Sen. Robert F. Kennedy . With his big victory in California, Kennedy would surely have sailed to the Democratic nomination and almost certainly defeated his Republican opponent. Sen. Robert F . (Two of his codefendants, Rennie Davis and John Froines, attended the service.). Congress to Cut Aid to Thieu. Shockingly, I also overheard several fraternity boys at one table suggesting that King had gotten what was coming to him. Religion is for those who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for those who have been there. Their dialogue was peppered with the N word and references to "good riddance.". At the end of the month, I was invited to attend an event called the Hemispheric Conference Against the War in Vietnam being held in the Canadian city of Montreal. [2] His father was a former Marine who worked for Chrysler as an accountant and was also a violent alcoholic. Thomas Emmet Hayden was born in Royal Oak, Michigan,[1] to parents of Irish ancestry, Genevieve Isabelle (ne Garity) and John Francis Hayden. The next day, he showed her his own slide show, which focused on Vietnamese history. And you wanted to try to catch what they symbolize. There's a feeling of change in the winds that blow. Since it was often impossible to know which Vietnamese were loyal to us and which were not, it was deemed necessary to kill everyone who might be suspect, destroying whole villages to "save" them. Hayden then attended the University of Michigan, where he was editor of the Michigan Daily. I was impressed by Kennedy's compassion for the poverty-stricken miners of Appalachia, the Hispanic farm workers of California and their charismatic leader, Cesar Chavez, inner-city African-Americans and the hidden poor on Indian reservations. the "Chicago Seven" after Bobby Seale's case was separated from the others. Hayden lived in Los Angeles beginning in 1971[42] and was married to his third wife, Barbara Williams, at the time of his death. [citation needed]. Soft-spoken and anything but radical, he impressed on us the necessity of cutting long hair and beards and putting on white shirts and ties to go "Clean for Gene" when we knocked on doors to get out the vote. With the Wisconsin primary scheduled for early April, I traveled to Madison in late March to meet with other McCarthy organizers. Hayden was best known for his role as an anti-war, civil rights, and intellectual activist in the 1960s, authoring the Port Huron Statement and standing trial in the Chicago Seven case. Edited by Mark L. Levine, George C. McNamee and Daniel Greenberg / Foreword by Aaron Sorkin. Save my name, email, and website in this browser cookies for the next time I comment. Then, we sat in stunned silence while Johnson announced his withdrawal from the race. And you started to cry, but now dry out your eyes. Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. Along with her son with Tom, Liam Hayden,Barbara ended the program by performing her song, Push That Rock. After the assasination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy hoped to carry on his brother's legacy. And it was forever. He never stopped trying to make Democracy a reality. To a standing ovation she turned back a motion denying support for sit-ins in the struggle against racial segregation: I cannot say to a person who suffers injustice, Wait, And having decided that I cannot urge caution, I must stand with him. Alan Haber of the fledgling Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) recruited her on the spot. The most important lesson, she recalled, was to never give up.. Ban the bomb and the civil rights movement and the native American struggle for justice - those things were very, very front-burner in my childhood, as were the ideas of working for peace and if you have more than you need, then you share it with people who don't. Richard Nixon, the Republican nominee for President, promised a "secret plan" to end the war while condemning antiwar protestors in the name of what he termed "the silent majority." [15] His profile in Newark attracted the attention of the FBI. In this extended interview, Hayden speaks about how Texas "is going nowhere," the strength of the progressive spirit in the country and how what ails the US are social and political demarcations founded on histor, Abalone Alliance Rally - San Luis Obispo, CA, Tom Hayden Democracy Against Empire | Bioneers, United States v. Dellinger, 472 F.2d 340 (7th Cir. There's a generation looking for a new beginning, And our sparkling eyes and songs prophesize, Are adding our bodies to the protest line. On April 2, I voted in my first election ever. And I was able to see with even more clarity than when he and I were together what an extraordinary life of dedication he lived and what a lasting impact he had on countless lives. Like Bull Connor in the streets of Birmingham, Alabama, Daley sent his police to gas and club them--an investigative committee later called the action "a police riot.". On the convention floor, Peterson and Connecticut Senator Abraham Ribicoff rose to report that the police were beating people up outside. Hayden lived in Los Angeles and was married to his third wife, actress Barbara Williams, at the time of his death. He was 76. Bobby Kennedy was listening (and so too was Martin Luther King Jr.). [35] Hayden served as a member of the advisory board for the Progressive Democrats of America, an organization created to increase progressive political cooperation and influence within the Democratic Party. Among the most important progressive political figures of our era, he co-authored the historic SDS-founding Port Huron Statements in the early 1960s, was a defendant in the trial of the legendary Chicago Seven, and went on to serve as a California State Senator. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Distributed by ADA. But Humphrey and his chosen running mate, Ed Muskie, were anointed as the nominees by the Party's conservative establishment, who controlled most of the delegates. And all across my country from Boston to Berkeley. By Robert D. McFadden. He didnt see my tattoos. With the size of the crowd, it was difficult to flee. I didnt realize at the time what a brave and controversial departure that was for the Peace Movement and how much heat Tom took from the left for adopting this educational, grassroots strategy with its congressional focus. In later years, he ran for political office numerous times, winning seats in both the California Assembly and California Senate. John Moscowitz is rabbi emeritus, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto. While most pollsters expected McCarthy to be trounced by Johnson in the first primary election in New Hampshire on March 14, he ran a close race trailing the President by only seven percentage points. In France, the students were joining factory workers in a general strike, and in Communist Czechoslovakia, they were deeply engaged in a reform process called "Prague Spring," which promised "Socialism with a human face." The omission wasnt an evasion; it was testimony to the man we came to remember and what he was about. Haydens critics and there were many were given voice in a couple of video snippets, including one that focused on his three years of community organizing in poor black sections of Newark in the mid-60s. Thomas Emmet Hayden was born in Royal . It captures what so many felt: Ilearned so much more about the efforts and events that have shaped and changed the directions of so manythan I was conscious ofincluding those that have influenced and made possible my own courseI was awakened to such gratitude, and I found myself gaining inspiration and an inner charge to press forward with even more boldness. I just play the music that I love with musicians that I respect, and fortunately, I'm in a position where people are willing to play with me, and perhaps I can do something to help them. The result of this tour of North Vietnam, at a high point in the war, was a book titled The Other Side. I always wanted to explore the Holocaust on a deeper level. I wish I had an e-mailaddress of Bonnie but I don't have that. SDS Founder, Tom Hayden on Participatory Democracy From Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street,, We speak with Tom Hayden, principal author of the Port Huron statement 50 years ago, the founding document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). George Regas, Frances Fitzgerald, Arthur Waskow, Cora Weiss, Taylor Branch, Bernadine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Danny Glover, Phil Donahue, Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzales, Peter Yarrow and Holly Near. His book Hell No: The Forgotten Power of the Vietnam Peace Movement, completed in the months before his death in October 2016, was published on January 31, 2017, by Yale University Press. Williams told The New York Times that Hayden had a history of heart problems and his health had declined in the preceding months. [1] Hayden's dismay with Coughlin caused him to break with the Catholic Church as a teenager. Just be a bit more patient and we'd all see it. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images). "Now don't disturb the Olympics," the imperial orders came. On May 1-2, 2015, one thousand people marked the 50th anniversary of the first national demonstration against the Vietnam War in Washington, DC. They have come back with a vengeance and a cruelty that makes Nixon seem benign by comparison. On the long bus trip back to Wisconsin, I couldn't get her out of my mind and a song came to me. He also taught at Occidental College and at Harvard University's Institute of Politics. The three toured villages and factories and met with an American POW[who?] The ones who are born then will sing in the rain. On Sunday Keep your eyes on the prize was a watchword, for few had done it better than he. Jane Fonda, a supporter of the IPC, later turned this moniker into a name for her film production firm, IPC Films, which produced in whole or in part, movies and documentaries such as F.T.A. Tom had been able to see past their tattoos to who they really wereand made it possible for them to completely turn their lives around. [3] As a result, when he graduated in 1956,[4][1] he was banned from attending his graduation ceremony and only received a diploma.[3]. Eric Clapton, one of the worlds pre-eminent blues/rock guitarists, once again summoned an all-star team of six-string heroes for his fifth Crossroads Guitar Festival in 2019. 1992Mighty Nice Music (BMI) administered by Bluewater Music Services Corp., Songs of Windswept Pacific (BMI) administered by BMG Rights Management (US), LLC. 2015 Birthday Cake Media A (SOCAN) administered by Warner Chappell Music Canada Ltd., Super Big Music (ASCAP) administered by Big Machine Music, LLC, Jett Music (ASCAP) administered by Big Machine Music, LLC. To donate by check, phone, or other method, see our More Ways to Give page. There was a "light at the end of the tunnel," he said. [40], Hayden maintained that he remained radical towards the end of his life, commenting, "I'm Jefferson in terms of democracy," he said, "I'm Thoreau in terms of environment, and Crazy Horse in terms of social movements". Some inner cities exploded in anger. It was from a prison cell in Albany, Georgia, where their ride was to land him, that Hayden began writing the SDS manifesto. A popular movement that succumbs to hate will soon enough see its promise in pieces and its time gone. Our message was that Nixon was lying about ending the war. But for his hubris in persisting to escalate the Vietnam War, Johnson might have entered the history books as one of America's greatest presidents, carried there by his commitment to civil rights and the elimination of poverty. He was also a strong advocate of anti-poverty measures. Happily mingling in this congregation of joy: Onetime gang members (whose lives he had rescued and rearranged); his former students (ditto on the rearranged lives, maybe the same for the rescuing part); film and theatre people; academics and writers; political activists, including comrades from the Sixties and the California State Legislature, both; his family; and lots and lots of friends from many walks. [8], Tom Hayden was elected SDS president for the 19621963 academic year, but his wife Sandra Cason "Casey" Hayden left Ann Arbor, and left him, heeding the call to return to the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in Atlanta. They shouted their opposition to the undemocratic nature of the convention. We delivered our message demand that Congress cut aid toour puppet regime in Saigonin union halls, churches, editorial boards, oncampuses,to crowds of sometimes 10,000 people. sister forever house address; bobby kennedy pallbearers tom haydenhow to make chalk with crayons William Hayden Kennedy (86) passed away Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at his home in Wheeler. There was just cool and uncool. The most revered of the speakers was a man I'd never heard of until then. My 22 yr old son Cameron gave his whole. Cesar thought for a few moments and then said, It only makes sense if you build a movement out of your campaign structure when its over.And that became CED: The California Campaign for Economic Democracy that got scores of progressives elected to state and local offices and many measures passed like Prop 65. People came from all over the country who had been in the trenches with Tom, some from the very beginning. He and Williams adopted a son, Liam (born 2000). Hayden was best known for his role as an anti-war, civil rights, and intellectual activist in the 1960s, authoring the Port Huron Statement and standing trial in the Chicago Seven case. Hayden and four others were convicted of crossing state lines to incite a riot, but the charges were later reversed and remanded on appeal. ", They released the doves to fly. It was bitterly cold in the snowy streets of Madison that night, but none of us noticed. Two months later, Hayden and Daley would lead opposing armies of the night into combat . Even Tom Hayden, the SDS radical, was a pallbearer. Now, the contest would be between him and Kennedy, and I would have been happy with either of them. bobby kennedy pallbearers tom hayden Randle Guy Jackson, 69, of Marietta, passed away on Saturday, Sept. 11, 2021, at his home. Music video by Bonnie Raitt performing Livin For the Ones (Official Lyric Video.) Thomas Emmet "Tom" Hayden (December 11, 1939 October 23, 2016) was an American social and political activist, author and politician, who was director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center in Los Angeles County, California. Several of the black students were fighting back tears; knowing the anger they must be feeling. If the enemy was indeed mortally wounded, it could not have mounted so many attacks in so many places at once, often with the inside help of South Vietnamese Army soldiers thought loyal to the U.S. I was appalled when McCarthy, after his victory in solidly white, middle-class Oregon, suggested that only the ignorant and uneducated supported his rival. He can be reached through his website: But considering the alternative of a Nixon presidency, I still hoped Humphrey would prevail. Polls began showing that a majority of voters opposed the war, and the victory of either McCarthy or Kennedy seemed almost inevitable. What a soaring speaker Tom was. Hayden is the director of the Peace and Justice Resource Center in California and is an outspoken critic of continuing global conflicts. In broken and halting English, she told me a story. No more would the anti-war protestors be chanting "Hey, hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" He served as the editor for the school newspaper, and in his farewell column in the newspaper, he used the first letter of successive paragraphs to spell "Go to hell". He and Fonda later initiated the Campaign for Economic Democracy (CED), which formed a close alliance with then-Governor Jerry Brown and promoted solar energy, environmental protection and renters' rights policies, as well as candidates for local office throughout California, more than 50 of whom would go on to be elected. For years Tom worked tirelessly to stop the gang wars, helping support Homies Unidos and other efforts which allowed young men and women to leave the gang life and become community leaders. They had marched there from several universities to protest the upcoming Olympic Games, which had displaced hundreds of poor Mexico City residents from their homes. His new initiative is the Make America Beautiful Again campaign. "The radical inside the system: Tom Hayden, protester-turned-politician, dies at 76.". He was a member of. Which is why, while we were gathered to memorialize him and his time is now gone, this was and is Tom Haydens moment. It was a roller coaster year of emotional highs and lows, when unlikely dreams suddenly seemed possible, only to be dashed time and again. [41] In his last years, however, he also described himself as "an archeological dig", noting the varied layers to his life, the many publications he produced, and the different ways future researchers would likely interpret his life and work.[29][42]. (Hayden, teary- eyed, joined a small honor guard watching over RFKs casket at St. Patricks Cathedral, at midnight before the next days funeral. Quite the contrary: His way, for example, was to slink around low to the ground, leprechaun-like, as his former wife Jane Fonda lovingly put it. There were people who were part of creating the seminal Port Huron Statement on which Tom was the lead writer and editor the document that laid out in beautiful, even soulful, language an entirely new vision of what a Democratic society would look like. . Hayden was dubbed "the liberal rebel" by George Skelton of the Los Angeles Times . The sense of satisfaction in recalling a life of consequence, together with others whod been there, was palpable. Tom Hayden with his then-wife, Jane Fonda, and their son, Troy, Santa Monica, California. At the same time, most of these writers acknowledged that Soviet "socialism" was certainly no better, and probably even worse, than the corporate capitalism they challenged at home. The government did not re-try the case, and thereafter elected to dismiss the substantive charges. A powerful critic of Stalinism in Russia, Sakharov suggested a middle way between Communist dictatorships and capitalist inequality. Only two days later, civil rights leader Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, where he'd gone to support striking sanitary workers. SANTA MONICA, Calif. -- Famed '60s anti-war activist Tom Hayden, whose name became forever linked with the celebrated Chicago 8 trial, Vietnam War protests and his ex-wife actress Jane Fonda,. He had come to trust Bobby, despite the latter's wealth and establishment connections. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Jazz and blues fests are everywhere now, and Americana is going strong on college radio. Feldmans path to observance took many twists and turns. Direct to your inbox. On December 10, 1961, the Haydens participated in one of the many freedom rides taking place in response to the 1960 Boynton v. Virginia decision. The conference was followed by a commemoration at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. God, I remember waterbeds, she said. He enjoyed making music, going to church, attending Wheeler basketball games, Ole Miss athletics, watching Westerns and spending time with his grandchildren. Chapter 1238 enacted Section 76060.5 of the California Education Code. The service opened with one civil rights march song, Keep Your Eyes on the Prize, and closed with another, Aint Nobody Going to Turn Me Around. Joining a four-person choir in the final number were singers Bonnie Raitt, Holly Near and Barbara Williams, Haydens wife, along with the couples son, Liam Hayden, and Haydens ex-wife, Jane Fonda. And by whats known I mean I made that term up, Embracing the Jewish communitys refugee roots, Israel and the Internet Wars A Professional Social Media Review, The Invisible Student: A Tale of Homelessness at UCLA and USC, Youre Not a Bad Jewish Mom If Your Kid Wants Santa Claus to Come to Your House, No Labels: The Group Fighting for the Political Center, VBS Fusion Attracting a Younger Generation, Israeli Pilots Visit Special Needs Center, L.A. Federation Receives Groundbreaking Grant, Ticketmaster Criticism Intensifies After Ignoring Calls to Deplatform Farrakhan Event, White Nationalist Nick Fuentes Kicked Out of CPAC. I never saw music in terms of men and women or black and white. Stupefying and astounding as it may be, the film ends on a fictionalized note after the Chicago Eight become Chicago Seven after Bobby Seale's trial is severed. Dave Dellinger, Abbie Hoffman, and Jerry Rubin were indicted on federal charges of conspiracy and incitement to riot as part of the "Chicago Eight", a.k.a. Life gets mighty precious when there's less of it to waste. (Hayden, teary- eyed, joined a small honor guard . In her version, in pushing the rock we become stronger, not weaker. She was fighting hard to hold back tears as she told me her horrifying tale. I know that we all came away with a renewed commitment to making Toms vision of a true Democracy into a reality. So, hope you like it ? What a soaring speaker Tom was. Arhoolie Foundation celebrates it's 60th anniversary (1960-2020) with an online broadcast. Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Friends Dan Martin, right, and Michael Deiden embrace before a memorial service for activist and politician Tom Hayden at UCLAs Royce Hall on Sunday. There was humor and irony (Hayden had both in spades), eloquence and tears. Shocking photographs surfaced, of young girls running naked from a wall of flames, of suspected traitors being summarily assassinated without investigation of their supposed disloyalty; in one case, in lurid, living color, crimson gushed like a fountain from the head of a man shot at point-blank range. Michael Finnegan is a Los Angeles Times reporter covering federal courts and law enforcement. Hubert Humphrey, the Democratic candidate, was a mixed bag at best, in the thinking of my friends and myself. For the last 4 months, Toms widow Barbara Williams, Troy Garity, my son with Tom, and I have been working together to create a memorial that honored and celebrated Toms 6 decades of commitment to peace, justice and democracy. I think now of LBJ as the lead victim in a Greek tragedy. And because of you, and what you've been through. Tom Hayden was one of the most important radicals of the 1960s, who as a college student at the University of Michigan helped found Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the seminal leftist student activist group. It marked the end of my political innocence, born in the magic of John Kennedy's Camelot. Though memories remain, it wasn't in vain. [44][45] He was buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica,[46] where he was the first interment in "Eternal Meadow," an eco-friendly section. The chant Push that rock is realism for radicals and reformers today. Following Barbaras song, members of theFirst AME Choir Tom Morello, Holly Near, Bonnie Raitt and James McVay and myself joined Barbara on stage for a rendition of Aint Gonna Let Nobody Turn me Around, appropriately ending the memorial with everyone on their feet and singing along. I wanted to believe the words of the song were true, but I really didn't feel that way. Bandana Blues is and will always be a labor of love. Known best for his major role as an anti-war, civil rights, and radical intellectual counterculture activist, Hayden was the former husband of actress Jane Fonda and the father of actor Troy Garity. by Bonnie Raitt from her new album, Just Like That Street date 4/22/22 with global release in all formats! Those who didnt know him didnt really get it, but Hayden, though often accused of arrogance, didnt put on airs. An anti-war activist, I was 21 then and about to vote in my first election. [1], Hayden attended Dondero High School in Royal Oak, Michigan. He literally spent himself for the cause, as he tended to do. But my euphoria was short-lived. "They killed Kennedy," he said. Jane is an actress, writer, political activist, former fashion model and fitness guru. [40] He also claimed that he never endorsed Sanders and only supported his campaign with the hope that it would push Clinton's policies leftward. [18][19] Staughton Lynd later wrote that the New Left disavowed "the Anti-Communism of the previous generation", and that Lynd and Hayden had written, in Studies on the Left: "We refuse to be anti-Communist. Undeterred at having been beaten senseless by a white mob in McComb, Mississippi, while covering the Freedom Rides for the National Student News,[6] Hayden himself became a Freedom Rider. [29][30], During 1976, Hayden made a primary election challenge to California U.S. Im whats known as a Cantorial Songleader. Their rhetoric was loudly anti-American and pro-socialist. She had short dark hair and big eyes that seemed to be searching for something far away. He enjoyed making music, going to church, attending Wheeler basketball games, Ole Miss athletics, watching Westerns and spending time with his grandchildren. To illustrate the cultural impact that the Port Huron Statement had, we were able to get clips fromMad Men and the film,The Big Lebowski in which characters talked about the document and howcool it was. The comment form collects your name, email and content to allow us keep track of the comments placed on the website. argued that our democracy was largely an illusion. Sam & Dave classic written by Isaac Hayes and David Porter. We laughed; we all knew that walk of Haydens (which I always thought of as the walk of a wary, James Dean-like, outsider). The Law of the Press was one of the courses he taught. "Mr Hayden," judge Hoffman tells him.
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