Initial Default Zoning. These documents provide standards for the construction of all infrastructure and the proper plan documentation to submit for approval and permit for the construction of such facilities. If the City Administrator determines the Administrative Plat does not meet the approval criteria, the applicant may request that the application be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its review and for its recommendation to City Council, which will take final action. Notice shall be required for review of an application as shown in the following table. Competent evidence. Substantial Detriment. A sign supported by a sign structure secured in the ground, and which is wholly independent of any building, fence, vehicle or other support. Historic Landmark. 2. B. The purpose of the Unified Development Code (UDC or Code) is to promote the public health, safety, general welfare and quality of life of the present and future citizens of the City of Liberty Hill. No final plat may be considered or approved unless the preliminary plat for the same land has been approved. Wherever this Code imposes a higher standard than that required by any other ordinance or requirement, the provisions of this Code shall govern to the extent permitted by law. R. A person aggrieved by a final action on a BOA procedure may appeal to a competent court of record within ten (10) days of the final action (see Texas Local Government Code, SS 211.011). In the event an applicant for recognition of vested rights is denied recognition of a vested right by the City Administrator and is aggrieved by such action or by the application of the above requirements, the applicant may appeal the decision of the City Administrator to the City Council by filing a request for appeal with the City Administrator within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the applicant is notified of the adverse decision or action taken. It is the Citys intent to institute a procedure to assure that mandatory dedications of street rights-of-way and street construction requirements are proportional to the traffic demands created by a new development. Comprehensive Utility Plan. Where complete separation of pedestrians and vehicles and bicycles is not possible, potential hazards shall be minimized by the use of techniques such as special paving, grade separations, pavement marking, signs or striping, bollards, median refuge areas, traffic calming features, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas, for both day and night use. A. A. Liberty Hill is part of the Greater Austin Area. All Nonconforming Signs that were erected in violation of the ordinances of the City in existence at the time the sign was permitted or should have been permitted, and which violation was or has not been cured, shall, upon written notice, be required to be brought into compliance with this Section or removed within a reasonable time frame specified by the City Administrator, but not to exceed 30 days. A statement indicating that the omission of a limitation or restriction shall not relieve the Applicant of the necessity of complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws; x. D. Consent Agreements. Finished Grade. A commercial sign identifying more than one business or organization located on the premises. ft. min. A use involving the on-site extraction of surface or subsurface mineral products or natural resources. A Letter of Regulatory Compliance or Written Interpretation stays in effect indefinitely where no related development is proposed. Outlot. Wall area shall be measured by calculating the continuous uninterrupted wall area (not including windows) on the elevation where a sign is to be placed. Lot, Through. A site development permit shall be required for all site developments as described or exempted below: A. In addition to the general criteria for approval of administrative procedures, the City Administrator shall base the final action on the following criteria: Whether the intended sign conforms in all respects with all applicable regulations and standards of this Code and any applicable construction or safety standards of the Citys building Code. However, overly bright lighting emitted from a structure will be subject to this Code if it is determined by the City Administrator that it creates a nuisance or a safety hazard as defined in the References section of this Code. The following are wholesaling, storage and distribution use types: Limited Warehousing and Distribution. Engineer. The standards and provisions of this Code shall be interpreted as the minimum requirements necessary for any person to comply with the Code. 1. Fees. The City of Liberty Hill is not responsible for the accuracy of information or plans provided to the City for its review or approval. Design and construction of infrastructure in the City and ETJ shall be consistent with the policies and guidelines established in the most recent versions of the Liberty Hill Comprehensive Plan. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) have safe and reliable street access for daily use and emergency purposes. C. Responsibility for Final Action. H. Location, lighting and type of signs; and relation of sills to traffic control and adverse effect on adjacent properties. The City Administrator shall take action on or before the applicable one of the following dates: i. Fourteen days after the submission of a complete application if the application is for existing buildings; or. Construction that involves paving or other impervious surface alteration of one thousand (1,000) square feet; or modifications to a drainage channel or pipe or other storm drainage feature with a catchments area, whether on site or off site, less than or equal to five (5) acres, may be reviewed and permitted by the City Engineer, without requiring City Council approval. In the context of subdivision platting, a parcel is either a tract of land platted for a designated purpose other than as a legal building site (e.g. 4. Critical Environmental Features. Land typically adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations that are inundated by the base flood. Typical uses include groceries, delicatessens, meat markets, retail bakeries, and candy shops. A residential building or portion thereof, other than a motel, or hotel, which contains lodging rooms which that [sic] accommodate not more than 20 persons who are not members of the keepers family. Said bonds or letters of credit shall be in the amount of at least twenty (20) percent of the total construction cost. 3. Acquisition of new rights-of-way for off-site, abutting and internal streets to support new development is necessary and desirable. A. (a) The provision of adequate parkland for use as parks is necessary for the protection of public health, safety and general welfare of the community. Temporary real estate signs not exceeding six square feet in area and three feet in height in residential zoning districts and not exceeding 64 square feet in area and 12 feet in height in other zoning districts that advertise the property on which the sign is located for sale or lease. All structures, land uses constructed or commenced after the effective date of the UDC and all enlargements of, additions to, changes in and relocations of existing structures and uses occurring after the effective date of the UDC are therefore subject thereto. All findings and conclusions necessary to the permit or decision (crucial findings) shall be based upon reliable evidence. A. Applicability. A sign designating only the direction of ingress or egress of a parking area or driveway, such as in, entrance, exit, one way, do not enter or no exit.. B. Information regarding the format requirements and submittal materials required for the application will be made available by the Manager in advance of any application. A description of all development approvals, permits, or other local or State approvals needed for the proposed development; vii. The building height shall be measured from finished grade to the highest point on a flat roof or a mansard or the midpoint between the cornice and the eave on a pitched roof. E. Modifications to the site plan which would result in increased compatibility or would mitigate potentially unfavorable impacts or would be necessary to conform to applicable regulations and standards and to protect the public health, safety, morals and general welfare. Prior to taking civil action, the City shall notify the defendant of the provisions of the Code that are being violated. Clear cutting of any sort (by hand, chainsaw, machine or other means) of trees greater than nineteen (19) inches in diameter measured four (4) feet from ground level from a residential or commercial property shall be prohibited. An increase in the number of units per acre not to exceed 120% of the Maximum Development Density (e.g., Maximum Density Bonus in Medium Density Residential is 4.8 units per acre). Open-air storage, distribution and handling of materials and equipment. Premises. This section shall describe standards and procedures for determining measurements for various items described in this Ordinance Code [sic]. If the landowners determine to either fund in advance or fund more than their pro-rata share, the City shall credit the developers future fiscal posting. The City Administrator, Building Official, or another designee of the City Council shall not be required to provide notice of intent to suspend or revoke for violations of this Code that cause imminent destruction of property or injury to persons. 4. The interpretation given by the Manager shall be final unless an appeal is made by the applicant to the Board of Adjustment to overturn his decision. No such excavation or development shall be lawful or permitted to proceed without issuance of a site development permit. 4. This Code shall become effective and be in full force and effect immediately following its passage and approval by the City Council, as duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. (k) Fifty percent of land contained within the 100-year floodplain shall be credited against the parkland dedication requirement; provided that adjoining land within the 25-year floodplain is also dedicated. J. Recordation. Watercourse. Historic Resource. Typical uses include hay, feed and grain stores, and tree service firms. C. A statement of the legal subdivision name, including lot, block and recording information. Landscaping, Interior. A sign that is mounted on one or more freestanding poles or other supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is not in direct contact with a solid base or the ground. The threshold requirement for a TIA shall be a development or combination of developments that would result in trip generation of more than an average of one thousand (1,000) trips per day based upon the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code 211.009, the concurring vote of 75 percent of the members of the board is necessary to: 1. reverse an order, requirement, decision or determination of an administrative official[,], 2. decide in favor of an applicant on a matter on which the board is required to pass under a zoning requirement (Chapter 4 of this Code), or. Floor Area Ratio, (FAR). Such extension of time shall be reported to the City Council and recorded in the minutes. Prior to the subdivision, resubdivision, or development of any land within the City, all plans, and plats plans for infrastructure improvements must first be approved in accordance with regulations specified in Section 3.08 except for: 1. Private restrictions. C. Amending Plat. 2. Vehicle Sales. To increase the density of a use above that permitted by the applicable district. D. Signs Exempt from Regulation. The projected wastewater discharge of a proposed development shall not exceed the proposed capacity of the proposed developments wastewater system. H. regulation of vehicle ingress and egress and traffic circulation. 2. I. Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: Closed Agricultural use types include the on-site production of plant and animal products by agricultural methods. Any accessory use may be permitted provided there is association with a primary use that may be permitted in accordance with Section 4.8 [sic] of this Code. Generating plants, electrical switching facilities and primary substations, refuse collection or disposal facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants, and similar facilities. Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District. Driveway. Nonconforming uses are lawful uses within a zoning district that do not conform to the requirements of this Code when it is adopted, or when any amendments thereto, take effect. The City and its agents shall enforce and ensure compliance with the provisions of this Code and shall take necessary and appropriate actions to prevent or cease any violations of the provisions of this Code. A flat sign does not extend above that building. The following are prohibited as Home Occupations: 1. Applications submitted to the City for consideration of a permit for construction. The applicant for common law vested rights must show compliance with the following criteria for the specific project to obtain such rights: 1. The diameter of a tree trunk measured at four feet above the root collar. Any application submitted simultaneously with other applications is subject to approval of all other related applications that are prerequisite(s) to consideration of another application in the development process. Those decisions that are made by the City Administrator. A. Applicability. Light fixtures provided for any off-street parking area adjacent to a residential use or residentially zoned lot shall shield the source of light from sight and prevent the spillover of direct light onto the residential use, while still providing security to motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists. See also: Building Height. BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES. In this case, the City Administrator shall report this action in writing to the City Council and place the modified Conditional Use Permit directly on the City Council agenda for action at the Councils next meeting. E. The City should encourage desirable development and construct infrastructure in the following Priority Growth Areas: A. Failure to appeal within ten (10) days shall cause the final action to be contractually agreed to and the action will become final and unappealable. In addition, the developer shall provide a statement signed by a registered professional engineer that all improvements have been installed and constructed in accordance with the submitted as-built plans. The next whole number beyond fifty percent of all members authorized to vote, including those not present or present but not voting.
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