The shape of the buildings is round and dome-like. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs, survived the as you called it artificial cataclysm and evolved then over 40 million years and your evolution was completed 10 million years ago. Lets call it a para-layer, for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. They are even lower than the Reptilian Dracos. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military but they use foreign technology to build them. Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet and only eight of them abduct humans at the moment (again as far as we know.) Answer: This is again a strange question. Lacerta is not part of the Luciferian Rebellion. And unless we get in touch with more reptilians like Lacerta, I sincerely believed we are all excuse me fucked, to put it lightly. I dont want to overbear you with questions, but my friend and I have been searching, he found out in many ways, but I have only heard, I do believe this because I stopped believing in God many years now as the reasons for Gods existence didnt add up and didnt make any sense. Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different (green-beige, like the face) and there are scale-like structures on the upper legs (over the knee) and upper arms (over the elbow). Answer: Do you see one? Answer: Partly, especially when the aliens took egg and sperm samples from you. Both ships crashed as a result; one of them fell near the collision point, the other a hundred of your kilometers or so distant. At Lacertas request, the original text of 31 pages was revised and shortened up to deal with some questions and answers. The renegades and fallen angels of that war were confined to this prison planet. Secondly, Lacerta needs to know that there is hope that us humans will develop and do what we can to grow into a respectable species, as many light workers have come to the earth (or Terran). That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. When I talk about our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). Answer: Before I can explain that correctly to you, you must be able to understand the universe and this would mean a maybe useless teaching of your mind (including the remove of some barriers) of many weeks and with teaching I mean not only teaching by words. Our knowledge about the first war comes completely from an ancient artifact, which was found around 16,000 years ago from our archeologists on the continent you call North America today. You remember them as normal humans or grey dwarfs or even extremely bizarre animals because they want you to remember that or sometimes they want you to completely forget anything about a meeting with them. I call that more evolved than the Westerners that came and killed them. I have a few comments on the above. It is an unusual thought, but perhaps living a simple life with books and nature has taught me to appreciate things which are true, timeless and meaningful. I suppose most of you have read the weird document called "Lacerta File I" which I had sent you last week and I have received some response from you concerning that stuff. Most likely, if the aliens had not descended to planet Earth, things would have gone differently for better or for worse. Everything that you call paranormal. We have lost most of this ability, but we can still feel temperature much better with this organ. Then, and only then, will you truly see what she says holds the true facts. We don't say: Well, duck you are not as evolved as me, so it doesn't matter if you die. As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. These were indeed not the first crashes, but by that time the second and the third. My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. Question: Can you describe your subterranean homeland location? Perhaps that is part of what about us interests those of her race like herself. I bet some of the foreign governments and citizens would have no problem with that. He got control of himself again after a time and we could finally talk concretely about definite matters. I once again reaffirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. No. If you have made it up you have done some great research. The reason for the activation of this special high-energy system in an atmosphere is not completely clear to me; its possible that it is a kind of investigating or influencing of the environment. The mammals evolved since let us say 150 millions of years, but only in the last 2 3 millions of years they were able to became intelligent and thinking. All of your minds are like one mind) we are able to touch their mind and induce them via telepathy the command See us as one of your kind and the weak human mind will accept this order without re-fusion and they will see us (despite our reptilian look) as normal humans. Typical missunderstandings and false leaders! I have seen some strange stuff in my life I cant explain. The special fields from copper-fusion Ive mentioned earlier are able to have an influence on your global weather. That one day war will be seen as weak and peace will be seen as strong. I do believe Lacerta, her knowledge is vast and extremely interesting. If this alien species is alive living under the earth, why did she choose you? Im able to say them but it would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way. This was around 10 million years ago and our evolution nearly stopped at this point (well, actually there were some minor changes in our look toward a more humanoid and mammal-like appearance during the coming ages, but we have not divided again into sub-species). Two colonies are no longer in use and abandoned, so 5 stars would be more correct. How easy it is for you or anyone to make outrageous claims. I hope it is a discussion driven by sanity, truth, respect and love instead of being driven by fears. Lastly: Ole, if your reading this, please contact me as I would like to know if you indeed had met Lacerta again and if you were shown their home. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special how do you say it? EMP {electromagnetic pulse} weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. Question: Good. The Lacerta Files Audiobook Addeddate 2016-07-22 01:54:40 Identifier TheLacertaFilesAudiobook Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6g20s53p Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. Your kind is ignorant. Thanks for taking time to transcribe the conversations, I found it very informative, I am looking forward to hear more from you. lacerta files part 3. Finally he brought you into contact with meand for that reason we are now sitting here once again and talking about things which probably wont be believed out there in human society. In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. Ill try to do itwait just a secondyou are going to have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that that which you see is the true nature of the universe. I assume it was either in Swedish or in German, since some expressions are German (like Raumfeld). And if you find evidence for their existence, you deny and misinterpret the facts. Answer: I think I have already answered to this question. The station is driven by fusion as its base and it supplies the colony and the suns with energy. Correct comments, no explanation and further discussion needed. It can also carry out a multiplicity of tasks, as for example, causing massive flying objects to be levitated and maneuvered. As I have said many times, we [in BVW] do not have mental walls. Example: They might want to lower the population of humans to protect all humanity. Transcript of the Interview (Shortened Version), [Comment by Ole. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. Please, how do I reach EF/ OLE K coz I want to ask Lacerta just one question that will unlock this master key. But they are true, if you believe it or not. Furthermore, we have also some surface sun places in remote areas, especially in America and Australia. Some time ago I came across the Lacerta Interview and after two years of further investigation and digging deeply into Tom Campbells MBT Theory, I rediscovered the significance and consistency of the information given in the Lacerta interview. They are very strong and like to eat living flesh which makes them seem like monsters, which they are. The cavern was organized as a colony about 3000 years ago; a major portion of the ceiling structure is artificially integrated into the rock and the form was remodeled into an almost elegantly proportioned and very flat dome with an oval ground plan. I reviewed another language document for confirmation. I am struggling with this society. K.: The soul robbing was mentioned in one of the radical, religiously-motivated comments in connection with the reptilian species.]. Rarely I need to trash a comment. Most people with that type of education, a Masters degree in Theoretical Physics, have filters on, but not to questions the authority but to filter anything they hear that is contrary, conflicts or questions the official point of view of the government or figures of authority. Politics? As I have said, three alien species are hostile and this means that they do not care for your fate or for your life and people who were abducted by them came very rarely back alive. How do you appear on photos? Thank you for sharing! Your race was genetically engineered by aliens and we were just the more or less passive visitors of this accelerated evolution process. "Lucifer asked me for advice, mom. Question: I understand. Question: That is the end of the interview. Brother Veritus Community is exactly the opposite to a cult since everybody is entitiled to have their own opinion and study and believe what he likes, obviously with exceptions in the community, like we do not accept atheists and fanatical extremists or people with bad attitudes towards others, who reject good spiritual principles. They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters. If the human mind and consciousness is weak and the reptilian inducer is experienced in these things and was some hours in the sun before he or she tries to do it, then it could probably work for a certain time. You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. However, you can try this only with the more weaker species, not with the strong. Of course, the opportunity will come. If you look at our skeleton, there is only a small rounded bone at the end of our spine behind the pelvis. I live in Canada, in the Province of Ontario. This symbol is much more common today. I received a translation English-to-Spanish of the files through a newsletter in my email. But how can you be among humans? Advanced and friendly races also took sometimes egg and sperm samples, but for other reasons. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". But why, you might ask, are there 4 cylinders? If you dont believe me, have a look at your history and you will see the truth in my words. Well, nature was not very friendly to us and as far a we know from the 27 sub-species 24 were extinct in primitive wars and in evolution, because their organism and mind was not developed enough to survive and (as main reason) they were not able to change their blood temperature in the right way if the climate changed. I am thoroughly surprised at the many comments to my words; of course, I am naturally also disappointed about the religious portrayals of me as the enemy which have been voiced and which have buried themselves deeply in your mind. At her request, the original text of 31 pages was sanitised. But I have allowed your mind to see me in my original appearance from our first meeting on and I have never induced something into your mind, so you have already realized that Im not human. NESARA/GESARA is in stand-by, it is not cancelled, only temporarily suspended. Like most of us would do. Your creation was artificial and done by genetic engineering, but not by us but by an alien species. Did it have anything to do with the Roswell Incident?. You should listen and learn from people but stay away from established religions of officialdom. Taken from . Fixing the tension between us and the reptilians. If we are not alone, and are indeed a lower species, can we live comfortably knowing this? They were simple animals. Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. Weather changes? I think it is important to overcome personal fears. Every well-known species, even the more highly developed ones, consists of a great number of individual consciousnesses (at least a portion of the consciousness is individual, even though there are connecting fields of consciousness); these self-sufficient spirits are able to decide freely for themselves a lifestyle which is either good or evil, according to your own human standards. From the United States? Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. Are you an extraterrestrial species or can your origin be found on this planet? The rest of our knowledge about our evolution comes from skeletons and from the back-reading and de/encoding of our DNA. The superiority complex of Lacerta is a reflection of the authors general disdain for humanity, especially in his anthill example. We are native terrans. It would be too difficult for me to explain you now our very old social system which is very complex and we would need many hours only for the primary things. I am so happy to have finally come across these two interviews. Regards, Wiggan. The other species about which we know not so much was a reptilian species, but they have nothing to do with our own species, because we have evolved from local saurians without exterior influence (except the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab. Mind control is one of their talents. So these evolved species more or less effortless roam the universe in search for other planets. She also did not tell you how strong they are. They would be able to destroy all of you and us and everything with just a single thought. Concerning the reptilian aliens, there is a possibility that it was physically impossible for them to return, because the matter between bubbles is sometimes in rapid movement. Question: I understand. She sounds very smart. Are they being fed humans? They may frown on humans believing religion but they are themselves very religious. of things in heaven, and things in earth, As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side the word is NOT correct of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. I suspect it will be very hard for you to prove you are what you claim, as you are probably not really what you claim. I appear on photos as a reptile being, because I cant have influence on the photo or on the camera itself but only on the photographers mind. We, as knowledge seekers, should assist each other but on the other hand seekers of truth are often shut up by higher beings of authority. As a child i remember going up to this cave and going to the end of it. That has the strange occult name of soul robbing. But above all, were talking about science here, not about magic or dark forces. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. They are the natives. Apparently not a lot because they choose to snuff us out 6(!) Let me think about it for a second. Nice to see the interest of many, and also nice to read good comments, and the possibility to connect more dots, thus reinforcing what I feel in my heart is consistent and makes sense in my understanding of the nature and meaning of existence. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. When I am driving, I slow down for a duck, giving the mother time to reach the other side of the road with her ducklings. I don't know what to do. Some may not even know where planet Earth is, nor are interested in visiting it nor getting involved with its Ascension. Im a female reptile being, belonging to a very old reptilian race. of 56 yrs. This sounds very unbelievable to me. Many of us were in contact with certain (more southern) tribes of your species in the coming centuries and we were able to convince some of them that we are not the Evil the aliens wanted them to believe. You people have believed from time immemorial what you are supposed to believewhat was foreseen for you to believe by your creators. This planet has way too many humans on it, anyway, mostly ignorant as fuck. Like you, I have a head, two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet and the proportions of my body are like yours. I dont give energy to those thoughts. Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of development, but these tails disappear before they were born. After that, one simply probes for the other consciousness/awareness in the mind with a post-plasma manifestation, the sphere of influence {Feldraum} reacts and the connection is there. Humans DO get it. ANYONE can swear they are telling the truth, and it doesnt make it true. When the baby is going to be born, the whole egg is pressed through the vagina covered in a slimy protein substance and the baby came out of this soft egg after some minutes. The word "Ilojiim" or "Illojim" Of course at the time, he did not really recognize who I was; he was totally convinced that he was talking with a creature of his own kind, although it was simply only a mimicry image. There was a long war between us and the Illojim and also between certain groups of the Illojim themselves, because many of them were the opinion that the again-and-again creation of human species on this planet makes no real sense. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. Personally, decided to accept that there is the possibility of this other side. It was our planet before they arrived and before they started their evolution project with your kind. As I have said, most of the alien races have much more advanced mind abilities than you or even me (there is just one alien race completely without such abilities).
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