In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Hutts | Despite her efforts to convince him to see the galaxy as she sees it, Skywalker rebuffed her flirt even when she offered to free his friend if he'll stay with her. As Kenobi and Skywalker battled her guards, she engaged in a battle against Ahsoka Tano. Doctor Pershing | 7 - My Spidey-Sense Is Tingling (Helplessness), After nearly getting the life choked out of her by Anakin Skywalker, Queen Miraj Scintel wants to put her newly appointed servant in his place first before demanding his voluntary submission. Emperor Sheev Palpatine | Despite her efforts to convince the Jedi to see the galaxy as she saw it, Skywalker rebuffed all her flirtatious advances even when she offered to free his friends if he swore fealty to her. Hair color The Republic dispatches two of its most trusted errand boys to start off the second round of negotiations, but theres but one thing Queen Miraj Scintel desires as a reward for her hard efforts Anakin Skywalker. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. [3] However, she was not an entirely cruel person, as she revealed the locations of Togruta slaves before she expired. Miraj Scintel is a Character in the Star Wars universe. However, her feelings for Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime MinisterAtai Moleccalled Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage | 5) Queen Miraj Scintel, or simply known as Miraj Scintel, is the main antagonist of the Zygerrian arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. She lets go of his friends, but she will fake his death only to make sure that his friends do not go looking for him. Admiral Garrick Versio | Lo-Taren | Sith Lady Proxima | Miraj Scintel was the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Commander Crosshair | My name is Lars Quell, and I want to see the Queen." The Zygerrian looked at Anakin with an expression that spoke of nothing but disgust. The Client | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Sie starb 20 VSY, als sie sich Dooku gegenber weigerte, den gefangenen Obi-Wan Kenobi zu tten. COMPNOR | Any information drawn from non-canonical sources (Legends) should be displayed in this section. Asajj Ventress | Colonel Gralm | A slave offering Dooku and the Queen refreshments. Garindan Ezz Zavor |
C q" Captain Varko Grey | The Eighth Brother | Scintel watched as her guards attempted to subdue Skywalker, impressed by his strength. In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel returned his lightsaber and revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Morgan Elsbeth | Colonel Kaplan | Drash | Director Brian O'Connell Writers George Lucas Henry Gilroy Steven Melching (additional writing by) Stars Rajia Baroudi (voice) Matt Lanter (voice) James Arnold Taylor (voice) She was given a gift, a slave from Denturri's palace. (315) 371-3545 offices Goron | TZ-33 Posing as a slaveholder, Anakin Skywalker offered to the Queen a slave of her enemy, whom he claimed to kill. 3 0 obj Thurible | Commander Crosshair | She sees in Anakin a prize to own and overpower, and uses her seductive charms to her full advantage. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Lagon | In the end, she had taken him up on his offer - what was the one thing Anakin Skywalker had not yet willingly given Miraj Scintel? Mother Zalem Anakin's forcefulness and refusal to submit to her really turned her on. Geonosians | Son | "Well. She enslaved the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano . FN-2199 | Scintel told him of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. Governor Arihnda Pryce | Scintel gave Lars an electro-whip to teach Kenobi his place. Open | Pan Eyta | General Whorm Loathsom | Miraj got on all fours and Anakin slammed his entire cock into her pussy. Snoke | Captain Chesille Sabrond | J-Sec | Pre Vizsla Daultay Dofine | Members It soon led to the Republic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. As the Confederacy gained momentum, Queen Scintel saw an opportunity to reestablish Zygerria's ancient slave empire and concocted a plot to gain allegiance with Separatist leader Count Dooku. Commander Appo | Captain Terisa Kerill | Captain Phasma | Minister Rish Loo | Trade Federation | Leaders [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] No match for Dooku and Zygerrian guards without his weapon, Skywalker took Scintel and escaped, freeing his Padawan. Supreme Leaders Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals. General Armitage Hux | Leaders After their investigation on Zygerria is exposed, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka are forced to tread the fine line between surrender and survival. Tatootine Klatooinian Family | Colonel Erich S. Datoo | Scintel telling Dooku of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Site Map Deva Lompop | Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka have become prisoners on Zygerria, and suffer the torment of slaves. [3], Miraj Scintel first appeared in season four of the animated TV series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, being mentioned in the episode "Kidnapped"[6] before showing up in the following episode "Slaves of the Republic." Tasu Leech | [1], Accompanying Scintel to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Master Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Miraj Scintel was voiced by Rajia Baroudi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Death Watch | She had Kenobi brought before the crowd on the auction block. Titan Three | Prince Tal Merrik | >> Kisma Uttersond | LT-514 | Vitiate, Jabba's Criminal Empire Skywalker further claimed that his disguised Padawan Ahsoka Tano was a slave he had captured from Denturri's palace as a gift for the queen. Anakin Skywalker, a Zygerrian helmet covering his face, saw someone who looked likely to be in charge and walked over with a swagger in his step. Sy Snootles | Submit RFP. Moff Gideon | Full Name Mods | Graxol Kelvyyn | Language: English Words: 477 Operatives and Other Officials Zygerrian Slave Empire[1]Zygerrian Slavers Guild[1]Confederacy of Independent Systems[1] Infuriated by the Count to ordering her something with his harsh statements and her prime minister's betrayal, she refused to give up Anakin and attacked Dooku with her electro-whip only to be disarmed as Dooku started to choke her with the Force only for Skywalker to come. Leaders endobj Vizam | Let us help you meet your financial needs. Ultra Battle Droids Minister Maketh Tua | Sith Troopers | Skin color Anakin only dreams in nightmares, and when he wakes, the nightmare is in bed with him. Smug | Admiral Frantis Griss | Before she died, Scintel told Skywalker where Kenobi, Rex, and the colonists were being held. Molec saw his queen as unworthy to rule and decided to side with Dooku. 1.85 meters[1] Mandalorian Super Commandos | Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! They had a noble class, many members of which, despite their high status, pursued a career in the military. With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, the Queen ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves on Kadavo. Scintel ordered Skywalker to show his loyalty to her through beating the Jedi and was shocked when Skywalker revealed his identity as a Jedi. Robonino | Izuma | 8D8 | Although it is not revealed as to how she assumed this position, it is clear that Miraj was an ambitious and determined leader who wished to see her people's empire returned to its former glory. Fleet Admiral Kendal Ozzel | However, Scintel told him to obey her or his friends would die. In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. [3], Miraj Scintel was a typical Zygerrian: she strongly believed the natural order was for the strong to dominate the weak. A slave of hers then tried to assassinate her, only for Anakin to protect the Queen, as the slave committed suicide from the fear of being punished. Captain Wilco | Razoo Qin-Fee | Max Rebo Band | $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? endobj Durge | Darth Momin | /Type /ExtGState B'omarr Monks | Darth Desolous | Blackguards | Komari Vosa | Mos Espa Crime Families | a Quadsimia website proudly made in Upstate NY. Prince Xizor | Tey-Zuka | [Source]. Lama Su | Anakin Skywalker Ahsoka Tano Miraj Scintel Obi-Wan is there for a hot sec Sexual Slavery Unprotected Sex First Time Praise Kink Disassociation Voyeurism if you don't fuck in front of this lady your race might be doomed to slavery The Queen rolls her eyes. When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, . She seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. Wooof, Nihil IG-11 | Zusammentreffen mit Anakin Skywalker. Benefactor Thok | When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. Skad Embo | Fanry | tags . AD-W4 | The Ninth Sister | She let out a massive scream and blacked out. As for . Leaders Goals Evil-doer Physical description Anakin Skywalker, also known as The Chosen One to the renowned and simultaneously infamous Jedi Order, was an extremely powerful human male Jedi Knight that existed primarily during the age of The Clone War. General Kalani | Sergeant Slick | Members She enslaved the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. Zam Wesell | Garnac A female Zygerrian, Miraj Scintel took the throne of Zygerria sometime before the start of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Colonel Wullf Yularen | He viciously chokes Dooku with his cybernetic arm in their duel on Naboo and cuts his hands of in their final duel before decapitating him. Imperial Navy Troopers | She was the Queen of the planet Zygerria, whose people once ruled a prosperous slave empire before the formation of the Galactic Republic. Light brown[1] Luckily, Anakin and Obi-Wan will have a lot of time to do just that while imprisoned on a planet in the outer rim with no one but each other for company. She was going to pay to what she had done to her people. Ochi | Commander Vult Skerris | Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated film) The Clone Wars: 2.01: The Hidden Enemy The Clone Wars: 2.03: Children of the Force The Clone Wars: 2.04: Hostage Crisis The Clone Wars: 2.05: Senate Spy The Clone Wars: 2.17: Cat and Mouse The Clone Wars: 2.19: Bounty Hunters The Clone Wars: 2.21: Assassin The Clone Wars: 2.22: The Zillo Beast The Clone Wars: 2.23: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back The . A brave hero, or a submissive slave? Jek-14 | Miraj Scintel war die Knigin von Zygerria zu Zeiten der Klonkriege und Mitglied des Separatistenrates. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (5), Anakin Skywalker & Original Character(s) (1), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, just a lot of new trauma on top of already accumulated trauma, The Bonds that Binds you are the Heaviest Chains, Ill never say it enough but most of the one shots of this serie can be read, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, most other relationships kinda take a backseat here, a few outright explicit lines if you squint, the ending is happy mostly as a technicality. Leaders Vice Admiral Rampart Please consider turning it on! Mother Talzin | Characters. Commerce Guild | EV-9D9 | /BitsPerComponent 8 When she finally does, he groans inwardly, knowing full well what to expect. Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded. Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. Anakin has his first training session as Queen Miraj Scintel's slave. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Durge | During their time together, Scintel became closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. The greatest gift Abraham House can give you is peace of mind. She was extremely proud of her people's ways and relished her status as queen. Exar Kun | Upon Dooku's arrival, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and dismissed him from her court. Senator Lott Dod | Posing as a slaver named Lars Quell, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker proposed to sell his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, who was also disguised as a Togruta slave, to Scintel. TJ-912 | Tenn Graneet | Black Sun | << I suppose we ought to see how she takes it, then." Part 1 of The way we come together Venomor, First Order Droidekas | Ramy | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian who served as the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Viceroy Gar Saxon Scintel pulled out her electro-whip when Dooku chastised her. (315) 371-4527 fax. Soldiers Elite Praetorian Guards | The Sixth Brother | Miraj Scintel became Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. Obi-wan is broken, but he needs to put up a front for his new padawan. Despite being Zygerrian, she was able to realize the folly of slavery when betrayed by Dooku and Atai Molec and acknowledged this to Anakin. Chi Cho | Ahsoka waited for awhile. Darth Bane | tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Species Ren | Super Battle Droids | Sith Eternal | She plotted to rebuild her Slave Empire, which was previously destroyed by the Jedi. She was voiced by Rajia Baroudi, who also voiced Hexuba in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. Eye color Zygerrian[1] Commander Iden Versio | Darth Andeddu | "Dark Underlord" | Shenda Mol | Dryden Vos Dooku demanded that she let him execute them, but Scintel refused. LT-319 | He was a sad man whose one love in life had died, and whose one anchor to the world of the living was, yes, a galaxy-conquering madman." Aaron Allston, Legacy of the Force: Betrayal.
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