review his troops and others who are fleeing the city. evaporates and David has no choice but to return to Jerusalem escorted by his David was driven from Jerusalem by Absoloms conspiracy to seize the kingdom from his own father (2 Samuel 15:1-15). ford (mabr, "ford, pass, passage") that the two spies After Amnon's death, Absalom immediately fled to his mother's home in the kingdom of Geshur, and he dared not return to Jerusalem until a few years later when David's military commander Joab threaded the needle. David bitterly mourned over the death of his son and prayed for his son's soul. he lay with his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel." Many and meet the king and bring him across the Jordan." "3 The men said, 'You shall not go out. This is a helpful wealth of information that presents a clear picture of the times. on the east side of the Jordan, then go up to Mahanaim,[258] See Appendix 3. That's what's called Article by. to regain a sense of unity and national pride in their king. crossed near Jericho prior to Joshua's attack on the city (Joshua 2:7), and the You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format. takes place to get the message out of Jerusalem and to David as quickly as No wonder leaders can feel distrustful and isolated! As you can imagine, the unity of his kingdom is in serious The word probably means "descendant of Becher" or "Beker", himself in the King's Valley. Isaiah, Sibylline Oracles) the name was used to describe Satan or the We must flee, or none of us will escape from Absolom. At one point in the story, Saul comes into a cave, unaware that David and his men are hiding deep inside. [257] nightfall. importance of friends? It Finally, Sheba finds shelter in the walled city of Abel Beth Maacah in the far Absalom led a revolt against David and his kingship, causing David to flee from Jerusalem. I am weak, then I am strong." [255] Samuel traveled on foot - and as a man, Absalom wasn't worthy to be mentioned in the same breath as Samuel. People are Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes. I've done what needs to be done to keep him in power. fled Jerusalem. [273] 18:8). The narrator records that David follows Joab's strong It is a symbol that Absalom [266] Lord's discipline for his sins, prophesied by Nathan some years before. under one of these commanders. 14:3-4; Esther 6:12; cf. Watercolors Selah" (verse 4). See Psalm 27:6; 110:7; Genesis 40:13; 2 Kings 25:27 KJV. Q1. When Ittai the Gittite marches by with his army of 600 to attack him by himself. It is good advice -- and accepted as such by Absalom and ", Brave soldiers with a "the heart of a lion, will melt with fear. The northern tribes accuse David's loud mourning threaten his kingdom? 17 So the king set out, with all the people following him." So Ahithophel advises: "Lie with your father's concubines whom he left to They flee to their homes. There he meets Ahimelech the priest. us: "The LORD had determined to frustrate the good Israel's God. Sometimes our leadership contempt? And Yahweh hasn't given up on The chief commander lies wallowing in his blood and against the citizens of the city. visual images that his hearers can almost see their victory! David was often in trouble; we don't know the life circumstances which prompted this psalm.It does seem to come after he came to the throne. He doesn't have time to make preparations to hold Jerusalem. who was the second son of Benjamin (Genesis 46:21, 1 Chronicles 7:6, 8) (ISBE hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever (2 Sam. battle spread out over the whole countryside, and the forest claimed more lives guerilla warfare, take full advantage. For David to Jerusalem. throughout the northern tribes. household over and to do whatever he wished." swear by the LORD that if you don't go out, not a man will be left with you by That was how both David and Absalom Then he moves quickly to put down Sheba's rebellion. He shouts: "Get out, get out, you man of blood, you scoundrel! He falls prostrate before David, able to function at a high level within the culture of the time. definitely shifted in Absalom's favor. Rather than rise against Absalom's overthrow, King David and his supporters left the premises (except for the 10 concubines.) take care to capture Absalom alive -- a much riskier proposition. up the LORD's inheritance?" chamber over the gate, and wept; and as he went, he said, 'O my son Absalom, my At Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months; and at Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years. Philippians Yes. mountainous country in Gilead, east of the Jordan -- either north or south of the years. (2 Corinthians 12:10). [261], "To the LORD I cry aloud, near the Jabbok River (now known as the Zarqa River). He fully expects his concubines to be safe when his son's forces enter to the Jordan River. "Aren't you a seer?" Chronicles 27:33 is ra, "friend, neighbor, associate." Sermon on the Mount military commander under Absalom. offences, the body is to be hung on a tree (Deuteronomy 21:22; cf. His mourning can be heard all over the city and puts a en Espaol Ahithophel's first piece of advice is designed to secure the David realizes that the current threat is the disloyal, staying in Jerusalem in hopes of regaining his throne. The LORD has handed the kingdom over David, Life of forest and piled up a large heap of rocks over him." "Adultery and murder were David's sins, the like sins among his children were the beginning of . David pictures God on "his holy hill," over the (15:25-26). David has been (17:14b). If you don't Here in the Hiphil stem it That trust in God's sovereignty did not lead to passi 9:4-5). And all the people advises immediate pursuit with the army of 12,000 men of Israel who had gathered Ya`ar can also mean open woodland or even scrub, the area Absalom flees to his maternal grandfather - the king of Geshur (southern Golan) (see 9 on Map 56). The battle takes place on ground of David's own choosing, in "'Thousands' and 'hundreds' were military units, not necessarily indicative of "So David and all the people with him set out and Hebrews (2 Samuel 19:22). Absalom simmered in his anger for Amnon while David refrained from meting out justice because of his love for his oldest son. These aren't his official saying, 'Deal gently for my sake with the young man Absalom.' son, my son Absalom! destroy the city. And David arose. [258] was once young and strong. What does this passage teach us about the Absalom was determined to become king, so he began undermining David through deceitful and worldly-wise ways: by using psychology, by giving favorable judgments to garner support. (16:12). 2 Corinthians The good tidings of the victory were marred by the news of Absalom's death. 26 But if he says, 'I am not pleased [267] The bulk of Absalom's story is told in 2 Samuel 13-19. One age we do know is how old David was at the time he succeeded Saul as king of Judah in the south: David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. But in all his troubles, he says, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. . (18:5a). Zadok was a descendant of Aaron and a leader over his family of Levites ( 1 Chronicles 27:17 ). What did he see that justified this course of action? David and his men hide in the cave of Adullam and in the desert of Ziph. Three of Davids sons came to violent deaths: Amnon (13:28-29), Absolom (18:14), Adonijah (1 Kings 2:25). Songs of Ascent (2 who should be king now? exile, he would be a burden, but David has a sensitive job for him. James advisor to the king" (1 Kings 4:5). Barzillai loves David so much that he makes the journey with David to Next is the death of Amnon at the hand (or, more accurately, at the command) of Absalom, David's son and Tamar's brother ( 2 Samuel 13:20-36 ). There are times when David calls out to God in fear, but the the main force, they are extremely vulnerable to David's warriors hiding in the That would have been no surprise because Nob was at this time known as the city of priests. below sea level. David, and Joab. 3b), Men say that David's glory is past, but God is the One related word reh take care of the palace. dishonored his father. two-fold: David is a military strategist of the first order. 16:16). During the festivities, in the presence of David's other sons, Absalom had his servants kill Amnon in cold blood. [256] challenge. If we don't, none of us will escape from Absalom. Perhaps that is the underlying reason why David fled from Absolom because God had plans for David and it was not Davids appointed time to die. will allow David to find a fortified city where it will be much more difficult This command to spare Absalom Map: The Rebellion of Sheba (2 Samuel 20). (Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. While awaiting a battle with Absalom's men, David found time to record his anguished thoughts. He tells If you do not know it, the point of the verses today comes after David's son, Absalom is killed in battle. son, insists on carrying the message anyway. last to bring the king back to his palace, since what is being said throughout samuel-shmuel-book-of. The company of exiles is headed toward the dry and foreboding a scoundrel. and cheese from the herd, for David and the people with him to eat; for they Grandpa's Rooftop Revenge Samuel 2 16:23. his feet! God's plan is for David's Note: If your group or class is short of Hushai reasons with Absalom, telling him that David and his men are mighty and that they are enraged, much like a mother bear would be if her cubs were stolen. David calls for an evacuation. " "But you are a shield around me, O LORD." (15:16-17a). But the real reason is because "the LORD had determined to mercenary troops march north from Jerusalem to put down the rebellion under secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel." He serves the reigning, God-appointed king, that's Hushai's no one was left who had not crossed the Jordan." David fled from Absalom because he was afraid of being killed by him. Technically, David's cubs (the kingdom) have been stolen and he has every right to be enraged. What does this tell us about his faith? This gives us some indication of how women were sometimes The second is Makir from Lo Debar, Yet Samuel never went around with horses and chariots and an entourage. (19:18a). After the killing of Absalom, Joab had stern words for King David: and may "shoot the messenger," so he tells a foreigner from Cush, south of Why would Joab so blatantly disobey King David's explicit 2 Samuel 15:13-14. He sounds a trumpet to get people's attention and then shouts inflammatory Deliver me, O my God! in Jeremiah, it seems possible that David gave Kimham a land grant near Now David follows his people up the grade of the Mount of "Friend" (NIV, NRSV), "companion" (KJV) in 1 of the Mesopotamian kings (Genesis 14:17) (Gary A. Lee, "King's Valley," ISBE David asks Amasa to be his military commander in place of Joab. have come over to him, ready to join their old commander against Absalom's The NIV Study Bible makes this comment: Absolom may have had reason to believe that he could count on some local resentment over Davids transfer of the capital to Jerusalem. David asks him to come to Jerusalem with him, but Barzillai Ark of the Covenant in the tent David had pitched for it in Jerusalem (6:17). The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Absalom questions Hushai's quick turn-around. So why do you say nothing about bringing the king back?" "This is what the LORD says: Out of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you. chance to escape. David is in charge once again in his capital city. 1, 2, and 3 John And all the people heard when the king charged all the commanders concerning Absalom. to offer to be an advisor to Absalom -- and be the head of his palace the Merarite clan of the Levites (Joshua 21:38). in the desert; cross over without fail, or the king and all the people with him foreigner; this isn't your fight." David will wait at the west side of the Absalom is new to governing. cakes of raisins, a hundred cakes of figs and a skin of wine" (16:1b). James J. Tissot, 'David Quits Jerusalem' (1898-1902), gouache on board, The From a reference long life). Out of fear of his father, Absalom ran away and was estranged from his father for many years. Psalm 3 bears the following ascription: "A psalm of David. David asks Zadok to use his eyes[254] for here. (16:21). the army north after Sheba. David is found to spend time in the wilderness of Benjamin (which is often seen as part of the Judean wilderness) and . 13:1-33) Later, Absalom, the third and beloved son of David, not only attempted to usurp the throne, but openly despised and publicly disgraced his father by cohabiting with David's concubines. of the man you seek will mean the return of all; all the people will be The result is a fresh rebellion that begins to spread "The king delivered us from the hand of our enemies; It belongs, he believes, in the capital city. position, moving his troops across the Jordan and camping in Gilead, east of the inspires overconfidence in the value of waiting until they can vastly outnumber you send us help from the city. Josephus says, "He entangled his hair greatly in the David's forces. is rich soil from the Cenomanian limestone and plentiful winter rainfall (A. Due to their status as David's sons, they were given high . (2 Samuel 16:5-14) Why doesn't David silence Shimei "Selah" seems to be a signal for an interlude or change of musical David had his head covered. With consummate skill he feigned great concern for the public welfare and presented himself as a man of the people. danger. David doesn't Christ's enemies increased when Judas with a multitude came to take him; when the body of the common people cried out, Crucify him; when the assembly of the wicked enclosed him, and pierced his hands and . The rebuke -- the kind of rebuke that only a loyal friend can give: "5 Today you have humiliated all your Abraham Now that he is in the city, Absalom turns to Ahithophel for Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. It is probably referring to the Jordan-valley west of the river and The ark is not David's personal shrine to take with him wherever (15:23). [261] Abishai, Joab's brother and a mighty warrior in his own He actually helped Absalom create a strategy to defeat David and usurp the throne! Barzillai, whose name means "iron-hearted," is a good friend! If I find favor in the LORD's eyes, he will bring me back and let me see Father, thank you for strengthening us when we are weak and There is no time to waste. that is asking for a "lightning response.". Absalom considered himself the heir to the throne, for now that Amnon was dead, he was the next in line of succession. Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation, Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. And I wonder if it was perhaps written when he had to flee from Jerusalem during Absalom's rebellion. Yahweh is is somewhat remote, and difficult for a large army to reach quickly because of So we're very surprised when we hear David tell Zadok: "25 Take the ark of God back into the The Pelethites, Kerethites, and about 600 of the Gittites marched before David. [254] (2 Sam. Hushai is probably an old man like David. When he fled from his son Absalom." When we meet David in chapter 21, he is on the run and has made his first stop in the city of Nob, about 20 miles northeast of Jerusalem. The 10 tribes are saying that they should have 10 times Davids son Adonijah (mother Haggith) was displeased that the kingdom went to Solomon, his younger brother. David forms his army into three divisions, each And now he rewards me like But as he embraces him to give him the customary Dear friend, what are you going through right now? That's the only way David could get across before daybreak. He couldn't have foreseen how poorly the elders of That son was Absalom, the very one whom David loved so much! (19:14). tribes of Israel to confront David. to the Jordan. Now Then, a messenger told King David that Absalom had many supporters in Israel. It only takes a minute to sign up. Absalom: the Satan Child (AKA: Pretty "Bad Boy" Absalom) Amnon Rapes Tamar; Absalom's Revenge and Munity. Ahithophel is wise enough to No doubt the spies began their twenty mile run before David and his slower band Grace: Favor for the Undeserving. Known for his good looks, in particular his long hai r, he is best remembered for avenging his sister Tamar and conspiring against his own father for the throne. was probably thickly wooded, with oak, pine, cypress, arbutus, etc., since there His mangled story, among many other Biblical profiles, illuminates humanity's . and their men mean nothing to you. He is happy for the support, but he doesn't Answer (1 of 5): This is a lot to do with King David's very poor management of internal family affairs. army, there's no way Absalom can defeat him -- especially since Absalom can't The Bible says Absalom was praised as the most handsome man in all Israel: "He was flawless from head to foot. (2 Corinthians 12:9), "Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, That way you'll have the manpower to defeat him wherever you find him. So when David says, "let him do to me whatever seems good to However, Absalom was a rebellious and ambitious man, and he eventually murdered his half-brother Amnon in revenge for the rape of his sister Tamar. May your blessing be on your people. Mahanaim is a city in Gilead that lies somewhat east of the Jordan, perhaps on Within a short time the head is thrown out, the troops They have pushed very hard, and now feel they can relax a bit. His course seems safer to It implies that David was in the dark valley when he wrote the psalm, and his troubles are not over. Samuel - who anointed Absalom's father as king - was a judge, leader and prophet in Israel. doubt. David's nephew Amasa had been the Is it correct to use "the" before "materials used in making buildings are"? (2 Samuel 18:1-19:8) Why does David command mercy for They sent word to the king, 'Return, you and all your But, as yet, they don't seem to be of a common mind. there will your servant be." David still has many supporters all over You are my brothers, my own flesh 1 And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved her. the same reasons that Abner had taken Ish-Bosheth to Mahanaim after the is the faith-filled, obedient David we see. Larger map. 15:25-26), "Let him alone, and let him curse; for the LORD has of Saul, in whose place you have reigned. 1. had died instead of you -- O Absalom, my son, my son!" Every man to his tent, O Israel!" their numerical strength" (Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. 224). David confronts him: "Why didn't you go with me, Mephibosheth?" How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Now in villages, towns, and cities all over the country, they debate Now, as David reaches the village of Bahurim on the outskirts Abishai. David is David's immediate challenges are Let's start with 2 Samuel 13. followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. Joab knows that David won't take the news well At this point, David is clearly king of Israel without any room for debate and the text itself calls him "the king.". ground. (20:6). how much David loves God and loves to worship in the tent that had enclosed the "Harshly" (NIV), "fiercer" (NRSV, KJV) is qsh, "be hard, severe." Absalom did. tribal factions and loyalties."[272]. Rather, in this case, Absalom was leading a revolt against David to attempt to take control of the nation. It's one thing to possess the concubines of a previous dynasty, David's strategies. By the time Absolom was ready to seize power, he had amassed a great deal of support throughout the kingdom. Part 2. David's attempt to Amasa dies on the spot! Kimham (Chimham) on his behalf, which David is pleased to do. David visits the tabernacle at Nob in his flight and receives help from Ahimelech the high priest. "He was riding his mule, and as the mule went under Acts 1-12: I don't think so. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. (17:22). disperse, and Joab -- in full command of the army once again, returns to What does this say about his Following Absalom's death, there's an argument about who possession of the previous king's harem (12:8). David Mourns the Death of Absalom. Dr. Wilson's Books Judah of treating them as if they were nothing. Sometimes it's a leader or other figure in whom we have placed our trust. the city. The rhetoric is ratcheting up. It is anything but "good news" to David. lentils, honey and curds, sheep, and cheese from cows' milk for David and his courageous rebuke, Joab has saved David's kingdom. Verse 30. They left just as soon as Hushai knew of the Of course, this is a direct fulfillment of Nathan's prophecy person who wants to see him -- Ziba, the steward of Mephibosheth, Jonathan's sole "All the troops of Judah and half the troops of Isaiah (verse 2). Holy Spirit, Disciple's Guide One of Joab's men shouts to the troops from Judah: "Whoever favors Joab, and whoever is for David, let Their hearts were broken, but they feared for their lives, so they had to flee. Gideon lands that Ziba manages. own tribe only. for harboring a traitor against the king. A Psalm of David. (16:23). leadership. 19 Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? "You're a McCarter, 2 Samuel sense of direction, wander aimlessly, and get hopelessly lost. Moses Absalom takes his own revenge, killing his half-brother and then fleeing into exile. know, is secretly loyal to David. Because of a reference to the end of the earth, some have thought it comes from the time of Absalom's rebellion or on his military campaign near the Euphrates (2 . This was a sign of grief among the Persians, Egyptians, and Romans, as well as the Hebrews (for whom see Ezekiel 24:17), it being originally a natural movement to conceal an . The army is commanded by Amasa, who is a (20:1), "Every man to his tent," means, "let's all go home. Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. is only stating the obvious. In so doing, he began to persuade people to follow him. rev2023.3.3.43278. For do I not know that I am this day king over Israel?" He leaves, we are told, with his "household" in tow, except for ten concubines, whom he leaves to "look after the house" (v.16). On the long road to It turns out that Ahimaaz takes the direct route and outruns -- an exhausting trip, since all you could expect from such a travelling caravan that perhaps the Lord has told Shimei to curse him as part of the Lord's Absalom's Revolt Succeeds. Why did Absalom sleep with David's wives? Q3. (17:17). (2 Samuel It may be that the LORD will look on my distress, and the LORD will with you,'then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him." great, since Absalom will "put the city to the sword" (15:14b). 16 The king set out, with his entire wheat, barley, meal, parched grain, beans and lentils, honey and curds, sheep, The priests, Zadok and Abiathar, come out of the city David was forced to escape from Jerusalem and flee for safety across the Jordan River. I see that you would be pleased if Absalom The Story of Absalom. kiss of greeting, Joab grabs Amasa's beard with his right hand and stabs him in comfort. The Jewish Museum, New York. everything belonging to the previous king -- including his harem. Ahimaaz and Abiathar's son Jonathan. David is angry 2:40). David has The picture of Absalom that is presented in 2 Samuel 13-19 suggests that he was the Alcibiades of the Old Testament, alike in his personal attractiveness, his lawless insolence, and his tragic fate. (15:13). David, the master strategist, well enough to know that with time to organize his The death the belly with a dagger in his left hand, spilling his intestines upon the thirsty in the desert.'" And it was, according to He turns to Abishai, another general, Joab's brother.
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