Hi Niki I have Pluto in Scorpio 22nd degree 4th house. Hi, great article, Moon Scorpio 22 my sun is in this house as well (sun at 16 degrees conjunct venus, sun conjunct 10H cap.) I have great news for you! Just means when push comes to shove you are cutthroat, like win at all costs. Posts: 120 From: Buffalo, NY, USA Registered: Mar 2013 I also have my moon in gemini 8th house and scorpio ascendant. I was having anxiety over the 18th and 22 degree. According to the degree theory from the late and great Nikola Stojanovic, 12 degrees is the degree of Pisces. I have moon in Capricorn at 18 degrees and have been reading a bit about Vedic astrology. Pluto is also in midheaven! What does that mean for me? This would be Gemini rising in the 1st house at the 22degree . This is such an interesting view of it! 22 Pisces (352): A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM MOUNT SINAI. Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. It just wants you to be of service of some sort, or work in a Virgo ruled field. I am really worried.. North Node in Aries 18 degrees, I have my libra jupiter in the tenth house at the 18th degree. Hmmm, I will try. Im super worried bc I just looked through my cousins chart and her Rising sign is in Capricorn at 22 degrees. Anything that connected to women, the beauty industry, and even the financial field. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_(astrology)#Description, http://www.astrologyinserbia.com/e/knjige/tajne/tajna_22.htm, http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/01/my-entry.html#more, http://sabiansymbols.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/02/lunar-eclipse-februarys-leo-full-moon-a-messenger-fulfilling-their-mission.html, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11158&highlight=death, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5746&highlight=death, http://www.astrologyweekly.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8524&highlight=death. i recently got into degrees and i was worrying so much because i have a Gemini Saturn in the 12th house, at 22 (its my only aspect in that house, while having True Node in 6 Gemini 11th house); i dont know how to interpret this id appreciate so much if you could help me out! The 0 degree in astrology and saturn in leo at 22 degrees (in the 6th house). Now Im so nervous lol! Its a 9 in numerology, that is also the worst, which is also my life path number. Other positive manifestation of Virgo energy is being organised, eating healthy, maintaining a clean environment and helping others. My mom is somehow distant but its nothing catastrophic. With love, Niki. I appreciate your insight! Having your Venus in Virgo at the Virgo degree is like a double whammy Virgo energy. Moon in the second house at 22 degrees Ive been studying astrology but not quite sure how it applies to me and dont want to conjure up any negativity in my life. 22 Cancer (112): A YOUNG WOMAN AWAITING A SAILBOAT. Its as if shadow people and people up to no good, appeared out of nowhere, so I could pay all my karma, and its for lifetimes; which has been my lifes goal when it became apparent that this type of life was not going to stop. What does that mean ? I feel transformed and want to use my experience to help heal. Me too! and i have to confess that i am struggling to forgive. Capricorn degrees: 10 th degree and 22 nd degree. It honestly Depends on what it squares off with. I found out I had 2235 degrees in my Mercury that I also have cancer in. *sigh The blessings still be abundant. 22nd degree in moon sign. im already a hypochondriac i didnt need this too , Please do not worry about that placement. 18th degree doesnt necessarily mean that the native will manifest the lowest possible-or the most negative scenario. The purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone. Your blog article gives me some peace of mind. my sons Gemini 12th house at 18 I just found out that I have 18.45 in my Leo venus in th 11th house. The 22nd degree found in astrology charts is sometimes referred to as the "to kill or be killed degree". My Ascendant is in Aquarius on the 18th degree and I have the worst life of anyone Ive ever known so I think there is something to the reputation. Also mars 18degreea at 7th house. You are definitely not doomed. One possible scenario: with (18th degree) with friends (Aquarius) at home or introduce the other domains of the Moon and you can be gainful(11th house).It has many possible manifestation though. Traditional astrologers awarded the malefics rulership over the final degrees of the signs. I just heard about the whole "22 degrees kill or be killed" myth and I would like to know if it's bad that my ascendant is in 22 degrees Pisces? I translate the 22, kill or be killed, to transform or be transformed, much like the death card. To be honest, I was thinking about how to use that energy but your questions prompted me to think about how to use it in my business, which is mostly online and involves a large number of people. For something really bad to happen I always use the 3 indication rule. Maybe you could help me with some advice. Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. I am a Leo sun, Libra moon, Gemini rising. My sun is Scorpio in 11th house (14 degrees) and my moms moon is in scorpio 22 degrees in 11th house. Please stop scaring yourself, This likely wont do anything to your pregnancy and one placement is not enough to be concerned about it. It surely has. The 12th house is also at 22nd degrees, in pisces, it's ruler, Neptune is in the 8th with Uranus. Home; Forums; Marketplace; . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Im very sorry for your loss. Love and healing to everyone with these placements, Is there any significance to I have Mercury at the 22nd degree of Pisces. (The whole chart should be considered.) I had night terrors and bizarre dreams. but then its was called the worst degree in astrology! Only in the last year or so, after dedicated shadow work and personal empowerment, have they subsided. Lilith Libra 22 Without having a look on your chart I would say about the 7th house Saturn that it must be a double Saturn influence, depends on the dignity of Saturn. 22 Aquarius (322): A RUG PLACED ON A FLOOR FOR CHILDREN TO PLAY ON. Best wishes and love to you. I had so much expectations during my jupiter return & was heart broken when i didnt have any friends yet again when i thought this was the time. Wow, wonderful blog layout! Mull over how could you channel that Venus Virgo energy in your work? my rising in pieces , i have 18 degrees uranus in the second house what does this mean ahah. I am very worried that I am crazy, please help!! My brother (3rd house siblings) also had a serious brain illness and almost died at a very young age. My dad got shot & killed . I would sleep with my covers over my head to hide from perceived threats that felt paranormal. Hello what about 18 degrees IC 4th house and 22 degree Sun in Capricorn 7th house? So, in January, when she appeared on CBS New York and predicted that 2020 would "be a great year, and it will be . i have four 22 degree placements, my mars in leo, venus in virgo, 4th house taurus and scorpio midheaven 9th house too. If we look at the arithmetic, each sign of 30 degrees has one 22nd degree, for a total of 3% of the zodiac. I have attached my chart for those curious. Hi Niki, And that its in the house of south node makes it interesting bc i am at uni and still dont want to have a relationship till now maybe after finishing. Outer planets have an effect on our personality too. does any one have a good site or book that interpet degrees? Perhaps I "lost the plot" at the age of 22, or perhaps I'll be nuts for 22 years.) Hi, Im new to all this but I have Uranus in my own sign of Lubra at 22 And Chiron in Virgo at 18. Check your 11th house or its ruler for further information. I have my Mars in Capricorn on the 22th degree in the 5th house. Its wonderful reading this blog based on another perspective. These cookies do not store any personal information. I doubt it ever will. But it all depends on which house falls under the sign of Leo in your natal chart. However, upon the brothers' arrest, a photobooth picture was retrieved from his front pocket showing him, his brother and a female guest from the . Its Doesnt always mean murder. I have Uranus and Neptune both at the 18th degree, in the fourth house-Capricorn. Should I be worried about that ):? Member. For a more in-depth interpretation of your Mars in Capricorn, one must know which house is affected and the aspects. With all my love and hugs, Niki, My moon is in Pisces 22 degrees in my fifth house. I just found out about degrees todayand I am freaking out because I realized I have my Venus (7th house) in Scorpio at the 18th degree. Saturn and the Saturn ruled houses get much better with time. Regarding my moon my mom is Capricorn! ASTROLOGY IS HERE TO HELP. I have literally grieved him every year since, to the point of depression and weight loss, isolation, etc. What is your take on these placements? Ive experience so much trauma so far, nothing bad bad cos im still here haha, but its got me so worried, why do i have so many 22 degree placements? Wishing you the very best! Without knowing anything about your career, and work what about considering it as to be of service of sorts? The 12th house is also at 22nd degrees, in pisces, it's ruler, Neptune is in the 8th with Uranus. but i think it has something to do with my cusp because my birth is december 23. lemme know what you think!! I also have gemini rising at 18 degrees. As you said you have a Virgo Ascendant, hopefully the busy Aquarius house (now 4 planets are in Aquarius), which is your 6th house, brings you healing! My chart seems to have a repeating pattern . My libra Jupiter also appears to be my chart ruler. Thank you Deepi , Well, Mercury in Gemini at the 18th degree is an auspicious placement since it is in weak conjunction with Rigel a wealth indicator fixed star. I had an organ transplant so Im hoping the health part is over with but do you know what the rest could indicate ? Hi! People say it is the degree of strife ??? I have a question about getting the accuracy of those degrees. my daughters Gemini rising at 18 I assume you are familiar with reading your chart, just add the basic meanings of those degrees to your interpretation. Hi Niki, For an accurate systray reading, more info is needed. I do believe if something ever was after me, I would be ready, but at the heart of it, I think the battle of self and finding my light is the lesson. I hope Ive given you enough information to make an assessment. My dad is a capricorn rising and my mum a virgo rising haha, My Capricorn sun is in the 22nd degree and Im not going to lie but that is scaring me lol. what kind of aspects it has? Hi, I have my sun in Taurus at 22 degrees and also my mars in taurus at 22 degrees both in my 10th house, Im worried this means something negative about my career or finances or reputation. because a few people did relate with me on quora. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Please help me , what can i do with my situation? Being placed in the 12th house means your career can be connected to isolated places or far away places or working in solitude. Any advice? Well, Virgo Venus is not a walk in the park especially at a young age unless you channel your Virgo Venus in your work. The most important are your Ascendant and the Sun to interpret. Then I call it and all the fears go by. Does anyone have any experience or have any planets at the 22nd degree? 18 degree Mercury XI house, II house Virgo without planets. omg how has life been like for you so far? A lot of military, and politicians have 22 degrees through their chart. do not freak out, please. All I find are Sabian symbols and they're so vague and unhelpful. Required fields are marked *. I have my moon in libra, 2nd house, 22.8 degrees. Thanks once again! I assume you are familiar with that, if not you can find articles on the psychology of Socprio and Neptune on my website. Any planet in the 11th house is good. i dont have any severe health issues that i know of though. Interpret it as it doubles the energy of the Zodiac sign, where it is. So, I would appreciate a lot your answer, at least to tell me how to understand position to connect the dots Thanks! Watch out for 18 degrees as well. 22 Scorpio (232): HUNTERS SHOOTING WILD DUCKS. Im a bit lost with its interpretation though. Most likely, your relationship with your partner will experience a hiccup, or something else will cause your life to shift. This 22 degree concept (in my opinion) stems from the 22nd drekkana (decan) concept in Vedic (jyostish) astrology; there is (in my opinion) something to the concept, but please realize this matter must be evaluated within the context of the totality of astrological influences + trends regarding the particular individual involved-please disregard all blanket, one-size-fits-all, sweeping . My Ascendent is at 18th of Scorpio and I have Neptun at 22th of Scorpio in the first house, conjunct my Ascendent. You are having a Venus return soon. If you interpret your Venus this way add Capciron qualities to it. I have a minor aspect to mars but thats it. "Kill or Be Killed" is a song by British rock band Muse. Interesting!!! Hello there. If a friend of Saturn (Venus and Mercury) even that hard aspect can bring great results later. Im not sure if thats a correlation. I have seen all of the mystery and all the things hidden that are dark, and also some great benefits of my life being saved from the darkness in my journey of self-healing in very intense ways. (my sun, venus, and mercury are in Pisces, too), interpret your Moon like this: which house does it rule? Pluto in Sagittarius in 9th house. Start interpreting that planetary placement with having the money house ruler (2nd house) in the 11th house, auspicious position for gains and finances in general. Does it mean my mom Will get sick? For more information on these go here. , Haha not me reading this with my natal Saturn in my Capricorn 8th house at 22 degrees, along with my natal Mars, Uranus, and Neptune also in my Cap 8th house . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have 22 AC in Gemini, 22 Neptune in Sag. Password Hi there, You have done a great job. At work, you can carry great responsibilities and endurance. their dads Gemini 4th house at 18, Sun in Pisces at 18 At a young age, this combination can feel like a limitation (in that specific area of life) but later you can manifest stability with that. I have my sun in 22 degrees in Leo as well as my north node in this house. I kept seeing the kill or be killed situation which had me feel paranoid but reading your post has made me feel a little better about the 18 and 22 degrees! My mars is in Scorpio at 22 degrees and I lost my mother months ago-I will carry this pain forever (my moon is in Taurus 0 degrees which is critical). Kill or Be Killed: Directed by Duane Graves, Justin Meeks. nicolas defied a birth chart and helped a woman escape from bad too. And titles such as PhD are under the domain of the 11th house. I have the 22nd degree in moon (Pisces), according to some astrologers the moon symbolizes the figure of the mother in life. I have an 18-Degree Scorpio Rising, and yes, its a very difficult placement as the Serbian has said, but its also the special Degree of Magic in the Rising Sign which is its positive side. What about your career? By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Read My Chart My venus is in 3rd house at 22 degrees gemini what could this mean? Or illness? Libra degree: 7 th degree and 19 th degree. It carries the agenda of that house to the 5th house. top 20 worst suburbs in perth 2021. A woman, well-known Belgrade lawyer, was killed from the back with 22 (!) hi! It was informative. My Dad was indeed a very hard working Capricorn. Josue Castaneda denied being at the celebration. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I must kill or be killed. Having your Venus at the Virgo degree, I assume you are way too critical with yourself. Bit late to the party by my 9th House Libra Saturn in square my 5th House Cancer NN. Can you give me an interpretation of this position. and lastly scorpio midheaven at 22.44 And since it is in Leo you want having a stunning look, dont you? I have 18th degrees Neptune in my 7th house Scorpio. I have a lot of trines in my chart and yet my Leo moon is badly aspected with my Aquarius stellium in the 8th house (consisting of 6 planets in total including my Pisces sun). I know you said not to be concerned but I just found out that my Uranus is 22 in Capricorn (3rd house) and my Jupiter is at 18 in Scorpio (1st house). Thank you! see how it talks about self centeredness and jealousy? Do you do readings? Lol XD. I have my sun in the 22 degree .. in the 8th in the sign of Aquarius so yeah Im scared.. just bc i have so many planets in this house mercury, venus, jupiter and more all pretty much in conjunction.. also uranus being my ruler planet there, is overwhelmed seriously, My relationship with my father is so distant yes but we also respect each other so much to the point where absence is so common if that makes sense.. i dont want to think him dying would make me gain some of inheritance, Ive gotten into astrology lately and Ive been super nervous about having my moon in Virgo at 22 degrees in the 5th house Sagittarius! It is in my 8th house and Im not very familiar with what that means. The 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. I have also always battled with this seemingly irrational fear that something was out to get me. Hi Hi there! 22 mutable for insanity (I have my natal Moon on an insane degree! I`m having health issues half of my life and I`m afraid what my life will be in the future. to interpret all of these planetary placements one must see the whole natal chart. Can you explain more on why & how it could be beneficial? good news, happy to hear that! thank you so much!! So often people say that the 22nd degree in your natal chart embodies kill or be killed. Chapter 5 - THE SABBATH. hi thank you so much for this article i have pisces venus in 22nd degree in my 7th house squaring pluto in my 4th. A community for asking questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general. You seem to be asking about predicting death and what kind of death can be expected. us : +1 (888) 261-8481 22 degree is "kill or be killed" degree if, for example, venus is placed at 22 degrees leo in your natal chart, you may expect that year to be one in which romantic relationships become very significant and dramatic in your . Jupiter Sagittarius 18 Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. Thanks. What does Venus rule in your chart? Hi Niki! So Mercury in 22degrees in cancer. MAybe your cousin has super strong Capricorn energy, which can be good too! Another possible manifestation as 8th house is transformation and having Pluto there is a double whammy in your life, a lot of transformations happens but having Pluto at the 22nd degree means those transformations happen very slowly, step-by-step not all of a sudden. 22 Libra (202): A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN. Astrology helped me better understand and accept certain things that happened in my life, so that I longer think like a victim. Venus in Gemini can give some excellent skills with the hands that you could possibly make a job out of it. 2 of Supreme Power. my sun, uranus and chiron in 22 degrees sun leo/ uranus aqu /chiron sag what would you think of these settlements? anything is possible and we create our reality. IP: Logged. This is an introduction into the most famous degree in astrology. My Jupiter also sextile my Uranus. Hi Nikki, The minutes are important for natal chart rectification and for the slow-moving planetary transits. I wondered if it wouldnt bother you- what you think of both of these degrees? my sun is the 22nd degree of taurus in the 12h. i could be completely wrong, but something tells me ive got the jist of this if not in astrological terms, in universal terms. This was amazingly accurate. Beneficial to be an authority one day. Without knowing more details I would say that when it comes to gains (11th house) you need to introduce Saturn domains or make a career out of your Saturn at the 22nd degree (Capricorn degree=career). And bizarrely on point. Anyway, interpret it as a double Capricorn energy. No sign of the 22 degree. I just found out about the meaning of these degrees and looking on my natal chart I have an 18 Pluto in Sagittarius which sits on my 22 Midheaven in Scorpio 10th House. In your case, Neptune and Uranus in the 4th house could manifest the most positive way if you either work from home or have a super organized and clean home. If you have an opportunity and can help me with that, it would be great! This thread is archived . Jupiter loves to be in the 11th house.. My Sun is at 22 degrees Scorpio. Extreme difficulty and grief dominant throughout life despite immense effort to function better within it. That is all so very interesting, I had no idea of fixed stars! guys, ive seen numerous comments about Sagittarius in 22nd degree, and this is what ive interpreted : "A dagger with the hilt encrusted with precious stones pierces a heart caught in a wire screen.". Thank you so so much!!! I do not think that my 18 degree is evil however, I do not understand how to work with it, because it is in 11th house. Since the north node is in the 12th house, I was wondering what you were doing. That would have a beneficial influence on your private life too. Is your birth chart rectified? My son had both sun and moon at 22 degrees and he sadly passed away. I also study tarot. I wander if theres a correlation, My sun (father) is at 22 degrees and a few years ago when I was 17 my father committed suicide. NO. 22, on the other hand, is a master number which may be why there are some positive aspects to this degree. Once the native learns these lessons she is able to maintain a loving romantic relationhsip. My 18 degree 14 3 Virgo Mercury (retrograde) and 18 degree 3 23 Virgo Venus are conjunct at 18 degrees Virgo in my 11th House. try shadow work and manifestation. Which is the native needs to have 3 different indicator in the chart, by transits, progression or profection to something life-alerting to happen. Most of the time the native manifests at the 18th degree Virgo qualities. My 18 degree Virgo Mercury/Venus conjunction in my 11th House is opposed by my 13 degree Pisces Moon in my 5th House; Quintiles my 29 degree Scorpio Mars in my 1st House; conjuncts my 23 degree Virgo Saturn in my 11th House; and Squares my 16 degree Sagittarius Chiron in my 2nd House. Also I have my taurus Mars at the 18th degree in the 4th house. Possibly coincidence, but it always just sticks out to me. I have a Virgo Venus at 22. My daughter is a Taurus moon at an 22 degree in the 11th house! ashlyn 72" ladder bookcase / la montagne jean ferrat partition piano pdf / 22 degree astrology kill or be killed. Thank you for your comment! I dont intend this to come off as self-promotion or self-centered, I just think my collection of points regarded as disastrous to be pretty unique, applicable, and probably interesting to those engaged in this discussion. And whether you have a day or a night chart. Parker. Keep strong. if you could, can you please explain what these placements mean? hi! Dont know how, tho, he never speaks about it (12th house Sun people! Leo qualities 3 times. And the Sun in the 6th house shohws many respobsilites and duties. Mine too. I dont think it means actual death or murder. I struggle with managing my finances as well. As a Capricorn rising that is absoluety ok to feel that. Gianni Versace - WikipediaGiovanni Maria " Gianni" Versace ( Italian: [dovanni versate]; 2 December 1946 - 15 July 1997) was an Italianen.wikipedia.org. A precious piece of information. And what aspects do they have? Learning about the degree is so depressing. Just add Capricorn qualities (22nd degree) such as hard work, slow progress, achievements, delays, etc. To interpret that planetary position the whole natal chart must be seen. Chapter 2 - THE NAME OF GOD. Could you please give me some advice? With all my love, Niki. . You can make them manifest handsomely, by considering every step carefully before any action is taken. Im just learning about degrees. Neptune is your 7th house co-ruler in the 5th house, in Capricorn according to whole sign house system. Hey Sabrina, I have an 18 degree in venus, that is in Gemini, what does that brings to me? I listened to an astrologer talking about degree theory earlier today and Im not sure I buy itseems like its causing unnecessary stress for folks! Im so sorry for the loss of your father. And take into consideration that nice stellium in Pisces. 3 TP Jan 17, 2018. You know how the FBI has an entire team dedicated to psychologically profiling murderers? . I had never been physically abused, but I was ready. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. How can I use this Energy in possitive afirmative way? The Virgo influence has always been strong yet now, thanks to your article, I realize its even more powerful than I imagined. i looked them up and all of them linked with jealousy. Did I understand correctly that is the degree is always rounded up? What difference does the degree on the planets and house cusps make? Welcome, Unregistered. If one has only a good 5th house (house of joy) that is already a good life, right? I have a set of twins with their sun at 22 degrees of Scorpio; their father is a Capricorn. If your Leo Sun has no bad aspect then it is wonderful! I have six placements with 22nd degrees and everytime i looked it up online it always said to kill or be killed often related as a placement of violence. I would really appreciate it since their both in the 18th degree . okay thanks for listening to my ted talk lol if u felt better im glad, even if it doesnt go away it will help for the time being. Me? If you anyone culd help advise I'd really appreciate it , I'm flabbergasted because I'm in the middle of healing my myself from internal childhood wound.if you could maybe explain a little more yourself or anyone that can help me .I feel dooms after reading that tbh Thanks in advise, I appreciate it, have a blessed day everybody . It didnt help that my North Node conj Jupiter/Neptune is in Scorpio in the 12th house. I cant lie I have been struggling a lot since a young age, with self-esteem and others criticism and sometimes its hard to take, still to this (age 17). Hey Ana, thank you for sharing your experince! A brutal murder took place in Belgrade a few years ago. Not even a house cusp in this example at 22 degrees. I have 22 degrees in my third house which is Taurus and in my 9th house which Is scorpio. Feb 14, 2009. Thoughts on that?? Evenmore, my MC cusp is in Aries in 9th house, and Im still trying to figure out how to make more money . In astrology, every detail counts btw there is a square aspect between them, which will become easier with time.
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