Let's Hear it for the Boy! I've been 3.5 years at 62 and re-orged every year in mobile.Any ideas on how to carry greats results of one role into another through a re-org. Here are the key facts about senior director resumes to help you get the job: The average senior director resume is 776 words long The average senior director resume is 1.7 pages long based on 450 words per page. I think that a lot of what you wrote was spot on, although the situation varies somewhat across the company. > Lots of very true points. you need to hit the pause button for one big time-out regarding where you are, where you're going, and what needs to change. At L63 you should be directing v-teams, serving as a lead or possibly even having direct reports. "a HR manager" is acceptable if HR is meant to convey a spoken "a human resources manager" rather than a spoken "an aich arr manager".haven't should have an apostrophe, yes. "Ain't seen nothing yet" is a more popular variant of the same due to a song with that title and refrain. Senior level executive excelling at increasing operational efficiencies, improving . Don't waste it. First, self criticism to identify weaknesses. >> You forgot "never ask for a promotion".This is better written as "Ask what specific things you are lacking in, which are preventing you from being promoted to the next level". There are so many reasons why things didn't happen in a given review cycle. Embrace whatever people are saying are your flaws. The microsoft people have already decided you're not a good 'fit'. Or you wait until you get escorted out.I dont know what the final outcome of my situation will be but I expect in the end, I will think it was for the better.Good luck to all in your Microsoft careers, but pay attention to the levels, CSPs and how stack rankings work. Thats why L64->L65 transition is so hard. then the follow-up is: after what accomplishments and around when? The true professional with loads of potential is left to Sulk. But if you can collaborate with others you can help accomplish much more than youll ever be able to accomplish individually. Wouldnt my manager get annoyed if I try to go over him to get myself know to VP? Taking the easy escape out like that, you are more likely to get into the same situation at other companies. Thrive on it! A past co-worker of mine had the same thing done to him and now there are two devs doing what he did by himself.I guess Microsoft has its reasons. "There is no greater de-motivator than a reward system that is perceived to be unfair. How long do people usually sit at L62 in MCS? I have actively helped people leave MS who were topped out at level at MS but who wanted to do something else. Don't try to counter with stock levels argument as that is more convoluted, and given the current economic debacle's effect on our stock price..I understand that folks want to be Senior this, and Principal that but the truth is that it is mostly a fetish for some big sounding titles. It doesnt matter if the system is fair or not. >> Grammar nitpicking is fine when it's accurate.Wow, those sic[s] really are all [sic]s, and you went out of your way to refute them with invalid proofs and an assumed air of infallibility.Obviously you are a manager of HR managers soon to be promoted to GM. I guess they are fallible humans too. It's an excellent product. Here is my question, I don't trust that my manager will fight for me to get me to 63 for the following reasons:- The area I own is not big enough for a 63 but at the same time there is not other areas he can give to me given where we are as a team without taking away from my peers, something he would not want to do unless there is a big problem with a peer not delivering which is not the case.- Innovation - this leaves me with trying to come up with other areas that the team can focus on in addition to current goals to leap frog us and which I can own; so far even though some of my ideas are really good (according to the mgr) the timing is off (ie the team has not reached that level yet where my ideas would be practical to implement given the big ROI)In short I can't trust that this mgr will get me to 63 in a time frame that I would like to see it happen (provided that I nail the qualities you highlight for a 63) which leaves me with the following choices:-Sticking around and continue working on displaying 63 qualities until the above points change, and who knows how long that will take- leave for another team internally (which means a bit of time to establish myself again etc) but at the same it would give me more clear timeline of when I can say I am 100% delivering as a 63.-get external offers (eg from Google), bring it up with the mgr and thereby force a change (more responsibility) since leaving would hurt the team in at least the short term. check the ego out, ensure that people around you (the whole team is successful), create the best results possible and your promotion wont be far away. Alternately, you can increase the scope of your own job and justify an increased level.So the only real question is, what do you need to do differently at the higher level? But, if you have the possibility of finding a position that you will really enjoy, where your goals and those of Microsoft are fairly close, then your long-term potential will be higher. If you're a manager, what's your L63 promotion philosophy? Isn't morale over the holidays going to be just wonderful? Being a TS can work the same way. It can help you identify blind spots which may be holding you back.7. IBM pulled themselves out of their decline by focusing on their customers. Oldest and (still) best advice I've gotten is move around a lot; no two teams' cultures or needs are the same, so you have something to offer wherever you look. I'm interested in reading your perspective and what advice you'd give to someone new to the company looking at a career path similar to your own. And having a friend gain less than 3000/yr with a promo to Pricincipal cemented that. Should I trust my manager or is this just one more of his demonstrations of poor management skills? Be the Rosh Gadol Microsoftie. Yes, "soft skills" count.I'm pleased that someone said it.There are a collection of skills that are difficult to quantify that are absolute necessities to succeeding at higher levels. "I actually find the content of this post to be superficial, fairly naive and not reflective of my experience having moved through the ranks from 59 to >65. Could be principal engineer, principal engineering manager, could even be director depending on the org. Its difficult to transfer to a new position because at a high level, what group is going to take you on to a new position you have no experience in. After that, I was given a team that was dysfunctional and the most problematic area of the product - now its the area that customers rave about and the team is running smoothly.The bottom line is that takes (1) very hard work (2) you need to build your skills (3) personality to drive the solution in spite of the process and (4) demand excellence from others - including managing out those that will never deliver quality (some folks are net losses to the team).I always hear the whining from folks that get stuck at level 62/63 but when those tough challenges are out there, they don't volunteer and they certainly don't go looking for the biggest challenges. It turns out that typically your immediate manager has little control, it's all decided at higher levels. My best guess is that you think it should be await. Senior Director, Industry Advisor Life Sciences Salesforce Aug. 2020-Heute2 Jahre 8 Monate Zrich, Switzerland Building Go To Market Strategies; growing and driving industry thought leadership. An accomplished and proven Director / Tech & Business Principal / Programme Manager / Business Partner / Service Delivery Manager with a wide-ranging skillset, experienced in leading teams to success. If you are working at Microsoft, plan well to climb up the job ladder. By contrast, most directors don't have their own budgets, but need approvals from their VP to do just about anything. Here's how to find it. Tips for getting them on your side:1) Ask for Exceeded. I am soliciting ideas to reduce cost in this blog. They are 100% star material. You should NOT be looking to get more money to stay in a job you don't like. When (if) you are then promoted to 62, you are not expected to continue performing at a level 62 level, but rather a level 63 level.The reason that you have to perform at a new level before reaching it is to avoid the Peter Principle, being people promoted up to their level of incompetence. BG for a big PG in a medium/large sub)L63 = director, then onwards to GM etc62->63 is a tough jump where you need to take ownership for a business segmentYou can go up to L60 pretty easily by nailing commitments year on year and showing you can thrive on increased responsibility, after that it gets harder and you need to proactively lead and drive results that impact the wider business significantly.If you're in sales, it's pretty much all about the total quota you influenceIn my experience, my advice is:- network and help make other groups successful (ideally in a win/win context)- be proactive, propose and grab new challenges and be successful with them- deliver against the CSP's/commitments for the next level up, when you have mastered the current level- make your boss look good, and make his/her boss look good. Those people are almost all Level 62's with few prospects. For instance, software development engineers generally come in at Level 59,. kc. Some are good at all. I've been hearing some stealth layoffs around the SQL and BOSG groups, around 70+ people were given 6(?) This slighlty contradicts some of the other posts. Directors are usually senior principals (level 66, 67) or at Partner level. Typically if you can accomplish only 5 such improvements, it would be hard for your manager not to consider you for next step. I could make changes quickly and with quality. I know devs who got there without doing anything substantial but their manager was nice and there was no competition.In short, Level 63 to me is not important and I really dont respect 63s unless they I've interacted with them.Level 65+ is another story and are devs who have the stuff almost always.- Someone at Level 62. great post. The education qualifications required for various roles for Technical track are: The highest job title in management track in Microsoft is "Vice President (VP)". You can switch jobs internally and get leveled up (typically 6-12 months after) - but make sure you have the conversation with the manager as to what is the expected level and what is the cap. :). For example, see http://www.intropsych.com/ch07_cognition/learning_curve.html. Mini could you please confirm or deny this. 3. right?). I would lay some level of accountability with management as well, though. May 2008: Gold Star. Why does the company reward and keep these numbskull managers that hold people back? With wide-eyed wonder he asked WHAT? I said whatever the @#$% your manager most needs you to do!6. We in general hire very smart people who can figure it out. -- Business Transformation Executive with demonstrated experience in managing and implementing large transformation programs through all levels of the organization in order to build growth, grab new market opportunities or reduce costs.<br><br>- Building on Solid experience in Functional roles (Sales, Marketing, Delivery Operations) to drive those programs <br>- Sales Oriented Business . This is the first year I have spent more than 2 years at a level (L61) and still not gotten a promotion. Until you can be honest with yourself (and it's not fun, trust me) you will be stuck doing what you're doing and your complaining will be the glue keeping you there. I am a troll. Think of the guy in the other company, the guy who is building something that competes with you, with your team. Microsoft Salary. To the person worried about being same level for 3.5 years don't sweat it. But that's kind of the point -- simplify your approach. Its nice to see constructive advice and stories from everyone.I'm in the 61 bucket and currently struggling with my team for many months. No one wants an employee who is staying for the money -- and you don't want to be that employee, either. Harder for L64. Help Your Manager (and your team) Be Successful: No one has more influence over whether you get promoted than your immediate mgr. First, they are moving *to* something that they think fits them better -- and bringing an enthusiasm for the new position to go with the better fit. "I wonder whyMicrosoft: Citi Cuts Ests, Target On PC Slowdown. Bottom line: Dont be shy of asking for promotions during internal transfers. "You might be too smart or have ideas that come from somewhere outside of Redmond which makes you very dangerous and not Microsoft material. Like another poster, I was a 64 who hit the "65 wall" after 10 years at MS. Starting to reach out and grab some of what you would be doing with a bigger scope/higher level.An earlier poster said it. I have seen and known many of my own peers who don't get promoted because of potential but the number of people you know in the leadership team. Let's connect and I will happily share more about my background and accomplishment and how I can contribute to the success of your organization. That's awesome. And how do you represent yourself as a leader and influencer when you are in a room with 6 other people vying for the exact same thing? Happy hunting. If you dont know what exactly an L63 is, how are you able to make promotion discussions in the review meetings?Managers become so defensive when asked what we should be doing to advance. No matter how good you are, you will peak at some point and Microsoft will get rid of you. I was probably at risk of topping out at level 62 or 63 at one point but worked hard to change my brand and good things happened as a result. In this article, we have explained the Job levels at Microsoft which starts at SDE and goes up to Technical Fellow. The good thing in most teams here is that if you persist, you will get there. How you perform in interview is going to matter on whether you get proper mapping or not. It was then that things ground to a halt. SoI'll repeat it again. I also agree with the requests to have a discussion related to 65+.Anyway, I have seen a very healthy discussion going on here, and most of the thoughts I wanted to share have been mentioned. Attack problems within your own areas of influence proactively and generate that same good vibe among peers. You are employed by Microsoft's shareholders. And your list of bullet points on qualities of a 63-er is pretty much the short list I have boiled it down to. Especially since the days of job title/level transparency.People should not forget that many times, higher levels do not equal higher pay. Most of them are not. You don't get your money by snatching it out of Google or Apple's hands, you get it by convincing your customers to hand it to you.Do you want to know why Vista is such an unmitigated disaster? It's really not that complicated. Woow. If they see flaws you have flaws. "haven't seen nothing yet" is a fairly common construction. Finally, take heart and dont become too discouraged if this is taking a little longer than it seems like it should. Averages based on self-reported salaries. Kudos to you for posting it. So most new hires at MS are L63 by default and they obviously don't have to work at it :).I actually find the content of this post to be superficial, fairly naive and not reflective of my experience having moved through the ranks from 59 to >65.I would not give most of this advice to our campus hires as any kind of roadmap. If you have potential and luck then you can achieve promotion velocity of one level every 18 months.Finally, heres my advice for who aspire for L62->L63 jump: Look around. . Getting constant feedback throughout is valuable as you can re-align and re-adjust in an agile way so that you are not shocked at review time that you have completely missed that promotion. The estimated total pay for a Senior Director at Microsoft is $500,742 per year. Learn how this feature works. As for asking for promotions, I disagree that you must always be asking. jcr said >Apple's about to ship Snow Leopard with no new features. Absolutely. Is this a normal situation and should I not be worried?MCS has different pressures regarding levels. Vendors are also having it bad. I was in a group that was reorging constantly and there were frequent management changes, so it took all of the political skill I'd developed over the years to focus my GM on giving me that fucking promotion. In general, these designations are based on rank, with the highest director position being the executive director or director of operations. At this point many people will ask how can I influence others if Im not their manager? Expertise in the following areas: Product Marketing Consistently created groundbreaking, customer-focused value . This past year I had what I thought was an outstanding year, was given a 20%, but not promoted to L63. It would be the pinnacle of dumbness. Worked my ass off and finally get recognized as Snr contributor. If you are level 64 and above, your relationship with your GM or VP or above.2) Your visibility to the GM or VP. I know devs who got in at the wrong level and paying the price because they didnt negotiate their level correctly when they joined. And what is happening now trying to move up after becoming a Dev Manager? This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. My promotion to 63 came not when I helped my group out of one of their many nightmares but when I helped an uncle. The news is in. No, L7 is 66-67. But my manager is communicating to me that it is very hard and I am likely to show patience for another year or two.I do not know how to confirm this without looking like whining. Folks, Im really encouraged by this post and the focus on trying to help make others great. in my previous post i should have included a link to our internal mentor site for finding a mentor. If you know higher leveled people in another org, ask them to poke holes in your proposals. Thanks to Mini for the great information. I sympathize with folks who feel they have been shafted however to quote a cliched saying: the common factor between you and all your problems is you. Get yourself a formal or informal mentor who is already doing what you want to be doing. Paradigm Shift: In order to achieve the next level of competence to some extent you need to temporarily let go of some of your hard gained skills in order to make the leap and try some new things. You have the right stuff to succeed and Microsoft is very happy with you. Now a VP at a small cap (and growing, yes in this economy) company. Microsoft is a Technology Giant and has been the biggest Technology Company in recent years.
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