Fury draws his weapon and aims it towards the voice, Vers' hands light up and Maria stands there confused]. Electronic Voice-Over (from billboard): 120 days since the last Skrull attack. [The Directors leans down until he's just above the dead Skrull]. Is this C-53? Ronan: [Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence]. captain marvel monologue - Shortsellmyhome.com Yon-Rogg: No. Leave the lunch box. [recognizing the language] General Talos (voiceover): Go back even further. What did you put in my head? and is a must-have for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and . Goose likes you. A venus fly trap. The scene cuts to Vers and Fury sitting in an office, both incredibly bored. Talos: They won't be safe here, baby. It's just a scratch. Jude Law Does His Best Captain Hook in Trailer for Disney's Peter Pan and Wendy: Watch . Fury: Nicholas Joseph Fury, Agent of SHIELD. Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. [Yon-Rogg shoots Carol, causing her to fly backward. Talos: No, I didn't. The plane continues to fly directly upwards, inside the plane everything begins floating. Lawson: Listen, I spent half my life fighting a shameful war. Yon-Rogg: Put your people's needs before your own. But it takes practice and, um, dare I say it, talent to do it well. You'll use it to destroy us. Vers: Skrulls can only assume recent memories of their host bodies. [suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. Suddenly, Vers reaches for Lawson's gun and points in the direction of the attacker. Yon-Rogg: Vers, track Soh-Larr's beacon. He then opens the lunchbox to find a soup container sitting inside]. Let's put an end to this! Fury sees Vers hanging onto the train and turns the car around to pursue it. She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesied to either rule or annihilate the cosmos." "She took over a whole town using her mind. Fury: Vers. You're saying he's not from around here? Stan Lee: Fury: And? Captain Marvel (2019) Carol Danvers (while combat training with Yon-Rogg): "I slipped." Yon-Rogg: "Right. Carol Danvers: ], [Scene changes to Fury, who is back in his office, wearing an eyepatch. You're talking about destroying them because they won't submit to your rule. I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. I'm sending you with a message. Maria: That is the craziest shit I have ever heard. No super serum, no blonde hair or blue eyes. Yon-Rogg: You've got to let go of your past. That was before I knew who you were. If only you knew, the importance of it to me. It's still plugged in. I don't even know what 'Vers'? Carol Danvers: You know, like the Marvelettes? You're under arrest. Marvel's best quotes and lines, from Iron Man to Avengers Endgame - EW.com Maria Rambeau: [During this monologue, the Director advances towards Fury, who is lying on his back in defeat. !Nick Fury:"Ther. CVers: I don't remember my past. It's killer by the way. Yon-Rogg: This is a dangerous mission, we must all be ready to join the collective if that is our fate today. As a result of me punching you in the face." (both Maria and Vers laugh for a bit) When I got to the hanger, Lawson was agitated, she said 'she had lives to save'. Korath: I laugh on the inside. Fury: So you think you're the pilot that went down with Dr Lawson. "He's doing well. Vers absorbs the energy, with the flames creating ripples around her. Got to watch an alien autopsy. A seemingly maniacal terrorist leader, with unknown numbers of followers, and a desire to see the western world crumble, The Mandarin is simply a creation of Killian's, portrayed to the media by the bumbling actor, Trevor Slattery. Coulson: So, is it true? Just like Havana. I saw you crush 20 of my best men with your hands bound. [Carol nods and smiles before Monica embraces her]. She's cooperating with the investigation, sir. Was that so difficult to figure out? Talos: Come on. #25 Defense, Captain. [Carol gives Fury his pager] Okay? Talos: Carol, this is war. You know that. (referring to a shooting star which just passed by) It's Alouette. [she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast]. Minn-Erva: Load the Flerken onto the heli. A biker comes along and parks next to where Vers is standing], [The biker revs his engine, causing Vers to look towards him before looking back at her map]. But the wars are bigger than you know. They told me it was destroyed in the crash. If I'm a captain, then I'm a soldier. Yon-Rogg: Minn-Erva, take them down on a dropship. Fury: You are looking at 100 percent red-blooded Earthman. Just do it, please. I'm only human. The gadget glowed bright blue and caused Carol to lean back in an attempt to avoid it. We did. You have to go! Fury: Aren't you cute? And our one-woman security force had a prior commitment on the other side of the universe. Similarly, Goose is floating upside down until Fury extends his arm, which Goose eagerly grabs onto. You didn't give me these powers. I can't wear these Kree colors anymore, and since you're obviously the only person around here with any sense of style [Carol stands up and presses a few buttons on her suit. Put that on. Supreme Intelligence: There she is. Do it alone though. Vers then looks towards the bike again before taking some clothes from a nearby store and leaving on the bike], [The scene then changes to the autopsy of the dead Skrull]. But the Skrulls are just fighting for a home. I'll give you $50 right now if you turn into a venus fly trap. This is that moment, Vers! The lady escapes before changing into one of the men and walking into the next carriage and jumping onto the roof. This quote has been erroneously reported as an ad-lib, but in fact this specific line was in the script. Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg: Listen up team! She then steals some clothes before riding off]. Vers: No. Your turn. Oscar BINGO cards, filled with names of presenters, categories and other possible moments, are the perfect complements to your 2023 Oscar Party or office pool. Fury: Oh! [General Talos tasers Vers before the screen turns black.]. There's only so much I'm cleared to tell you Vers, but [looks to see no one is looking] Lawson was an undercover Kree operative named Mar-Vell. Vers leans down to pet Goose before Dr. Wendy Lawson walks towards her]. I could have sworn I put it in there. Get the Skrulls on the Quadjet and go. Carol Danvers: Carol: The transfusion. Since it violates the predetermined rules of engagement. Oh! The Marvels new release date and poster and everything we - Tom's Guide Carol Danvers: Yon-Rogg: I made you a better version of yourself. Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. How'd you get it? The 9 best Nick Fury quotes from Marvel movies | Hypable Horrors that you remember and so much that you do not. Okay, ma'am. Nick Fury: Nick Fury: captain marvel monologue. I upgraded it. [The flashback continues, with Vers attempting to land the new plane but crashing through trees before abruptly finishing], [The scene then cuts to Vers on the phone with Yon-Rogg]. Nick Fury: Fury: My mom. You know you're glowing, right? Higher, further, faster, baby. You know anything about a lady blowing up a Blockbuster? Vers eventually finds the room before turning around and watching Fury with disinterest]. Losing my best friend, in a mission so secret they act like it never even happened. Lights then descend from above and the Supreme Intelligence appears from within them.]. Jude Law Does His Best Captain Hook in Trailer for Disney's Peter Pan Vers: Oh, I'll be out of your hair as soon as I track down the Skrulls which are infiltrating your planet. She is kneeling with her hands bound in front of her. You stole me. Since when is a shortcut cheating? [Fury walks away, leaving the Director of SHIELD and the Medical Examiner with the dead Skrull]. Fury: Excuse me miss, do you know anything about a lady who went through the roof of that Blockbuster over there? Said the space soldier who's wearing a rubber suit. Yon-Rogg then walks up to her and points his gun at her face]. Steve Rogers: Carol Danvers: No, I didn't. One of these bullets hits Talos, causing him to fall over in pain. Vers, with her gun drawn, slowly walks towards the plane]. You hang onto it until I come back. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division), a fictional peacekeeping and spy agency in a . I thought we bypassed the battery. Vers: Where can I find communications equipment? Just, don't kill me. My best friend who supported me as a mother, and a pilot when no one else did. Carol Danvers: Congratulations to you Star Force Lady. Carol: Call your buddy back inside and I'll listen. Boy: You're going too fast. We just want a home. I want to question her alone. However, the plane is hit and the wing bursts into flames. [keeps moaning while a startled Coulson moves his hand to her knee] Dead or alive. Fury quickly drops Goose in surprise]. I know Lawson was Kree. Carol Danvers: Carol: Prepare for takeoff Lieutenant Trouble. He might not be the strongest Avenger. The shift in editing over to pages for the movies, characters, actors, directors, composers, crew and galleries is now fully in effect. I never should have brought you along. I laugh, on the inside. I have an audio recording from Pegasus of your voice from a plane crash six years ago on a device I believe you call a black box. !>>> Talos: Physiologically, yeah. [Vers and Fury then sprint out of the corridor before barricading the door behind them with a piece of metal. Nick Fury: Vers: GRX31600, and I'm fine thank you for asking. Coulson: They're not down here. Vers stands awkwardly, unaware of how the child is], [The scene changes to the inside of the house. "Goose", cool name for a cool cat. Nick Fury: I forgot, your jacket. You've been caught once already. [Fury shows Vers a black and white photograph of a site of the plane crash. INFINITY WARS!!!! Vers and Fury then walk over to the edge of the carpark, showing an airplane hanger full of planes set up similar to that in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Talos: No, you destroyed the engine. But I can't tell what's real. Yon-Rogg: I'm so proud of you. Vers (audio): Copy that. Tom, this isn't really a good time. Carol Danvers: Carol Danvers: Mmm. Congratulations, Agent Fury. [Scene suddenly changes to show four or five black sedans racing through the entrance tunnel before abruptly pulling up. It's a really hard thing to do. When Carol meets the Supreme Intelligence, a record is playing beside her and a long table is sitting in front of her, a few meters away with Dr. Lawson sitting at the only seat]. Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr. Carol Danvers: [The scene then changes to show the thermal imaging through one of the Kree's guns, showing the locals moving towards an area. Took a pilot down with her. The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet, this time Torfa. Once Vers has aligned the plane parallel to the ground, the plane crashes into a beach), [Vers climbs out of the plane and attends to Lawson, whose head is slumped against her chest. The Accusers will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south. Monica: That's what I'm saying. [over the loud music of piano] Yon-Rogg: No, no codes. I know a rogue soldier when I see one, you've got a personal stake in this. The Supreme Intelligence gave me responsibility of showing you how to using them. Medical Examiner: I wouldn't get too close there boss. You are smart, and funny, and a huge pain in the ass, and you were the most powerful person I knew. Maria: That was all that survived the crash. [Fury looks through Carol's file and finds out that she was nicknamed "Avenger". [as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman"]. Carol Danvers: Vers: The cat? Nick Fury: As this is happening, Vers is seen walking down the stairs towards sub-level 6 with Coulson and another agent on the flight of stairs above her]. Thank you, Agent. Kree Star Force. I like the Bs. You're not one of them. Trust me, true believer. Maria: You didn't find her lab on Earth, because it's not on Earth. [holding her hand out] The core that powered it is in a remote location. Monica: Aunty Carol? Yon-Rogg: She absorbed its power. But you won't succeed in changing the subject. Ronan: Give us the location, we'll take care of the terrorist threat. Proceed with caution. Carol Danvers: You should see what I can do with a paperclip. Talos: We have no idea what other intergalactic threats are out there. Yon-Rogg: Ronan, Skrulls have infiltrated C-53. Captain Marvel | Marvel Database | Fandom Maybe give you the 411 on the late-night drop box. Vers: Ha. Bucharest. Mar-Vell is who I see when I visit the Supreme Intelligence. Maria: They told me it was destroyed in the crash. So we follow her as Captain Carter, basic three through a riff on many of the adventures of Captain America: the First Avenger, the first Captain America movie. Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Mmm-mmm. ], [The scene changes again, but the wires have disappeared and the walls have been replaced with an endless glossy floor. On Hala, you were reborn. I think I got it. Maria Rambeau: Let's go, let's go. Wait, what is that? Fury: She's co-operating with the investigation sir. What happens when I'm finally set free? Excellent work Nicholas. Att-Lass: They're locals. Carol: I'll explain it later. Kamala Khan currently serves as Ms. Marvel but in Earth-18138, she's Captain Marvel. [Yon-Rogg draws his gun and points it towards Vers]. You hear me? The director looks around confused before the scene changes to show Fury walking through an aisle of cabinets], [The lights turn on at the end of the corrdior, showing a SWAT-like team following the director. Vers: Name a detail so bizarre a Skrull could never fabricate it. Yow! Nick Fury: Yon-Rogg [annoyed and tired]: Do you know what time it is? Vers: It's all blank. Control it. Had a space invasion, big car chase. You sure that's what Marvel would want? But strength is no use against me hex power. It's too dangerous. Maria Rambeau: I saw the ruins on Torfa. Maria Rambeau: The core that powered it is in a remote location. Imposters who silently infiltrate then take over our planets. Carol Danvers: Agent Coulson: Carol: You stole me. At the same time, the Accusers arrive outside Earth's atmosphere. Because all the shooting kinda gave me the wrong impression! [The screen of Carol's failures continues to play, until she suddenly drops, falling into nothingness until suddenly landing on the floor]. [Vers blasts a wave of energy towards Talos' head, which he ducks underneath. Carol: If you hurt them, I will burn you to the ground. Maria: I'll consider it. So that thing just stopped doing whatever the hell it was doing. With cosmic abilities and an adamantium shield, she wields tremendous power. [Carol tries to light up her fists but they just spark uselessly before eventually dying out. If I could just piece together what happened that morning, maybe it'll all make sense? Coulson. You look like somebody's disaffected niece. [While Fury is unwrapping the piece of sticky tape, Vers shoots energy out of her fist causing the handle and lock to disappear], Fury: You sat there and watched me play with tape? You woke me up banging on my door at dawn. Fury: Everybody calls me Fury. Congrats to you, Starforce lady. State-of-the-art two-way pager. So you're not from around here. But can you keep your emotions in check long enough to take me on? [The scene changes to show Maria and Vers climbing into their cockpits and preparing to fly.]. [Goose suddenly scratches Fury in his left eye]. Captain Marvel and why you need criticism more than you know. Talos: We just want a home. The war, the lies, all of it. [Carol smiles at Fury's question, while Talos just looks towards him and shakes his head. That's her. I studied you, I followed you, but now that you're standing here I just realized. Bail out! Fury heads for his car and calls out Coulson, Supreme Intelligence sighs. Talos: Carol then walks outside with her Kree suit on and sits beside Monica]. Together. 6 Greatest Speeches of Captain America from his MCU journey [The scene changes again to the inside of a bar, with Vers sitting at a table with Maria and another pilot standing next to her]. Witness says she was dressed for laser tag. The writing "Project Pegasus, Joint NASA USAF Facility" appear on the screen when the car enters the tunnel. Because she found out that she was on the wrong side of an unjust war. A race of noble warriors? Nick Fury: State-of-the-art two-way pager. Look, war is a universal language. When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one. It's hard for me to say goodbye, too. Species: Human Male. You didn't need that did you? Big hero moment. Carol Danvers: But you would never tell me who. Vers: I know Lawson was Kree. The two of those are not related. What? [tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge] Carol Danvers: To lure our operative Vers to talk for her kidnapper. You're really working overtime to sell this one, aren't you Talos? Tom the Neighbor: [The camera spins to change from a scene of Vers flying to a scene of 11-year old Vers driving around a go-kart track at a fair.]. (Vers nods in response. [Vers helps Lawson walk a few steps away from the plane before Lawson falls over. Did you find Soh-Larr? Vers: I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. They kill innocents. So how do we get to Louisianna? Maria Rambeau: Fury's car continues to follow the train track, barely avoiding the carnage being thrown off the roof by Vers and the Skrull]. Nick Fury: I'm no thief. [Static noise is heard coming from Yon-Rogg's earwig], [Static noise is heard coming from Yon-Rogg's earwig.]. Remember your training. What do I understand now? Skrull Tech (voiceover): Let's open her up. We've got to get to the core before he does. Little moments, but I can't tell what's real. Carol Danvers: Know your enemy. Carol Danvers: However, the Kree found the Skrulls had begun escaping and ran towards the hanger, shooting randomly at the ship. Yon-Rogg: Shapeshifters? Physiologically, yeah. [Vers unbuckles Lawson's seatbelt and helps her out of the plane]. Nick Fury: It's stinging through my pelvic bone. If she can tell us why these lizards are here maybe she can tell us how to kick 'em to the curb. Very brief recap. Maria Rambeau: A few years after de-aging Douglas in Ant-Man, Marvel Studios doubled down on the risky move, de-aging Samuel L. Jackson 20 years younger to his 1990s glory . Carol simply blasts her energy down the overpass, causing the metal to snap and four Kree to be incapacitated. And neither will I. Maria Rambeau: What do you want? They are lost, for now. Impostors who silently infiltrate, then take over on planets. Well, I'd say fine, but it can't believe what it's seeing. On the flight down, the pod begins to break, and Vers is forced out and is thrown down into a Blockbuster store], [The scene changes to the inside of an empty Blockbuster store. Talos: Once she has defeated the Skrulls, she runs off again before being confronted by General Talos and two others. Never occurred to me that they'd be coming from above. You're going to space? Jay's Captain Marvel Monologue - YouTube Doc? That's why I liked her. Minn-Erva: They got in her head. Soh-Larr sent us a warning. Nick Fury: And you wanted to race to base, in your old Mustang, and I wasn't about to argue, 'cause I knew my Camaro would dominate. Our subconscious chooses the way they appear to us. Once it was deeply disturbing. to Yon-Rogg, refusing to fight him without her full powers, Referring to the front of the baseball cap that Fury has given her, Vers and Fury arrive at the Records room of the Project Pegasus facility, Vers walks out of Maria's office after listening to the Black Box recording and realizing that Yon-Rogg abducted her in 1989, Carol nods and smiles before Monica embraces her, Carol opens the lunch box, revealing the Tesseract while Fury removes Goose's muzzle, Goose suddenly reveals tentacles from his mouth and uses them to grab the Tesseract and swallow it. However, an energy blast suddenly appears blasting straight into his chest and sending him flying backward. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but. Nick Fury: Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): I mean, you're my science guy, right? Okay? [to Talos and Soren] Monica: They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom? Come on. Carol: Just so I'm clear, you were Soh-Larr, and the SHIELD agent? [Vers breaks free from the memory reading device and attacks nearby Skrull soldiers before cornering Talos]. Director: Wow, they're ugly bastards aren't they? I can't sleep when there's work to do. The 61-year-old actor was joined by his wife, Laura Louie, 55, and their daughters, Deni, 30, and Makani, 16, as he attended the event at the AMC Lincoln Square Theater on Monday night. Hey. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. CHARACTER SUMMARY: CAPTAIN MARVEL (Carol Danvers) - INSPIRING MONOLOGUE Wonderful view, isn't it? The scene changes back to Vers and Yon-Rogg]. Really? Didn't you used to do that? How 'bout a handshake? Look at you. I can stay with grandma and pop-pop. If I could just piece together what happened that morning maybe it'll all make sense. Your people are terrorists that kill innocents. The scene changes again, this time to Vers standing outside of the Cafe holding a map. [teasing] You're smart and funny, and a huge pain in the ass. Carol Danvers: Ma'am, are you okay? Yon-Rogg: Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere too damn stubborn to die. Vers: That agent, that stopped the Skrulls from fighting us Fury: Coulson. On Hala, you were reborn, Vers. Vers: I found evidence that I had a life here. While she is flipping through the file, she stops at an image of Dr. Lawson, Maria, a pilot and herself in the background], [A flashback then starts. This is that moment. Carol and Maria follow behind him]. The lights are on and hanging at angles, the shelves are half-empty and Vers is covered in material from the roof. Fury is then seen hiding at the end of an aisle of cupboards, peeking his head around one side before throwing an empty can across the room. Agent: All I know is that we take him in too. Just so I'm clear you were Soh-Larr and the S.H.I.E.L.D. "You know this is wonderful! Monica: Maybe I can fly up and meet you halfway. Yon-Rogg: But remember, without us [Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories], [Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities]. Not Nicholas. Supreme Intelligence: With what exactly? And yet, you've never had the strength to control them on your own. But we will find them. Yon-Rogg's team heard the noise and have suddenly appeared]. Set within the confines of a British Army disciplinry camp at the conclusion of World War II, the 1965 prison drama The Hill tells the story of five soldiers convicted of various . Nick Fury: [Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle], [Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. Vers nods towards the door], [Fury walks away from Goose and stands next to Vers outside a door labeled "Records"]. And the handful of us that are left will be slaughtered next, unless you help me finish what Mar-Vell started. Where are we going Doc? The Don. I was already slipping when you happened to punch me in the face. Lawson: Yeah, but, uhhow's my hair? This jacket it's killer, by the way. Carol: Hey Guys. She then walks towards him, while he tries to crawl back. Supreme Intelligence: Talos: ], [Screen Title: Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures]. Try that again. Maria: What, this part right here? Oh boy, you guys don't have a clue do you? Maria Rambeau: Korath: Natasha Romanoff: You do know why they call it a cockpit, don't you? Has anyone ever seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? One moment. Yon-Rogg: Well if that were true, you'd knock me down without them. [Yon-Rogg walks up to the still-sparking Vers]. It's imperative that you turn up for each opportunity prepared and with confidence. You tell me the second you get a signal. The camera then skips, showing them leaving an elevator on the level holding records. For orbital positioning and velocity. Huh? You sat there and watched me play with tape, when all you had to do was Carol Danvers: And you're gonna give it up to sit on the couch and watch Fresh Prince with me? Yon-Rogg puches Vers in the face causing her to fall down. Witnesses say she was dressed for laser tag. [Monica walks into the house and sees Maria standing next to Carol and Fury. The locals continue to move towards the Kree, and Minn-Erva prepares to shoot before Att-Lass lowers her gun.]. Carol Danvers: [Fury looks at Goose, who now lives with him]. [Both Vers and Yon-Rogg look at the engine of the plane. This is a tremendous idea! Vers: Oh, good. [She offers it to Fury, but before he can take it, she pulls it away.]. Get her back now! Assistance with short selling your home | The franchise is produced by Marvel Studios. Can I ask you something? Captain Marvel (2019) - Quotes - IMDb Oh, ho. Yep. Captain Marvel Granted incredible abilities when her body was infused with powers from an intergalactic race known as the Kree, Carol Danvers transformed from simply a brilliant Air Force pilot into one of the most powerful heroes in the universe. [to Talos] Fury: Our little alliance with you is tenuous at best. List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters - Wikipedia Vers throws General Talos against them before running off barefooted. Kree Computer: General Talos (voiceover): This is it. clarity benefit solutions debit card. Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming, crowd moves away and gradually disappears, suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. But those aren't my memories. You have finally asked a relevant question. We slip in, we locate Soh-Larr and we get out, leaving them none the wiser. Carol then gives Monica a thumbs up], [The scene then changes to the outside of the house, with Maria walking towards a car, with her parents inside. And anger, anger represents the enemy. Monica: You have the chance to fly the coolest mission in the history of missions. And I knew her as Lawson. Took a pilot down with her. [The camera pans over all the photos which Monica has shown and is showing to Vers. Fury: Who's a good kitty huh? Monica Rambeau (11 Years Old): Yon-Rogg: And what is your earliest memory of Hala? [chuckles] Zemo : How nice to find a flaw. Carol charges and punches her in the face, but her fist is stuck in her face before she is thrown to an invisible wall, Carol is absorbed through the wall, which projects images of her memories, Carol continues to watches flashbacks of her crashing in races and failing in physical activities, Carol starts remembering every time she got up from a fall, Carol holds a fragment of her dog tag that reads "Vers", Vers enters the Supreme Intelligence's chamber, Vers looks at a hologram of the galaxy on her left, the Skrull soldier fires his arm blaster before disappearing, holding Goose out and watching Talos recoil, Vers looks at the Biker, then back to her map. General Talos finds a young women surfing, and changes into her]. Yon-Rogg: That was the location on the date of the crash six years ago. Trust me-, [Vers lowers the script to see the the truest Avenger, who smiles at her. Yon-Rogg: I don't want to hurt you. Follow protocol before extracting him. General Talos (voiceover): Focus. So a full-bred colonel turned spy turned SHIELD agent must have pretty high-security clearance. I've had better nightmares. That the Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the Tesseract? Yon-Rogg (through Vers' earpiece): Vers? The dogfight between the two planes continue, with Vers pushing the lever sideways in an effort to escape the other plane) What do they want? Bron-Char: It's funny cause objectively speaking, you're quite handsome. Vers: I would say that your delusional but we just got shot down by a spaceship and your blood is blue. When they get there, the child points to the high score in glowing lights. You men stay here. Fury: So um. That's her. alone can't protect us. Natasha Romanoff: Alright, ma'am? Excuse me, miss. We later saw Danvers. The Doc was always unique. [The two fist bump, and Carol teasingly electrocutes Fury, laughs it off. Oh my goodness. Vers: She's a scientist. How long are you planning on being in town? You were the woman on that black box risking her life to do the right thing. How do we know that you're not one of those shapeshifters? Get that thing away! As soon as she enters, the ship starts moving at lightspeed, towards other galaxies. Nick Fury: The Wasp star Evangeline Lilly raved about Renner's progress, telling Access Hollywood: "He's . You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. [Monica jumps off the plane and runs to Vers to hug her.
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