White Goddess Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. This is the real deal. Genesis One is highly metaphorical and speaks of earth ages or Yam (Hebrew). Inana (Sumerian)/Itar (Akkadian) is among the most important deities and the most important goddess in the Mesopotamian pantheon. The article on Wikipedia is licensed under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license, and may have been edited to reflect more or different information. [20] During the Third Dynasty of Ur, it was believed that a person's treatment in the afterlife depended on how he or she was buried;[17]:58 those that had been given sumptuous burials would be treated well,[17]:58 but those who had been given poor burials would fare poorly, and were believed to haunt the living. The do NOT WANT THIS INFORMATION OUT. We shall see We lulus are ready for peace and unity as a species; let it therefore be a guideline for the Incoming. In the book the 12th Planet, Sitchin tells the arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Nibiru about 450,000 years ago: tall beings about 3 meters in height with white skin, long hair and beard, who would have settled in Mesopotamia and that, by genetic engineering, accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. Not exactly brother. [34] He may have also been the father of Inanna and Ereshkigal. phenomenon at global scale, The strategy of keeping secret the ET existence. earth and assigned them tasks. An and Ki then proceeded to mate, and birthed Enlil. The goddess who , Watch Mythology with Mikes video about Ishtar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnpreFTArFcChart by Matt Baker:https://usefulcharts.com/Script & Narration by . contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. The king-priest, wearing a net skirt and a hat with leaves or feathers, stands before the door of a temple, symbolized by two great maces. Orwellian Nazi Airport Screening w DHS Disinformation Board Secretary, The DHS Disinformation Board the 21st Century Gestapo, Scott Ritter and Alex Thomson Insider Intelligence Interview, Ukraine War How God Uses Dark Times to Save Souls, The below Sumerian god Family Tree web site has blocked access from the Tribulation-Now web servers. They are the fallen angelics (minor gods) and have nothing to do with the creation of the Adamic Bloodline of Jesus Christ.
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