Sharon Leone (Diane Farr) is Vince's wife and the Chief of Division 1501 on the CBS original drama, Fire Country. Just think if David was removed as king for his indescretions, his adultery and then setting up the killing of her husband. Hes on the radio and all around the world. I mark you as a false teacher whose teaching is, what were the words you used of others??? Give it to God. Bob Coy, Founder of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, Accused of You sound too often like a bored office worker that just likes to argue with people online. yup. I especially remember the issue with the Festival of Lights display that was built, and since not being allowed to have it there, putting it in front of the church during the Christmas season. The 8-9 years I was there she was never around and hardly did any ministry. He left his youth Pastor to become Pastor. A board meeting was called on Thursday in which he confessed and resigned. It was also difficult to be someone who had discernment there. 11 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, with its worshipers. May God have mercy, and may God use situations like this to remind all of us just how vulnerable we are when we do that which is right in our own eyes. It is a real problem in the church as it is in the world. Comment. He was discharged shortly after New Year's Eve, but was readmitted a few days later to Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital in Whittier, California. Its as if he could never do any wrong. There's no question he wants back in the game," Newnham says. Tracked down at the bar on a recent weeknight, the well-dressed ex-pastor looks no different from the days when he preached to thousands of followers. I have been listening and watching other respected Pastors on Youtube. I dont think any men are really qualified to be put up on that sort of mega-church pedestal. Or was it because he was caught? Too many people look at their pastor or sr. pastor, vs.the congregation being pointed to the Lord. If it comforts you to think otherwise, thats not my problem. How do you know that Isaiah is speaking of the millennium other than Missler or some other end times guru told you. I must say that in knowing very little about the build up to this story, it appears that the church took much faster action in dismissing Coy than in the case of Mike Kestler. As planned, Jake was going to donate a kidney to her. The two faced aspect of all of this. She was driving aggressively in the wrong direction as she was delayed by traffic to reach the destination, reported Gone Too Soon Fandom Wiki. Name one of these men you refer to, the men Im asking on this thread cant and wont answer the question, if theyve ever viewed pornography or thought of someone else while theyre with their wives, that should tell you something, and the women Ive been with enjoyed our intimacy as much as I did, we enriched each other and learned from each other and brought each other boundless pleasure, so I dont know what youre talking about, discarded women and wrecked lives? He confessed to it. That was where I thought I was saved. Coy Gibbs was a retired American NASCAR driver, and he was an entrepreneur also. Exodus 20:14 You shall not commit adultery. Other verses you should delve into are Leviticus 20:10 , Proverbs 6:32 , Matthew 19:9, Lets Look at Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. Scumbag needs a good beating for destroying the lives of so many. YOU are wrong. I was feeling horrible.". I suspect that the laughs made him realize it more people in and maybe it became like a treadmill that you can never get off of. ( When I signed in, it asked for my first and last name seemed simple enough.!) In Coy's case, Bailey made a relatively unusual ruling: All financial documents would be kept secret. Most of us did that in the earliest days of the blog. Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting. Than how can the others be? Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? just a kind reminder that Pastor Bob coy and his family are human beins with feelings and I cant reconcile my mind why something like this that could cause so much harm especially to his two children you would proceed with. Coddington's creations have won the Grand National Roadster Show's "America's Most Beautiful Roadster (AMBR)" award seven times (the only back-to-back winner of America's Most Beautiful Roadster) and Coy also claimed that he passed a polygraph test to prove his innocence. everybody is broken by stuff like this. So do II just ate half a box of Chicken in a Biskit and have terrible indigestion. I agree, lets drop the rocks and pray for Pastor Bob and his family. (Judge Bailey didn't respond to messages from New Times to comment on this story.). I did. All this stuff about Love Out Loud was a big con.. How many people did Coy or Calvary go after that left the church.Coy never did he didn;t care. He resigned he was not fired! If true that absolutely stuns me. It was scheduled and was cancelled. Restoration is made as one is able whether its money or whatever. Your silence at the question presented to you is not a projection but a resounding answer to your hypocrisy, and the points I present are nowhere addressed, except to say Im an angry man, didnt Jesus speak of righteous indignation, but what did he say of cowards and hypocrites? The point is that sin is a type of adultery against God, if we are the bride of Christ, lying, lust cheating or anything that puts something in front of Christ is an adultery because it violates that covenant. he pronounces judgement 4.) As New Times revealed in an investigation published Tuesday, former Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Bob Coy who once led the largest megachurch in Florida was accused in 2015 of. "We are not led by a board of elders.". What happened at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? Explain to me how you could take communion at 3 services and then go bang someone else?? I preached four services Sunday feeling like I had been punched in the gut multiple times and that feeling had nothing to do with this blog. It just shows you cant answer me, so you put up a man who has been dead over 400 yrs and argue with him. What are my options if the operation goes wrong? I should have welcomed you to the site and clarified your thoughts before firing one over your bow. I could see being gracious to a guy who practiced and modeled it and was truly privatebut the fact is Coy was a big time celebrity (and probably will be again) and he had a broad congregation and broad viewershipand its probably right to let everyone know what happenedwhich as usual the blogs are standing in the accountability gap. Or is it a place to intermingle the heathen with the saved? 15 And the LORD will utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with His scorching wind will He shake His hand over the River, and will smite it into seven streams, and cause men to march over dry-shod. I know I know you would never do such a thing. I dont the adulterer always chooses to dishonor and humiliate his wife. In one case, victims claimed the church knowingly moved a pedophile to another city without warning parents. He made it public and we are no one to judge. How am I sure there are details? I could.just throw up from the intentions of the church, surely the Spirit of God is more grieved in this than the sanctification process that may be happening in my home church. In the Coy case, though, Payne never made that kind of headway. Bob Coy had a long run. 4. We all have the propensity. BC was seated at their table, even though they were new compared to others who attended for over 20 years at that point. Its not pretty but I love them all because my eyes are not on man they are on The Man. Who is his congregation? Good point. If I was a new believer ( and Im not, its been 40 years) I would run fast, away from this apparent hate tank if I thought this was the body because thats what this has become- a hate tank. It's October 2017, and Bob Coy hunches over a laptop in a far corner of the Funky Biscuit, a dimly lit club in Mizner Park in Boca Raton. So, that right I have no sympathy especially for what may be coming Bob Coys way. Instead, other churches were bought out. Bob Coy, pastor of megachurch Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has been fired for moral failure. Pastor Bob Coy left with his family. Those in his wake need compassion. Grace and mercy abounds. The earthly issue? We are all vulnerable. Boyd Coddington (August 28, 1944 February 27, 2008)[1] was an American hot rod designer, the owner of the Boyd Coddington Hot Rod Shop, and star of American Hot Rod on TLC. If they were told that , it is no secret where they are. #469 Fidel dumped his own church to go back to CCFL because his church was failing. Does Satan have a body? Moe- I thought of the verse Does a dog return to its vomit. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. Ill be praying for him, Diane and his kids as well as for the impact this will have on CC of Ftl. With the latest revelations on child molestation, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale posted on Tuesday the following statementin response to the allegations: "Our church was saddened to hear of the allegations made against Bob Coy years after his resignation and departure as senior pastor. Martin Luther wanted it thrown out along with James and a couple other books. Whats the big deal Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa is not in Costa Mesa. Was he ever wrong? Some of us can duck arrows better then others. You judge that we are judging him, when the truth is it was his board who judged him and found him guilty as heck. But let me give you a hint, in apocalyptic literature, every time thrones are mentioned it is a heavenly scene. Repentance is a change of mind, or a conversion from sin to God. This is between God, his family and him. In fact I have never seen a look of disgust to that degree on kids faces at any graduation ceremony. I have proof. Bummer. I hope you reconsider your life and realize there is a more excellent way to live which God wants to give you. Diane Farrs character as Sharon is not leaving the show yet. Jesus Christ will come again to the earth personally, visibly, and bodily to judge the living and the dead, and to consummate history and the eternal plan of God. Calvary Chapel is notorious for their cover ups. The reference is not to Rev 5 But to Isaiah 11, which speaks of the millennium. Youre a special woman. From what I heard Coy had a dozen or so businesses which were probably all ministry related. "I can't discuss it on the record," the former pastor, who managed a casino with exotic dancers in Las Vegas before committing his life to Christ, said when approached in October. Coy's life story is biblical in scope and obvious in moral lessons. Dustyno issues, sishugs right back to you. No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. My information says fired. Put away your golden calf and stop your man worship. Lorenzo, Is it all false because he fell short. the guilty parties. to clarify, are you saying that Coral Ridge Presbyterian is Jezebel leading Jesus bond-servants astray? Bob Coy is the tip of the iceberg and gets special attention because of his position, but his fellow sinners are legion. He submitted to his board and their decision, and they are the ones that are privy to the details not you. pS Dont forget to include Delilah in your prayers tonight:). My ex CC pastor is following Coy in his vision of mult-sites and to me its just not a good vision at all especially when the pastor falls like this. You have to turn blind eyes to the very world around you, and how ugly it is. The Pastor role is a different matter. I have seen the results of calvinism, on many unwary new believers, it seems these Calvinists have a difficult time preaching the gospel and winning converts after all those that God has chosen are already saved, but these Calvinists have no problem infiltrating the churches and stealing Gods sheep with their vain philosophies based on man, let no one spoil you Paul warned, and this Calvinist preterist teaching is a rotting festering leaven in the body of Christ today! Coy has also been dragged through legal battlefields since his resignation from the church. Which is precisely why Im questioning you. 29 Brothers, I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. Find a church that could use your contribution of time and talent and let the mega house worry about itself. Can Bob recover? So Coy gets the pass because it is normal and I get the ridicule. When we fall, we have to model the humility and fidelity to the Scriptures that we demand they recognize.then model the love, grace, and restoration to the body that proves our complete fidelity. There are a lot of Calvary Chapelites out there that almost worship Bob more than Christ. If you want to have a theological dialogue you can find one here. November 14, 2017 The Asst Pastors are pretty weak with the exception of Bill Schott BUT he is a teacher and not evangelical. When, oh when will the sin sniffing and salivating over someones moral failurecome to an end? What a piece of s.. standing in the pulpit all the while knowing he was screwing 2 other woman if not more. At times I feel I get a lot of unnecessary flack from some people, but they have to feel comfortable in expressing their opinion, even if I disagree. Brother, you need a hug. It never is. A few of the jurors turned in their seats to stare at Crist as his daughter furiously mouthed and signed the words. What do you disagree with Luther on, just for the sake of argument? We dont speculate. And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! Id just like to ask a simple question. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Messiah! or, There he is! do not believe it. In his later days, he began registering cars that were essentially completely custom fabrications as antique automobiles, avoiding major emissions restrictions and tax liabilities. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1 ESV). Facebook gives people the power to share. Coy, who has also been divorced from his wife, is reportedly looking into the prospect of starting a new church again despite the controversy. Many of the Bobbleheads are imputing motive, spiritual condition, and knowledge of the secret sins of those who object to Bobs infidelity. .As well as dcf reports on her. My walk with God is mine alone and that is why, respectfully, its none of your business. Too much too soon. The things I did before coming to Christ came naturally and I had no problem doing them. he separates the sheep and the goats 3.) Leaders who fall into sexual sin are generally never the same once the sin exposed, even when repentance and remorse is demonstrated. Someone needs to tell so many of the poor men with ordinary jobs I have known throughout life who cheated anyways that they were breaking a stereotype. Ill say the amen. Vince hated that Sharon wasnt thinking about them, but he couldnt stop thinking about them. No thanks. Coy says he was never approached by the police about the allegations. I have visited Potential Church and Church by the Glades and they fall under the seeker resurrgence apostasy movement, watered down gospel, entertainment, FALSE church. Donnyplease clean it up. Things like not drinking beer or lusting after women. They too should hear, hey, we all sin, we all slip up. We made a covenant, a lifelong commitment, so we both choose to honor each other and grow old together, day by day, raise a family and, some day, have our children bury us. Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? Then she drew a stick figure lying in the road. Sharon Leone (Diane Farr) is Vinces wife and the Chief of Division 1501 on the CBS original drama, Fire Country. These pastors are lifted up and deified and made into celebrities, so then it becomes Bob Coys church Raul Riess church Greg Lauries church instead of the Church of Jesus Christ, and when these men fall the little gods we had erected fall and then we can hear God say, I am God and I am still on the throne!. I felt that the constant comedy instead of Bible teaching, was the sign that there was always something wrong there. Coy sued Fort Lauderdale in 2003 after the city tried to block Calvary from placing a sign with a Christian message at a Christmas light show. MLD, I would love to meet you someday, as you are the only man I have heard of who does not struggle with this in some way., LOL. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. Remember how many people he has helped. I dont find that in the NT you will need to show me. Youre down to 700; its not like youre bigtime anymore dude. He said Satan was looking to destroy people .he sure did not take his advice.. Coy black balled a number of people who served and now he is going to know what being black balled is all about..karma comes back on him.. @ Hugh Flynn. Check out the evidence here:, bob wrote: And if thats not enough proof that hes getting rich off Jesus. The detective told her that he couldn't destroy the files, but he closed the case that day. She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. I hope Joe Focht can get her story and reconsider the Moses Model and other vision casters in his region. Andy, your gravitar is a New Age symbol (Ill bet you did not know that) so what does that say about your comments? Just my two cents. MLD, I do believe that satan is bound with a chain of some sort. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? If they see him relinquish controlsubmit to leadership he disagrees with, defers his influence to other more healthy leaders etc etc. That is just ridiculous. Ive never been married. Unfortunately, Bob Coy like thousands of ministers and leaders throughout the ages before him, thought that the means and process and seeming results justified the end. I wish I could be more positive, but we are living in the last days when there will be a great falling away from the faith, which the Lord has prepared us to expect before He returns. Is all sin equal to God? You, on the other hand, seem to have difficulty. I do not have an exact timeline for when the board fired Coy, but they are the ones who have chosen to not speak to the situation yet. I will remember next time. Answer truthfully now! "If you're foolish enough to go through with this story it would hurt a lot of people," he added, refusing to provide more details about the scandal. We must forgive himit could happen to anyone and remember to watch your words,,,,,,dont ever say you would never do itbecause those who say it..always seem to fall in the area they say they would never God Bless Diane.the children and Pastor Bob and all the Calvary Ft. Lauderdale Families and everyone he affected.. That would include the pornography stars. Coy then moved to an even more debauched scene: Las Vegas. And much of that strength came from the wondrous friends and counselors he put in my path such as Michael, your support and the support of so many on PP. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. His fame went to his head. Lets not forget that we are all susceptible to sin and God can heal broken hearts., Ok, Ill just vent then. "People were really, really hurt," says Colleen Healy, a Broward resident who began following Coy in 1995. Whenever we see something like that on a show like this, it causes us to get concerned. Two of my three children still struggle with doubt in their faith and I can not believe our experience didnt have something to do with it.
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