You are such wonderful people and natural substitutes for them. Godparents must be chosen by the parents with the capacity and intention to serve as godparents. To my Godparents, From the moment that I was born I was given the title Goddaughter. It was understood that he would help raise the boy if the parents died, though. I just picked people I liked [for godparents].. If youre already a subscriber or donor, thank you! By Elaine J. Ramshaw August 16, 2007. But I will make sure I will always live up to your example. It happened because of you only. Rainbow, no one knows where the rainbow goes. Robbie Robertson, 48. I vow to always steer you towards the light of your faith. Real godmothers are so much better than the fabricated, storybook kind in so many ways. Best wishes for Confirmation Day. A Reflection for Saturday of the First Week of Lent, by Christopher Parker. Now were connected forever, both ways, she said. There may be no easy way to say thank you to godparents, but that doesnt mean you have to skip them year after year. Go the Candle Way. It is truly a great honor to have a Godmother as great as you. In addition, the godparent is generally expected to fill the role of a supportive . I appreciate your affection and kindness. Anonymous, 51. In that case, you'll need to choose godparents before the baptism ceremony takes place. Your loving hearts have put up with me though for the past 20 years and if it werent for you I would not truly know what love was like. Your presence at our baby's baptism warmed our hearts. How to be a good godparent to your godchildren? Thank you for such an honor Thank you so much for picking me as a Godparent. Thank you for your love that you show me regularly. Anonymous, 91. If they dont [know their faith], their mother certainly does, and she makes sure things happen, Ms. Crino said. I was absolutely floored. You instructed me to be the sparkling light for everyone. I will never be able to express my gratitude enough for been given the privilege of being your Goddaughter. I would say I got the best of the bunch when I have you as my godmother. Is it even possible to not like her? Last December, I called my sister and eagerly told her to check her mail. Always there when they needed support! Hannah Gardner, 70. Below is a Canon Law citation regarding the selection of godparents. Sometimes, parents want to honor (or appease) so many people that they choose six, seven or eight godparents, even though canon law allows for no more than two. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Prerequisites and restrictions. You were asked to be the Godmother of your dear friends baby. My parents really got it right when they chose you to be my godmother! Asking someone to be a godparent is a big deal, kind of like asking someone to walk you down the aisle at your wedding, Ms. Adams said. Asking someone to be a godparent is a big deal, kind of like asking someone to walk you down the aisle at your wedding.. Happiest birthday, godmother! Anonymous, 77. Yet, in the grand scheme of things, they deserve just as much appreciation as our birth parents. if you are trying to comment, you must log in or set up a new account. I'm so happy to be a part of ______'s growing up Thank you for your love and support. Best pick ever! Anonymous, 56. What better way to ask that special someone with something so divine and serene like candles. Custom God Mother Shirt. Thanks to you for all that youve accomplished for me. Anonymous, 21. Godmothera guardian angel on earth, a woman who offers love, support, and encouragement. Anonymous, 4. For me, you are the most incredible godmother in the whole universe. Anonymous, 28. answers from Cleveland on July 27, 2010. I can't express my gratitude for choosing me as your child's Godparent. Dear Aunty Gemini, I am so blessed to have a Godmother like you. My aunt godmother rocks. Anonymous, 75. This sacrament allows the child, who already has reached the age of reason, to confirm her faith. However, they did designate a . How are they supposed to be chosen, and what are their duties? Dear godmother, when I go to meet you, I feel empowered and energized. The role of a godmother and the role of a godfather includes setting a good example for the child and being a positive and strong role model for them. Godmothera gift sent from above, a guardian angel that was chosen with love. Anonymous, 17. In addition, the godparent or sponsor is to be chosen by the person to . You can be that type of godparent without being religious at all. So what does the church actually require of godparents? Things come and go. As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important Americas voice is in the conversation about the church and the world. Dear Aunt Rosie and Uncle Tim, I just want to say thank you for being my godparents. There was nothing that could be done. They pressured the parents to abort, but as staunch Catholics, Cathy and her husband resisted. Elvis Presley! The majority probably arent practicing [Catholics]. So anyway, we do have some good candidates for the godparents. Im glad youre my godmothersomeone to hold my hand, a friend if I should need one who will love and understand. "Choose people who offer friendship and who will be part of your child's life for a very long time," suggests Millar. Im as lucky as can be, the worlds best godmother belongs to me. Anonymous, 26. How many Godparents can my child have? I can never repay you for all your kindnesses. Church is tradition; there's a reason for these traditions. Brand, I hope you are doing fine. For a Catholic baptism, only a Catholic can take on this responsibility. Thank you for bringing lots of happiness to my life, happy birthday! Anonymous, 85. In infant baptism and denominations of Christianity, a godparent (also known as a sponsor, or gossiprede) [1] is someone who bears witness to a child's christening and later is willing to help in their catechesis, as well as their lifelong spiritual formation. Morning is my godmother. It's very moving to become a Godfather. We are so proud to get the opportunity to be godparents to your little boy. Your understanding is perpetual and your energy is superb. Anonymous, 53. This elegant card is personalised with the name/s of the sender/s to create a stunning keepsake for a special Godmother. 13.1 the person has no intention of fulfilling his obligations as a godparent. Love is holding your godchild in your arms. Anonymous, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'quoteambition_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',161,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-leader-1-0');18. Thank you for giving me hope, wisdom, ongoing support, and for loving me like your own daughter. Now she speaks more simply about what parents are asking for when they seek out baptism for their children. I have always felt so proud of having such respectable folks like you in my life. I cant quite believe you chose me as a Godparent. Now, we don't mean a Hallmark card with a generic phrase on how to ask loved ones to be godparents. On your special day, I wish you would receive lots of joy and happiness that you truly deserve. Be the Fun "Aunt": Especially when Godchildren are young, enjoy being their indulgent, doting "aunt." I'm not suggesting you buy your way into their heart with toys, trips to theme parks and gallons of ice cream. #19 Having a child is like taking your heart from your body and setting it down to walk beside you instead. Dr. Iannucci, I know this note will catch you by surprise because I dont always mention how I feel about you. What this looks like practically varies between families, but it does mean that godparents ought to be people who participate in the life . It was the baptismal sponsors job not only to assist the new Christian in the development of his faith but to vouch for his sincerity. Ill teach you of his love, and all that love bestows. Anonymous, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'quoteambition_com-netboard-2','ezslot_31',172,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-netboard-2-0');62. I love you. It's both terrifying and incredible. Mr. Godfrey, Ive never said this before, but I think youre the best godparent ever. Which of these godmother quotes is your favorite? Help the godchild in his or her faith. Never forget it. Thank you for all the blessings you have showered upon me. Anonymous, 90. Question: Can you please clarify for me, something that is confusing regarding choosing godparents for babys baptism in the Catholic Church. Baptism rites all over the country use the same words, but what it means to be ready to help varies by region, culture, generation and even by individual Catholic. My little one would be grateful to know that you are his godfather, once he grows up. Being a godmother may appear to be a simple task of looking after the childs spiritual needs, but it is not. Godparents Can Offer Their Support for the Marriage in a Number of Ways as Well Providing financial assistance. !Thank you for choosing me @selammm This a" I thank your parents for trusting me to watch over you and give you all my love, because every time you call me godmother, my heart jumps with joy and fills me with emotion. Anonymous, 3. But sometimes, said Catherine Crino, they want something more. So take my hand and show me the way. A godmother is always there. Anonymous, 11. I saw the ghosts of yesterday. I was a nominal Catholic, at best, until about 15 years ago, Ms. Ekblad said. 3. As the child matures, it will be important for him to see someoneother than his parentswho treats spiritual goods as the highest goods in this life. You were the obvious choice. It is a huge honor so, before asking, you must think about whether the individual will be prepared and able to fulfill the role. How do you say thank you to godparents to make them feel really special? For this reason, family members are often a good choice because it's pretty hard to disconnect from family. I am as proud as punch about becoming a godparent. I appreciate you and I will pray to God to fill every scarcity in your life. Anonymous, 31. When I got back to my hometown. When Ms. Adamss husband, Stacey, was married to his now ex-wife, they chose his best friend and her sister as godparents to their three sons. I am honored and blessed to be your Godparent, and look forward to a special relationship with you! Five Ways to Be a Fantastic Godmother 1. Live far away from your godchild? Godmother, I would say that the best place on Earth is inside your hugs. people, women and others in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Cupich: Critics of Pope Francis Latin Mass restrictions should listen to JPII. The other consideration is if you wish to send your child to a religious school. I always hoped that you would accept the role; it means the world to Gracie and I. Godparents are your partners in helping to raise your child with faith. Bisset was named Jolie's godmother thanks to her strong connection to Marcheline Bertrand, Jolie's late mom. So the position of godmother requires someone brave, compassionate and loving. Lin and Jan, Thank you so much for accepting my Lindy as your godchild. Happy birthday. Anonymous, 65. Many people dont realize that June Carter Cash was my godmother. When there was heartache inside of me your comfort was all I needed. Keep goingfrom your loving godmother. Anonymous, 35. I would have never pictured that you both would be one of my biggest influences in life. As your Godson grows into a young man, youll be the same. Check out these 10 ways to ask in the slideshow below! Made of 100% cotton, the sweatshirt features a soft and comfortable feel and comes in your choice of 15 colors. I was living a meaningless life until I found you. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lin, I havent always said this out loud, but I really appreciate your love and affection for me all these years. With lots of love, Jenny, Christened on 23rd May at Grace Church. Cost: $14.01. One of the most wonderful things to happen in my life was the moment that you were chosen to be my godmother. And she holds out hope that the childs father will also draw closer to the church. Id say most gifts begin at $50+, family and close friends might get $100 or more. Choosing Swift as a godmother . Thank you for your mentorship, godmother. Anonymous, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'quoteambition_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_25',168,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');46. 2. You are a blessed woman and I am a blessed godchild because of who you are and what you do. Anonymous, 12. A godmother is a woman whos a godparenta person who has pledged to help with the upbringing of a child, especially in a religious way. Can. I love you! Anonymous, 49. He or she has no penalties in the church. You have a special future ahead of you but Im so proud of everything youve done so far. Id been notified that a special package I sent her had reached her doorstep. like you. A Roman Catholic priest baptizing a child. The questions may vary according to the service, but some of the questions are whether the godmother is willing to pray for the child, to care for her and to draw her into the community of faith. The key to happinessas any good fairy godmother will tell youis not to avoid problems, but to overcome them. Janette Rallison, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'quoteambition_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');14. Make a candle label or buy one from the market that has the question written on it. I truly feel so lucky for having you as my godmother. Can. You did not have to take on what seems like a third child when you both have children of your own. In this circumstance, its usually the case that a girl will have 2 Godmothers and 1 Godfather and a boy to have 2 Godfathers and 1 Godmother. A godparent. As with all things infused with grace, the godparenting relationship can work in more than one way, drawing both child and godparent closer to Christ. -1 Likes, 11 Comments - Maza (@mazalena32) on Instagram: "To my baby ImaniI am honored to be your Godmama! Then they discovered that the child had a severe heart defect and encephalitis. My dearest godmother, remember that you are one of the best things that God has ever blessed me with. And since the role of godparent is to guide the child in their faith, especially if something should happen to the parents, our kids really need good godparents. She had a beautiful life, Ms. Nelson said. The godmother also serves as an example of a godly life to the child, and she must be ready to share her belief with him. If you ever feel lost or distraught, I will be there to offer a listening ear. He or she must not be the parent of the child. Anne Hathaway! Dearest godmother, I enjoy each and every single moment that we spent together. Youre trying to take people where theyre at., When parents choose godparents, they often do not look to people who know more about the faith than they do and who might fill in the gaps in their childs religious education. Adele! But we pray for them, and they know our views. 873 There is to be only one male sponsor or one female sponsor or one of each. Traditionally, they offer their blessings of the nuptials and stand as witnesses to the marriage covenant. Leticia Ochoa Adams, a writer who lives in Texas, said that in Hispanic culture choosing godparents is almost like adding to the family. Youre truly a credit to your parents and have a wonderful life ahead of you. Anonymous, 32. Thank you for taking the leap. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. You are my favorite goddaughter and you are surely pretty just like me. Anonymous, 63. As I continue to grow, I know that my time with the both of you is very precious and I hope to use it as wisely as I can. She has spent many years preparing parents for their infants baptism and preparing children over the age of 7 who come into the church through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This suggests they consider you as a positive role model for their childs upbringing. But if youre looking for a creative and memorable way to pop the question to the prospective godmother or godfather, weve got you covered. This is clearly the best one. Rather than using baptism as an opportunity to draw in sponsors, the church needed to be wary of infiltrators posing as catechumens. For anyone who has had a Christian upbringing, or has a friend who is Christian, you understand why being asked to be a confirmation sponsor or a godparent is a big deal. so glad you will be walking. If you're thinking of ways to ask the desired people to become godparents to your children, then there are many creative ways to do it. And thats such an important thing. Of course, Mrs. Hubert across the street loves you, and your godmother loves you, and your grandparents love you. Jessye Norman, 27. Loving me like no other. Bill Callahan, 71. According to David, God knew us when we were nothing more than mere "substance" in the earliest stages of being formed in our mothers' wombs. Godmother, you truly are one in a hundred billion. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Non-Hispanic Catholics are sometimes taken aback by the warmth and enthusiasm Hispanic godparents or confirmation sponsors (often the same person) bring to the relationship. Candidates need to be no less then 16 years of age and carry the maturity required to fulfill the role. She said it is common for people who were not confirmed, or even refused confirmation earlier in their lives, to ask to be confirmed as adults just so they can become godparents. You still ask about my personal life. Only a court can legally take away parental rights. I just want to say thank you for everything youve done for me. She estimated that 90 percent of Poles consider themselves Catholic, and religion is routinely taught in the schools. She had heart surgery and lived to be 9 years old before her shunt finally failed. Today, it is far less likely that some impostor would seek baptism under false pretenses. Can you be the godmother of a friends Baby? Then her friend asked her to become the godmother of her first son. Basically, Ruby and her family adopted all of us.. Respected godmother, I would like to say thanks for coming to my baptism. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. Essentially, they think youre the bomb. Lauren Stanton, 16. This content was produced by Ask The UMC, a ministry of United Methodist . Godmotherour subsequent guardians, companions, and partners. In the traditional, religious sense godparents are typically adults from your church who lead a faith-filled life and participate in the child's baptism. It's not like after all these changes, people are flocking to the Church! Nowadays , many non-religious people just ask. As Pope St. Paul VI warned, the gap between the gospel and the culture is growing. With you beside me through my life, I know that Ive been blessed. Hailey, 47. Basically, Ruby and her family adopted all of us, Ms. Dawson said. I have four children, and weve asked each of their godparents in different ways, ranging from a phone call to an in-person conversation to a package in the mail. The message is softened and lost and therefore the followers are lost and noone can find godparents! The idea that somebody else is going to swoop down and play the fairy godmother role is pretty unlikely, so why not take care of yourself? Victoria Moran, 30. Godmother You were destined to be a godmother! With Love, Emilie. She still lives down this way. It is possible to have only one godparent, but if there are two, there must be one male and one female. Ive got to get me one of those little accessories. Courteney Cox, 9. Standard Situations. Pisces are so talented they don't even need a last name. If both parents draw up wills, and name the godmother in the will as their preferred guardian, it is very likely the court will appoint her. I dont know if thats a thing, she said. Sometimes, the simplest phrases are the best to use. You can have as many Godparents as you like for your child. Id say $100 is average in our area. Finally, there can only be one male and one female . If the brides father is no longer living, the padrino (godfather) may walk the bride down the aisle. You can either click on the link in your confirmation email or simply re-enter your email address below to confirm it. Its [a matter of] Gods grace and his own path.. Its not a matter of finding the most accurate argument for the faith. I know who to call when Mom isn't around. When you register, youll get unlimited access to our website and a free subscription to our email newsletter for daily updates with a smart, Catholic take on faith and culture from, Were sorry registration isn't working smoothly for you. Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. Look within your family. Heres wishing you lots of love and never-ending happiness! Anonymous, 29. When Ms. Hayes chose godparents, her faith had already deepened and matured; but Amy Ekblad, a homeschooling mother of 13 children, did not come back to the faith until around the time of her fifth childs birth. Choose someone who will stick around Choosing your brother's girlfriend of two weeks is not a good choice for a godmother because who knows if she'll still be around in years to come? They chose you for me and Im happy that they did. Say thanks for being chosen as a Godparent with these thank you messages and quotes. Since youre a frequent reader of our website, we want to be able to share even more great, As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important, Godfriends: when your godchild happens to be an adult, Cardinal McElroy responds to his critics on sexual sin, the Eucharist, and LGBT and divorced/remarried Catholics, Worried you retired too early? Please contact us at with any questions. At the baptism, you and they make a commitment to teach the child the beliefs and practices of the Catholic faith. As Americans become less religious, some families are still looking for a mentor for their kids, albeit not a spiritual one. Afterward, more than one person told Ms. Nelson that they had been away from the church but that the funeral sermon made them rethink things, and they wanted to start going to Mass again. 1. godparent Godmother! Now you have accidentally said something valuable. Hercule Poirot, 25. May this day bring so much love and happiness to you! Not long ago in Ms. Nelsons parish, a Catholic mother married to a non-Catholic man chose her younger brother as godfather. I'm no expert in zodiac signs, but I do spend a fair amount of time looking at both zodiac sign memes and entertainment news on Instagram and Twitter, so I feel as if I'm certified to do this. It is customary for godparents to handle other tasks during the ceremony or reception as well. Ms. Nelson often has the unpleasant task of telling them they cannot honor friends with the godparent role because they are not Catholic or because they are in an invalid marriage. Generally, the person has to have been baptized and has to be in good moral standing with a church. Teach me to be patient and work 'til I'm through. Typically, all parents stick with one godmother and one godfather. Traditionally , Christian parents ask someone to become godmother or godfather to their child to help with the responsibility of raising the child in the Christian faith , teaching him or her about Jesus, and praying for the child . When there were obstacles set in front of me you guided me to conjure up a plan and get passed them. At the reception, the madrina (godmother) carries the wine glass that is used for the toast. But as soon as Bailey asked Ruby to sponsor her, she excitedly launched plans to buy Bailey a dress, shoes and jewelry. Thank you. Anonymous, 57. My godmother used to say, I dont want to rust out, I just want to work out. A legal guardian, on the other hand, has one very specific role: Take care of the children if both parents were to pass away. I know the love of God because of you only. I talk to them about picking out a cross and putting it in their childs room, about getting a childrens Bible and reading it to them. Happiest birthday to you, my dear godmother! In fact, I wasn't even invited to his christening- I found out about it after the event. They didnt need anything material at that point. You are as wise as wise can be, having been brought up by the fairies, and you can tell me this: Is it better to have had a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it? Charles Dickens, 72. Thank you for accepting the role of Godmother. Instead, parents often turn up at the parish office asking for baptism without understanding in any depth what the sacrament means. Happy birthday. Anonymous, 60. 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When first asked, you were humbled, surprised and a little anxious. For you, Ill do my best. Miley Cyrus! Thought I was in the clear for getting odd requests from parents but my mom just asked me who our sponsors will be. If you think I'm wrong, then you're probably a Taurus (did I do that right?). 874 1 To be permitted to take on the function of sponsor a person must: 2 A baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesial community is not to participate except together with a Catholic sponsor and then only as a witness of the baptism. Be responsible for the child's spiritual learning. Its a joy I cant explain. Anonymous, 24. At the time, I would have never imagined what a privilege it was to have been given that. 13.3 the person is not a Catholic. Many people wont have been so lucky to get a godmother like you. You have been a motivation. Im a godmother which is just, thats fun to be a godmother. Cardinal McElroy on radical inclusion for L.G.B.T. Ah! I also want to let you know that you will always have a special place here in my heart. Having been born and raised in the Catholic faith and a practicing Catholic, it was always my understanding that as long as one godparent is Catholic, that it was OK to have the other godparent be a non-Catholic person to be the godparent. godparents are chosen with love. When Betsy died, over 1,000 people attended her funeral, where the priest reminded the congregation of the candle that Ms. Nelson and her husband had held on Betsys behalf at her baptism nine years before. Thank you for being my godmother. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Happiest birthday to the best godmother in the world! Among the few that I really treasure, you two, Mr. and Mrs. Obi, have taken the top spot on the list. 67. Allow your Godchildren to see your joys and sorrows (in an age-appropriate way) and see how your faith is interwoven into every aspect of your life. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. I might be a little biased since this is my sign, but come on, it's Beyonce. You're an icon, Capricorn. I was like their own fairy godmother! "I thank your parents for trusting me to watch over you and give you all my love, because every time you call me 'godmother,' my heart jumps with joy and fills me with emotion." - Anonymous 3. The whole experience got me thinking about how to ask someone to be your childs godparenta godparent proposal, if you will. And I would wipe away your tears and tell you not to cry. 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