To get developers, they would have needed 25% or more at least, and users that spend money in the app store. I think we will see the opposite now that mobile is king. Remove that potential of growth and you lose your major developer incentive. Nadella had to get that message or they will relegated to be the next IBM as others have said. Why doesn't Microsoft modify Windows 10 to allow you to make phone calls? Edge is complete rubbish, Bing doesn't compare to Google for search. This is a more general risk, but a portion of Microsofts recovery thus far is due to macroeconomic conditions outside of its control. The weaknesses of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset are - Aligning sales with marketing - It come across in the case study Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset that the firm needs to have more collaboration between its sales team and marketing team. Nadella grew up in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad and studied electrical engineering at Mangalore University (B.Sc., 1988). Hei Nadella! The biggest OS company in the world, who promised Windows on any form of device -- and yet it gives up on phones and smartwatches? So no, it had nothing useful at a time when both Android and IOS were already much better. Bill Gates will spend a portion of his time at the company assisting with product choices. This is the guy who wrote Nutella was a genius. I started with Windows CE 1.0 and went through all of the different iterations of mobile software that Microsoft shipped. He articulated the company's mission, transformed the corporate culture, and formed strategic partnerships with Microsoft's fiercest . I still use Bing as my search engine on an iPhone (1520 died and instead of utilizing the only company who actually innovated with WP, MS decided to kill off the deal), I like Microsoft Edge, I use Windows 10 Pro on a PC. It's very early days for Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and for the company's overhaul from a 1990s PC company to a service and cloud company. Maybe we need Bill Gates to lead microsoft again..I hate CEOs that try to show profit by downsizing rather than truly growng the business. Zero trust in that company anymore, zero. Microsoft reminds me of IBM. I have stayed with Windows phone since the first version came out and now suddenly knowing that MS is abondoning this platform has caused me anguished and lose faith completely in MS. Will get ready to get an android phone (as I am never an apple fan) and also will migrate MS related apps to other platform too. It's just a phone people, maybe leave cancer, autism, spousal abuse out of the commentary? He retrenched Windows Phones exactly when it was gaining momentum with Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520. I buy more books than I can finish. When my 950 dies or I'm clearly missing out on the coolest phone features, I'll move over to Google and say goodbye toone OneDrive etc. A $299 Surface with 64GB, keyboard included, could do the job IMHO. You cannot be trusted. As developers we embrace new technologies, and most of us have spent much money and many hours learning it. Calm down the "unlock shareholder value" crowd. I was right. last updated August 12, 2020. Yes. Nothing is cast in concrete anymore, but that goes in both directions. It's a given he'll stay with the devices and services strategy and theOne Microsoft vision. I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). Absolutely correct. So, large companies offset weak consumer demand, mostly. Nadella Satya can use strengths to create niche positioning in the market, can strive to reduce & remove weaknesses so that it can better compete with competitors, look out to leverage opportunities provided by industry structure, regulations and other development in external environment, and finally make provisions and develop strategies to mitigate threats that can undermine the business model of Nadella Satya. He was lured away from Sun in 1992 to join Microsoft, where he initially worked on the development of Windows NT, a landmark operating system that was aimed primarily at business users. Po example Microoft Flow only in Ios and Andorid in W10M not this. They embraced the browser market and extended it with special html handling. It is written by Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston and deals with topics in areas such as Organizational Development Leadership, Organizational culture But that does not make him good on the PC or a smartphone or understand anything about the consumer. The excitement, expectation, thrill, is just not the same).. By sticking with the current project he not only earns respect from consumers, he also makes his loyalty a rallying and starting point for everyone. Slow down development on android and iOS, push out universal store apps first then their ios and android counterparts. \'he\'s got strong preferences,\' says satya. Using Nadella Satya strengths to consolidate and expand the market position. They are going SMALLER. What a joke. It build devices to support it's main enterprise google analytics, that is their prime engine for profit. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. Although Microsoft have no obligation to me, their practices over Phone and Groove have me very cautious. Now I'm left with an unfinished project and what future? If he really wants to show/repair this divide he has created by constantly abandoning consumers then its time to sit up, stick with the concept of windows phone/mobile, make a cup of coffee and figure it out.. No other way to do it.. A new product will not replace the loyalty and trust lost by throwing out windows phone (just like buying a new cone of ice cream doesn't replace the one that fell.. Amazon does it. Then what? Also, I was a Band user and a Surface 2 RT user MS has lost my trust as the only things that are actually still supported are my laptop and my Xbox (though they don't really do anything with the Kinect anymore). I agree with everyone on here! He has some good leadership skills, as he managed to increase Microsoft's profitability by 268% since taking over. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. " but he likes iPhone better" ~ - High Margins Nadella Satya charges a premium compare to its competitors. Everyone was excited to see real hardware matched to the os. A low cost, touch device, similar to the Surface. I'm a former java developer who has been swayed towards UWP and to "one software works on all devices" paradigm. I searched (and still do and I don't know why) every day looking for the next MS mobile phone such a waste of time. (Hint: Thats not likely to involve spinning off Bing, which has an important role to playat the core of other products.). Here are 5 insights Nadella shared throughout their discussion that illustrate leadership qualities within the changing workplace. If you are not making a mobile device then you are not creating the ecosystem for your services. The best advice for Microsoft is to release a surface phone that does not look like a phone but is the ultimate device. Here's a bulletin for Satya NadellaYou have to have a range of products and services for your customers if you expect to keep them. The announcement of the end of Groove on 12/31 together with a non-working Spotify app on my phone was the final straw for me. However my contract expires in the next few months so I shall just keep my options open and see what happens. - Project Management is too focused on internal delivery rather than considering all the interests of external stakeholders. Its shortsighted. I've been on Android for a year now, full time since the S8 came out. Shortly after the deal closed in April 2014, he announced the largest layoff in Microsofts history; 18,000 positions were eliminated, the majority of which involved Nokia. Overall, though, I cannot see but that it leads to decline for Microsoft as mobile IS the gateway to computing and the next generations will have grown up using Goog Docs, Sheets, Slides and GMail - not Microsoft's offerings. A heck of a way to treat your customers. Tech billionaire Satya Nadella 's recent conversation with an artificial intelligence (AI) software proves the future ahead looks bright. MSFT seems to be telegraphing very clearly that they feel Windows will be dead in less than 10 years and they are moving the company in the direction to ensure survival in a post-Windows world. I cancelled my xbox one X preorder..Good Job Microsoft. The day my Windows 10 phone stops working I will switch both my phone and laptop to Apple with no looking back. James. Windows Phone was great for a small amount of time but it failed all in all. We invested time and money in you! No such device is in the market place. Instead of that they rushed W10 mobile out of door without propper testing and made the whole world to laugh at them Oh well. It is not going to matter what they come up with in the future. Theres obvious resistance from customers who prefer the control of "owning" local installations even when their software goes hopelessly out of date and becomes a security nightmare. I don't know why they seem concerned about our comments in the Windows Phone Platform, but do nothing to fix what we share. ??? Every professional is consumer but not every consumer is professional who builds, design something. Even a ******* can become king..with loyalty and hard work.. We have been loyal..its about time Microsoft started being loyal to itself, its vision and to us as well.. > If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have). HDM would never make a Windows powered device. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. At one time, several years,ago, I read that Gartner or a large research firm "projected" that Windows Mobile would PASS Apple for #2 !!! I don't mean this to sound hyperbole, but I'm beginning to think in 10 years or so, MS will be IBM. Speaking at the Nov. 18 MIT AI and Work of the Future Congress, the Microsoft CEO envisioned a near future where jobs are "enriched by productivity.". By Antonio Planas. BS! Maybe, but 'Enterprise' is ultimately collective of consumers. Phones arent't he new shiney objects anymore but that doesn't mean they're not relevant. The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. The use of the term "I think" or "my view" might help us comprehend what has been said vs what you are saying. So back to windows i went.twice! Verizon sold Icons. I generally agree withall of this. Still, no amount of wishful thinking was going to save the platform. Satya Nadella and his leadership team impressively executed the significant cultural change efforts. Regards Disney's DMA contract already wasn't renewed. The contract, which would supply the . Due to the recent news of Microsoft team members saying they have switched over to another mobile OS and that Micosoft has finally admitted given up on Windows Mobilewas the last straw for me. People are missing a key point. Abandoning the consumer space is insane. I haven't seen any apologists here today. Belfiore was/is incompetenthe is the harbinger of doom for anything he touched including WP Yeah it was pretty much over when he was caught with an iphone on vacation with his family a few years ago lol. Once, they held conferences announcing new operating systems and individuals went to the conference. Look inside most of our elementary schools. Strengths are the Nadella Satya capabilities and resources that it can leverage to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. If he'd have done the same thing with PCs that he did with phones, we wouldn't even be talking about Microsoft anymore. They simply do not respond to touch. During his four-day India visit, the Microsoft Executive Chairman and CEO had an interesting interaction with an AI at the Future Ready Technology Summit in Bengaluru on Wednesday. Right now the average Joe might see AI as Siri, Google now, and Alexa. 225 views Its an encouraging development that Scott Guthrie, famous for his red shirts and a love for developers that is more real (if less boisterous) than Ballmers, will be acting head of the server and enterprise group, reporting to Nadella. Enterprise is everything. Now given the fact that the future of computing for the masses is mobile I do not see Microsoft dropping that at all but rather trying to change the approach to mobile for the next generation of computing. Plus, with WoA, a true plug-in Continuum experience running traditional Win32 apps in a desktop experience. all running on a appstore controlled by Microsoft. They had more than a fair chance, and now they are done. Worst CEO I have ever seen, destroyed the reputation of twoonce great companies, MS and Nokia. I love Windows Mobile for what it is but I am willing to give other things a shot with the caveat that I am going to very picky about the phone I get. For example, it was corporate spend that kept Microsofts OEM revenues from falling heavily in its most recent quarter. So give them a fair listen. Hey Jason, thanks for this article. Say what you will but Steve Ballmerhad more passion inhis one pinky for Windows than Nadella has in hiswhole boby. I am still using one drive, one note and outlook. Just once. Yea. that'll work. I think this is one of the best options MS has if it wants to come back in the mobile space. Link to the interview please. Joe tried to talk about how they "tried so hard" to get developers. Satya Nadella, Microsoft Chairman and CEO, in a session at the Annual Meeting, told Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, that a golden age of AI is under way and will redefine work as we know it. The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. Another economic slowdown could harm business buying cycles that have been key forMicrosofts growth. (No, I haven't timed for how long, but but more that 5 minutes. 1. He adapted the idea to encourage employees to shift from Microsoft's historical "know-it-all" culture to embrace a "learn-it-all" curiosity. That was more true in the 1980's than it is today. It feels like Microsoft are deliberatey sabotaging themselves. And PC volume has been the savior of the Windows 8.x platform as it has slowly arranged its ducks in a row. As people starts to use Android and Iphones Microsoft office is not the only choice their. A very distant third, and dropping fast. (I know that is sarcastic, but there is a bit of truth therein) There was no commitment to follow through. And finally, it has been an assumption that Nadella will have full avail of Microsofts cadre of executive vice presidents. hits the nail on the head. I keep having to reboot the Galaxy S7. Sure it wasnt successful but it. They will have to do something really convincing to keep me from drifting way. Microsoft crowned a new leader today, with Satya Nadella taking over the reins from exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. I was mistaken to believe their vision and commitment to consumers went beyond that. Personally, I'd return to Windows mobile if they had a decent offering on Verizon. It's frustrating to see for a company I was quite overzealous about at a time. HP would have felt the love and support they want and continued to develop the line in conjunction or beside the mythical Andromeda device as a more "phone like" iteration and a solid OEM partner would be there. MS missed the mobile train and at this point there is nothing they can do to overcome the app gap. Since then Microsoft's developer community have felt jerked around more than they've felt cheered, with a couple of high-profile shifts in development strategy (abandoning Silverlight was the biggestslap, but there have been others). We'll done for addressing this point. I'm not worried about the hardware though. Many people wish for single product / service which perfectly blends there all needs. and the world wide carriers will be afraid to deal with Microsoft smart phones under Satya Nadella's leadership. They can't even get a Cortana powered speaker off the ground. Enterprise customers will also begin to leave (check out municipalities who bet on MSFT mobile) as they seek integrated solutions. I dont think that anyone expects Microsoft to beat that number in the current quarter. Opportunities are macro environment factors and developments that Nadella Satya can leverage either to consolidate existing market position or use them for further expansion. Omissions? Nah he is just paving the way of killing "the shiny new thing" in a few months to a year, again citing no developer interest. Very true. Managers' fears about idle workers are creating what Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella calls "productivity paranoia," with undesirable resultslike spying on employees. Or a watch. Hit Refresh describes how Satya Nadella brought new life to Microsoft by rediscovering its "soul" when he took over as CEO in 2014. HoloLens? Microsoft, you will have to do something really good and stick with it to get me back. It matters to consumers, to developers and to windows while ecosystem. They were right to focus on the cloud and productivity. As Windows XP ages, it holds off future PC purchases and makes companies that use it less secure. All to be left again, while they "retrench" themselves in another category. Tried that twice actually. To assume, you can abandon a cause multiple times, burning not only consumers, but your OEMs and try to shift to conversation to the "future", means you are still out of touch. time to get rid all my microsoft service. le That fanboy attitude also helped killing Windows Phones. The carriers - at least in America - never supported the OS as they did Apple or Samsung after 7.0 failed to fly. Plus many government agencies were selecting windows phones for security reasons. you could install almost any android app you need ,even the google store. That just doesn't look true to me - WP had significant market share and was growing for several years. Satya Nadella. Currently idk how Microsoft can do to become great again. Google has failed at various markets. I think it is a very intense business to do the digital "rights" management etc. Android simply cannot compete on the core functionality and integration of multiple accounts. It was doomed to failure, and it did fail. Who will buy MS product except company who use Office and cloud. Ive done most of the leg work already on what impact Nokia could have on Microsofts earnings, and it looked slight. I wish this information had been available a couple of weeks ago. All about the same. Activity Finance teams are taking on a new role - striking the balance between strategic . Does anyone knows the name of the weed he smokes? The influx of new customers has also led to evolution of consumer preferences and tastes. Percentages do not tell you the whole story. Anyway, Jason, I enjoy your articles, quixotic as they are at times :). The launchers and Cortana they came out with on Android are nice, but they didn't even bother to properly integrate Cortana into the launcher. What's the issue and im genuinely asking? So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. Like my Apple Watch, as a wearable, an iPad for a tablet experience (yes, I own a Surface Pro 4, but that's not a tablet-like experience for me) or switching to Apple Music because Groove wouldn't have albums available, when released (all to see them cancel the service out right). The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. I mean what should force people to keep using Microsoft Office on the mini PCs of the future. yes you guessed correctly that is the smart phones that will be docked like you have seen with Continium. The idea Microsoft may have folded now only to bring out something better in future has merit. On February 4, 2014, Nadella became CEO of Microsoft, the third person to hold the office in the companys nearly 40-year history, after company cofounder Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. Again, this is one of the bestarticles I read from you. Meanwhile WP8.1 never filled the promise of true intergration with Windows NT core so it never worked with Windows seemlessly and ironically less so than WP7 did while iPhone always had iTunes desktop for Mac & PC! 8 years? Back in 2006 subscribed after being a Tester of Windows Live OneCare for Microsoft, used that til 2009, which then was replaced by MSE while it detection rate was good at first, then not good, then started to get better again, feeling a little safer using Windows Defender lately as it's now tightly intergrated into Windows 8.1 and 10, so likely hood of them dropping it maybe less now. Wasted my 20 years loyalty. With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. I am with the Windows ecosystem because that is what my desktops and laptops are. The fact that Google did and Microsoft didn't is, well, rather sad in my view. That is why world share reached 4%. "We didn't get . Nadella is the worst CEO in the history of Microsoft, from a consumer point of view of course. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Lets see what happens. This has enabled Nadella Satya to build diverse revenue source and profit mix. These Experts Are Racing to Protect AI From Hackers. Should I take the bait yet again? It is easy to show leadership when you have all the information, when the systems work in harmony, and the plan for the future is laid out for you. Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset "referred as Nadella Satya in this analysis " is a Harvard Business Review (HBR) case study used for When MS failed to do anything to keep me as a customer, I finally switched to Apple (after resisting for years). Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, Nadella's up to something (cloud). Always keep learning. But I'm NOT keeping using it out of loyalty to MS - rather, because I like Windows 10 Mobile and the phone remains almost as capable as most other handsets out there. I would buy one. Nadella has said from the get go that Microsoft is committed to mobile. MShave been announcing 1 unified OS (now called OneCore) scalable since many years now. Nadella needs to be replaced. This is especially the case if you are not a technically minded person - which is 99% of the market. So what if it lost money, it would sell like crazy and introduce another touch paradigm the one where we don't go full screen to full screen, where we have acutual WINDOWS we can snap and move. In effect it has contributed to its own entropy. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). A target for occasionally interesting apps, sure, but an encompassing platform for Microsoft to bet their future on, in the belief it will be indispensible for users - nope. 8. The mythical Windows future device to change the world. What unlock shareholder value really means is sell off or spin off assets andgive the cash to shareholders. Which might be at odds with the long-term strategy of the company itself. Now, years later, we hear how much the people in charge hated it. Android and iOS are clearly both better than they were, but I just prefer the layout and feel of W10 M. I am not sure what I will do next, part of me thinks "buy a 950XL or an X3 but they might ditch support in 6 months". It doesn't pass the Star Trek Tech test: There's gazillions of handheld devices in the Star Trek universe. The key difference is that the former is a reputation of perpetually stunted progress, vs a reputation of continuous progress. Im not going to pretend that I have enough insight or experience to tell Satya Nadella how to run Microsoft. He is the chief executive officer (CEO) of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014. Nadella rose steadily through the ranks of Microsoft management. Satya Nadella, chief executive officer said in . There had to be many outside influences to help with marketing that. Microsoft would then always continue developing for iOS and Android, but the first party app as a matter of example, always would provide the best experience on the Windows based devices that also ran APK binaries. Buy NVDA on any tech stock weakness, in the $180 to $220 range. re-add all the phones that could run the creators update to the feature 2 branch or red stone branch. Outlook is now poor compared to previous iterations. Actually after the 520 i equipped my family with 635, 640, and 830. Nadella's job is to make Microsoft as profitable as possible, and I'm sure that he was under pressure from shareholders to cut the dead weight. Consumers need free or less pricy option. So I shall party ans rock hard on with my beloved Lumia 950 XL until then at least. Should have appointed a visionary instead. MS just doesn't get internationalisation, or user needs outside of the US tech bubble. I'm saying if you believe otherwise, you're being driven by something other than statistical probability. Worse, it would still not have theMOBILE apps that iOS and Androidhave. Plus if they do come back withthe new OSI hope they don't get rid of the LIVE Tiles, but they need to have a setting forjust Icons for those people who do not likeLive Tiles. Not because of the content and information but mainly because its just sad. When they do have good ideas they are late to the market and other companies beat them to the punch. Frankly, he does not understand the "Consumer Space" AT ALL (at least now he admits it.) What he fails to see are the longterm effects of his short term decisions. 1. And yeah, Europe has long ceased to be the center of the universe. No one mentions this and I feel it was detrimental to Microsoft going forward in Mobile, because in the U.S., Verizon is the biggest carrier. I have been Microsoft everything since the DOS days, not anymore. Roll your sleeves up and put in some work Nadella/Microsoft.. Because if you can't make windows phone work..Then I wonder.. what cat was riding a fire breathing unicorn? Albeit without the use ahem salty language lol. So, if you can't re-model or create a market, you have to figure out how to survive in the market(s) that exist and that is what Nadella has done. I'm totally agree.. He is the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 as CEO and John W. Thompson in 2021 as chairman. Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities or skills in which Nadella Satya lacks. Sorry, but that is just a lie. I always get good responses on my Idol. That works out to 35M discounted (to free) phones. - Strong Balance Sheet and Financial Statement of Nadella Satya can help it to invest in new and diverse projects that can further diversify the revenue stream and increase Return on Sales (RoS) & other metrics. At that time, the corporation's market capitalization was around $311 billion. It seems he does not consider the consequences and we consumers are the ones paying the price. - Lack of critical talent I believe that Nadella Satya is suffering from lack of critical talent especially in the field of technology & digital transformation.
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