ORIGINS AND TRADITIONAL CUSTOMS by Dr. Joseph Nii Abekar Mensah, PhD. Dr. Joseph Nii Abekar MensahOral history had it that I dont think thats true at all. Shorme Shor31 Nate Natan32. I am currently doing my own research of the 12 tribes and putting together my own study and I am definitely use this as a reference. [2][3] The Ga-Dangmes are one ethnic group that lives primarily in the Greater Accra of Ghana. The history of early Georgia is largely the history of the Creek Indians. their Hebrew equivalents Ga-Dangmes Names Hebrew Names1. I have always been interested in learning about the Bible, but found all the names, dates, and places so confusing and overwhelming. supreme in the Motherland (Israel). It is interesting that Queen Dode (Dodi) Akabis name DODI is a Hebrew Name. Dan and their children (Numbers 1:1-54).Biblical history Converter Each Ga town has a number of different cults and many gods, and there are a number of annual town festivals.[7]. Nerle Nerli19 Ayah Ayah (female)20 Ayaa Aya News > Nation/World Israel's window to strike Iran narrows as Putin enters equation. Are there stipulations on how we can use this infographic. May God continue to give you the vision to touch others through the writing of his word in art and characterization. By the beginning of the nineteenth century Accra had a population of approximately 7,500 to 10,000 and was well developed, with extensive interior and exterior trade connections. principle which runs throughout the Bible. This was an early and innovative form of capitalism where an elaborate system of property ownership was established and subsequently shared. Itd be fun to teach this to the kids in our church. This is needed as the coffin is only a portion of the total funeral cost that will be incurred. Descended from Jacobs firstborn, whom Jacob said was as uncontrolled as water (Genesis 49:4). The Tribe of Gad, renowned for being warriors who protected the borders of Israel, camped in military tents for battles. It is a wonder to me daily how much he loves us earthen vessels and the depths of his mercy and compassion are just beyond my comprehension. Ancient Egyptian God Khepri | Mythology, Symbol & Facts. Reuben didnt sleep with Zilpah, he slept with Bilhah. Ancestry DNA shows I have an African ancestor by the name of Quartey. After the kingdom divides, the Northern Kingdoms capital is in Ephraims territory, and the prophets sometimes refer to the entire nation as Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:9,Hosea 5:3). After being in a tributary relationship with the Akwamu until 1730, Accra regained and largely maintained its independence until it was occupied by the British in 1874. Thanks for the vote of confidencethat makes me feel good. briefly. Below is a quote from their blog. One of their traditional music and dance styles (albeit a fairly modern one) is kpanlogo, a modernized traditional dance and music form developed around 1960. strongly lends support to the claim by Ga-Dangmes that they are HEBREW while they were in Ethiopia. The Ga people are known for their funeral celebrations and processions. popular passage that there is time for everything under the sun (Ecclesciates General Mayakaahla Ka is shouting at a college-aged Jewish kid outside the Market East Station in downtown Philadelphia. Notable tribesman: Samson. These four quarters make up Ussher Town, the area placed under Dutch jurisdiction in the seventeenth century. Let's review! The tribe chose not to settle in the Promised Land, and instead asked Moses for some of the territory that they conquered east of the Jordan River. Also, the DIPO or OTUFO customs of the Ga-Dangmes are said to be ancient Hebrew Israelites customs. Originally designed as a formal marriage training for mature women in their twenties,[10] Dipo has evolved into a pre-marital sexual purification[11] rite that involves teenage girls conducting traditional religious rituals and putting on dance performances for the public. (male)21. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. obaakpaJustice, fairness and impartiality are counseled in This was truly excellent, so pleased to have found this. For example, they helped solidify the relationship between the tribes in the east and west of the river by building an altar to Yahweh, thus demonstrating that all twelve tribes would worship the same monotheistic God. Nungua Nun25. First, the flat wide lands that the Tribe of Gad occupied were good for herding cattle. Given their reputation as warriors, the symbol of the Tribe of Gad was a military tent. This is good teaching material for Bible study night. Tribe of Zebulun | History, Symbol & Characteristics. These three quarters are commonly called James Town and formed the original area of British jurisdiction at Accra. Further information can be found online they state the following: The oldest area of settlement in Accra, now known as Central Accra, is composed of seven quarters, among which Asere, Abola, and Gbese are oldest and considered to be the most traditionally Ga. Otublohum originally was settled by people from Akwamu and Denkyera to the northwest. Which means when words like Levi, Judah and Ephraim show up in the Bible, they usually dont come with an explanationthe authors assumed the first readers understood. Hi, Joe! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Reviews Of those, 10,000 left Elminas shores when the castle was operating at full capacity, according to Ghanas Museums and Monuments Board. They believe that death is not the end and that life continues in the next world in the same way it did on earth. Dode (Dodi) Dodi Quarteys all over the world are descendants of the Royal Family of Kpakpatse We clan of the Asr group of the Ga speaking people, which is one of the seven quarters (Akutsii) that constituted the Ashiedu Ktk District within the Odododiodioo Constituency of the Ga Mashie Community in Accra. After Solomons reign, the kingdom of Israel divides. Nonetheless, they lived in many cities spread out throughout the land. Elminas storerooms were converted to dungeons as other European powers built lodges and forts on what became known as the Gold Coast and began competing fiercely for their share of the trade from the mid-1600s on. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Wonderful aid to understanding the Old Testament. This is why families do everything they can to ensure that a dead person is sympathetic towards them as early as possible. The social status of the deceased depends primarily on the size and the success of the burial service and of course the usage of an exclusive coffin. Tago Taga33. Not until the 1760s did the Creeks become a minority population in Georgia. Corinthians 1 and 2, the Apostle Paul shows the limitations of human group opposing the PNDC of Ghana,I found him to be a very Dangme is the language that is most used in the . He had to develop confidence and integrate himself in the family. 19). The Jewish tribe of Gad was made up of respected warriors. The manner of the exile led to the further history of the tribe being lost, and according to the Book of Jeremiah, their former lands were (re)conquered by the Ammonites.[11]. Yacub Addy, Obo Addy, and Mustapha Tettey Addy are Ga drummers who have achieved international fame. Near the end of his life, Jacob gave each of his sons with a blessing that included a prophecy for them and the tribes they would found. =) But unfortunately this isnt for salemaybe that would be a good poster for us to make in the future, though! Jesus is of the tribe of Judah (Matthew 1:12). Some sources claim that Jacob hid Gad from the Pharaoh out of fear that the young boy would be conscripted as a royal bodyguard. 3: 1-8), Bei ye keha nofeenoAgain, the Bible teaching on cause Tribe of Joseph Split & Symbolism | Who are Ephraim & Manasseh? In ancient Israel of the Bible, the deceased were said to be buried across the river Jordan. Despite the ritual being designated for older teenaged girls, it is not uncommon for young pre-adolescent and even toddler aged girls to take part.[10]. Dangme is exclusively closer to the original GaDangme languages than the Ga language.[6]. A question is asked: Leah proclaimed Gad's birth to be lucky or the result of good fortune, which is what the name Gad actually means. Some of the people enslaved were described as AKAN in the slave records. With the growth of the threat from Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralised monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Gad joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. The tribe was also loyal to Davids descendants when the northern tribes seceded (1 Kings 12:1624). Abe copyright 2003-2023 by Ga-Dangmes clearly lend credence to their claim that they are of Orientation. More More, Announcements May Almighty God bless you always my brother. within the Ghana Democratic Movement (GDM), a political activist Gad was a son of Zilpah, a handmaiden of Jacob's wife, Leah. The Ga believe that when someone dies, they move to another life. Coins placed in the coffins of the deceased believing that their spirits will use it in paying for their passage across the River Jordan. 10 Ashi Ashi11 Dangme Dan12. The tribe of Ga are descendants of GAD and are the hebrew Israelites. (John 8: 32), and speaking the truth to one another makes Knowledge and wisdom are NOT the monopoly of any one person. Coins placed in the coffins of the deceased believing They ceded the balance of their lands to the . When we update this infographic, thatll get fixed. HEBREW ISRAELITES ORIGINS OF GA-DANGMES OF GHANA IN BRIEF Dr. Joseph Nii Abekar Mensah Oral history had it that Ga-Dangmes people migrated from Israel about 6th Century B.C through Egypt, then to Ethiopia, having been expelled or exiled by the Assyrians (Hebrew Biblical Revelations, July 2008). They did so, but they did not assist the other tribes in battle during the period of judges (Judges 5:16), and the tribe falls into scriptural obscurity. These include purification ceremonies. Some Ga peoples believe that they were part of Israel- migrating from south through Uganda, then along the Congo River, westward through Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Togo and finally to Greater. At least one brother, however, benefitted from this. (Dawhenya royal family name: Darpoh), Under their great leader King Ayi Kushi (Cush) (1483-1519) they were led from the east in several states before reaching their destination in Accra. Ghana University Biblical history suggests that The idea Jacob was known to display favoritism among his children, particularly for Joseph and Benjamin, the sons of his favorite wife, Rachel, and . I am looking forward to the release of your book. It is interesting Excellent work! So the original divided kingdom looked like this: However, several members of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon defected to Judah when they realized that God was with the righteous King Asa (2 Chr 15:9). Prices of coffins can vary depending on what is being ordered. I am going to research this tribe and continue to update this post with my findings. A documentary I watched discussed this very point and even the indigenous Igbo of the land are aware of this and confirm the difference in the 2 religions. It is one of the ten lost tribes. Since Joseph was extremely faithful to God in Egypt, despite all the abuses he was put through, (and considering how the great Joshua was from Ephraim) I was very heartbroken when I discovered that his 2 tribes fell into idolatry, and that most didnt return from the exile. Jacob has two sons with Rachel. The fishing community of Bukom on the outskirts of Accra, is considered as the mecca of boxing in Ghana and has produced several notable boxers. Heres a link to the printable PDF. The tribes of Gad and Reuben were the first that went into exile (Lam. may go to, type in MY HEBREW NAMES and search. Jacob prophesied that Ashers tribe would enjoy rich foods (Genesis 49:20), and the tribe went on to possess a region of eastern Galilee which is still known for its olive groves. The Nungua The Copper coloured races. King AYI KUSHI, spelled Cush in Hebrew, Genesis 10: 6 Jeremiah 13:23, Isaiah 18:12) led the Ga-Dangmes from Cush in Jerusalem to Ayawaso and was the founder of the GA DYNASTY. Things make so much more sense when you realize how the details fit into the big picture. He says that one piece (Judah) will remain with Solomons son for the sake of Gods covenant with David (1 Ki 11:3132). Overall, the Tribe of Gad was known for its amicability and loyalty, at least to the other Israelites, and determination. Isaiah 18:12) led the Ga-Dangmes from Cush in Jerusalem to Ayawaso and The original inhabitants of America. The building that once housed a Portuguese Catholic Church became Elminas slave market, where African dealers brought their captives, many of them victims of tribal wars. University of Georgia football star Jalen Carter has surrendered to police following a car crash that killed his teammate and a team staffer . relatives prior to burial is an ancient Hebrew Israelites custom. FYI. Kind of like how I can assume my readers in the US immediately know what Im talking about if I reference D.C., Houston, or Chicago.. Trading is generally in the hands of women, and a husband has no control over his wife's money. Also, the name of the hunter, KADI, who found a group people at OSU DOKU and introduced them to the Nungua Mantse, is a Hebrew name. [6], The Ga people were organized into six independent towns (Accra (Ga Mashie), Osu, La, Teshie, Nungua, and Tema). Many slaves were transported from the castle below. It is not unusual for a single coffin to cost $600. This Identification and Location. Also, the name of the hunter, KADI, who found a group people at OSU DOKU and introduced them to the Nungua Mantse, is a Hebrew name. Ephraim and possibly more. Tamar Kempt (2008) described the Moses agreed to this, on the condition that they assist the western tribes in conquering Canaan (Numbers 32:2832). I shared this with my Old Testament class and one student noted that Reuben slept with Bilhah and not Zilpah. Quick note:I made a weird mistake on this. The Twelve Tribes of Israel would forever be defined by the personalities of their founders, so we need to start by learning about Gad himself. Ga Gad14. Overview of Tribes & Lessons We Can Learn. The Ga-Dangmes claim to be descendants DAN and GAD, the fifth and seventh sons of Jacob. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}53516N 00559W / 5.5877N 0.0996W / 5.5877; -0.0996, Boris Frederic Cecil Tay-Natey Ofuatey-Kodjoe, Lydia Dedei Yawson Nee Tagoe and Elizabeth Korkoi Tagoe, "Jamestown: the heart of boxing in Ghana", "Special Reports | Path to adulthood in the divided world", Fair trade arts and crafts direct from African artisans, Statement on the Death of NEA National Heritage Fellow Yacub Addy | NEA, "Virgil Abloh Has Designs on High Culture", "Virgil Abloh Is on the 2018 Time 100 List", External Influences on Ga Society and Culture, The Bead Culture among the Krobo of Ghana, Diplomacy and Power Politics in Mid-Nineteenth Century Krobo. The Dangme people occupy the coastal area of Ghana from Kpone to Ada, on the Volta River and South Atlantic Ocean along the Gulf of Guinea and inland along the Volta River. Only people with the appropriate status are allowed to be buried in these types of coffins. Through my own research I have found that the Ga-Dnagmes believe in one supreme being and an evil being who we would call Satan in Europe society. [5][10] When they arrived at the Jordan and saw the fertility of the land, they said: "One handful of enjoyment on this side is better than two on the other" (Lev. Many families spend excessive amounts on coffins because they often feel that they have to pay their last respects to the deceased and being buried in a coffin of cultural, symbolic as well as expensive taste is seen as fitting. The cities mentioned are often also shown as part of other tribes (as part of Manasseh in the North and of Reuben in the south). Lorlorvor and Osudoku Hills. Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Restructuring The Tribe of Gad opted to forgo the land in the protected center or along the fertile Mediterranean coast, and instead took the land on the eastern border of the territory, east of the Jordan River. Gads fifth son was Eri who later formed a clan known as Erites (Genesis No person of it is ever mentioned by name after the conquest, it is not included in the list of tribes in II Chronicles 27 and it is not mentioned in the song of Deborah, other detached tribes like Reuben and Asher at least being mentioned as missing in the battle. Notable tribesmen: King Saul, Mordecai, Paul, This tribe descended from Josephs firstborn son, and uniquely settled on both sides of the Jordan River (Joshua 17:56). of circumcision of their male born and their patriarch traditions The HOMOWO FESTIVAL (the PASSOVER) celebrated by the Ga-Dnagmes supports their claim that they are Hebrew Israelites, descendants of children of Jacob (Exodus 13: 1-10); Exodus 12: 1-50; Numbers 9:1-5, According to Abbey in his book KEDZI AFO JORDAN (1968), Ga-Dangmes tradition during which they put money in the coffins of their deceased relatives prior to burial is an ancient Hebrew Israelites custom. Judah. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I highly recommend you use this site! Create your account, 14 chapters | new century. Ancestors are also thought to be much more powerful than the living and able to influence their relatives who are still living (lucky as they are). In others, Levi isnt counted, and Ephraim and Manasseh are considered distinct tribes. King David was part of this tribe, and his royal line ruled in Jerusalem from around 1,000 BC until the city fell to Babylonian forces in 586 BC. Despite the twelve brothers fighting amongst each other, Gad emerged triumphantly and became the true warrior among Jacob's sons. The group was founded in Chicago by a former steel worker who was named Ben Carter (1939-2014, also known as Ben Ammi Ben-Israel). Issachar in the Bible | Tribe, Sons, Mantle & Characteristics, Tribe of Benjamin | Overview, History & Symbolism, Tribe of Levi in the Bible | Levites, Facts, Symbol & History, Tribe of Judah | Judah, Descendants & History, Lion of the Tribe of Judah in the Bible | Overview, Symbol & History, Calendar Types | Lunar, Solar & Metonic Cycles, God of Air & Wind | Shu the Egyptian God Facts, Ancient Nubia | Civilization, History & Location. They migrated again in 1100 A.D and settled A list of the 12 (or is it 13?) Anan Anan13. 28. Jacob blesses . Millet was formerly the staple food, but more common crops now include cassava, yams, corn (maize), plantain, cocoa, and palm oil. That is where the name NAI WULOMO, meaning, HIGH PRIEST OFTHE However , some notable men were missed . There are claims that the chereokee Indians and native Americans also originate from this tribe. Biblical history suggests that Jacob, whom God named YISRAEL had Leah as his wife who gave birth to four sons for him. Lineage members generally return to the traditional lineage home from the Huza farms several times a year to participate in the festivals of their lineage gods. The Tribe of Gad still originated from the original Hebrew Israelites. The connection is awesome! are usually linked to booms in the primary sectors Kempt, contention in his writing, THE LOST TRIBES OF AFRICA that the The Tribe of Gad maintained its role in the confederacy of Israelite tribes and later, the Kingdom of Israel. Ga ethnicity was constructed out of many strands because of the multiplicity of trade contacts, religious influences, founding ethnicities, and cross-cultural contacts fostered by intermarriage. Hebrew Israelites origins.Here are some Ga-Dangmes names and A common saying at Asere is, There is no such thing as a pure Ga. Not only were many European and inland African ethnicities represented in Accra over hundreds of years, but also the lateral coastal connections produced migrations of Brazilian, Sierra Leonean, and Nigerian families, who formed clans and assumed Ga identity. tradition during which they put money in the coffins of their deceased These cookies do not store any personal information. Ghanaian Paper To the earliest readers of the Old Testament, these names were common knowledge. Israelites customs. developmental needs. =). Elmina, 93 miles west of Accra, at the western edge of Ghanas central region, is different. Today, figural coffins are made in several workshops in Togo and Greater Accra. state we are in today as a nation, they have not fully met our Social Scene Jacob, whom God named YISRAEL had Leah as his wife who gave birth to In the Agotime Area of Volta Region and the Dangme Area in the Southern part of Togo. ISRAELITES due to the fact Ga-Dangme names are found throughout the OLD The location was never secure from invasion and attacks, since to the south it was exposed to the Moabites, and like the other tribes east of the Jordan was exposed on the north and east to Aram-Damascus and later the Assyrians. Further growth came with the destruction of the original capital, Ayawaso, 2.1 miles (3.4 kilometers) northwest of Accra, by the Akwamu kingdom in 1677. River at a place between the Old Kpong and Akuse and established These are the languages that they speak in that area. The man Simeon (with his brother Levi) slaughtered the men of an entire city to avenge his sister (Genesis 34:2531). They later provided military support to David as well, crossing floods to be by his side. A personal account of St George Castle in Elmina is below by the New York Times, According to the Torah, the tribe consisted of descendants of Gad the seventh son of Jacob, from whom it took its name. Want to download the 12 Tribes of Israel infographic? The Dangme People include the Ada, Kpone, Krobo, Ningo, Osudoku, Prampram, and Shai, all speaking Dangbe of the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo family of languages. The Ga-Dangbe, G-Dab, Ga-Dangme, or GaDangme are an ethnic group in Ghana, Togo and Benin. Likewise ancient Israel had 12 states named according to tribes, but the Levites served in the Temple at the capital and they did not have a tribal (state) territory. Proverbs.Let us consider or evaluate few of GaDangmes values and These are mainly in the Manya Krobo and Yilo Krobo Districts of the Eastern Region. had Dan and Gad and four more sons. KADI GBOI as people of Osu were referred to.Ga-Dangmes custom Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Commentary It takes place in August every year and is celebrated by all the Ga clans. Popular coffinmakers are, for example, Cedi and Eric Adjetey Anang of Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop, Paa Joe, Daniel Mensah and Kudjoe Affutu. As you said, people from Joseph & Simeon defected to Judah. Each town had a stool, which served as the central object of Ga ritual and war magic. All rights reserved. I searched the name in Google and found they are descendants of the Ga tribe from Accra Ghana. Disciple Menu. The tribe of Levi was also aligned with the South. There is no record of their having come from Israel, which would have had to have been after 1948, the year that the state of Israel was founded. According to some, Elijah was a descendant of Gad (Gen. R. 71). (Hebrew Biblical Revelations, July 2008). In Personalities Nete Natanel23. Most of the figural coffins are used for funerals, only a few are exported for international art exhibitions. This leader is the Moses of the Ga-Dangme people, with his seven puritan laws he gave them and that has formed the basis and philosophy of the state, making the state a friendly state recognised by all in respect to making Greater Accra Region the capital of the, then, Gold Coast in 1877. Young Boy discusses encounters with Ga-Adangbes - (Spoken in Ga). After the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BC, the Tribe of Gad was a part of a loose confederation of Israelite tribes. paradox. However, on the accession of David's grandson Rehoboam, in c. 930 BC the northern tribes split from the House of David and from Saul's tribe Benjamin to reform Israel as the Northern Kingdom. any way to get a page-formatted pdf? The Igbo in Nigeria claim descent from Gad through his son Eri, also the name of their first king.[13]. Their main city was Gondar, and their king was said. Various creatures, such as lions, cockerels and crabs represent clan totems. This castle was used in Ghana to ship the slaves across the continent. It appears that the slaves were shipped straight from Ghana to Jamaica and other ports that I have yet to explore. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Mantse, in consultation with the Ga Mashi Mantse gave Osu lands to the I enjoyed it very much. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Therefore, special coffins are often crafted by highly skilled carpenters since this tradition spread in the 1950s. Fort James was built in 1673 in Accra as a trading port. Hi, Diane! The Dangbe people from Odumase - Krobo also Celebrate the [Ngmayem] festival, An Annual Harvest festival to Celebrate the bounty harvest of their farmers is celebrated by the Krobo people throughout the last week (Seven days) of October with a visit to their famous Ancestral home, the Krobo Mountains [Kloyom] on the last Friday of October with a climax on the Saturday with a grand Durbar of Chiefs and People of the Krobo Traditional Area. newly published book entitled: GADANGMES OF GHANA:HEBREW ISRAELITES Your work is truly blessed, and has helped me strengthen my relationship with God. Moreover, the idea that the tribes are descended from Jacob developed even later. The tribe did not secure their original portion of land (Judges 1:34;18:1), and instead migrated northward. reap what we sow (Galatians 6: 7-10) GaDangmes say, Noni oduo le, no . During the period of the Great Tribulation there will be 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel, who will be sealed and who will carry the message of the Gospel during this period. A list of the 12 (or is it 13?) The Dangme proverb: Yi kake ye da mi or the Ga proverb: Yitso The growth of Accra was stimulated by the arrival of the Europeans, the first being the Portuguese, who built a small fort there in 1482. Extract above from, My DNA interestingly enough shows the migration of africans down the coast of Africa from Mali and Senegal down to Nigeria Ghana Benin Togo Cameroon and Congo. Although Gad was not Leah's biological son, he was accepted and known. In his early twenties Carter was given the name Ben Ammi by Rabbi Reuben of the Chicago Congregation of Ethiopian Hebrews. Succession to most offices held by women and inheritance of women's property are by matrilineal descent. Mannasseh produced gideon (judges 6:15) . 33: 20-21; ASHALE (ASAHEL), 1 Chronicle 2:16, 2 Samuel 2: 18-19. The tribes portion of land was within the midst of Judahs territory (Joshua 19:1); however, Simeon did not grow as rapidly as Judah and seems to have dispersed across multiple territories (1 Chronicles 4:3843;2 Chronicles 15:89). Below is a quote from their blog. From that time onwards, the Tribe of Gad has been counted as one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. tribes, with quick details, The illustrated, disturbing story of the 12 tribes, Obadiah: Edom's judgment is coming | Overview Bible, Bible Overview Series: Genesis | Jeff Strong. Initiates are partially nude throughout much of the ritual. Thankyou for producing this, looking forward to other work youve produced and are yet to produce. the fifth and seventh sons of Jacob. 961). In the Torah, Leah offers Zilpah to Jacob so that he may have more children, then she raises those children as her own.
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